Howard Pittman PART 2 | Insights After a Near Death Experience
Here are some of the segments from our interview with Howard Pittman that were not included in part 1. Howard had so many powerful revelations that he learned from his near death experience, and the work that The Lord did in his life after that experience. It was really insightful to sit with Howard, near the end of his life, after all he did to run his race, and hear these truths explained so clearly. Enjoy!
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00:00 – Intro
00:44 – Good Works
02:37 – The Wheat & Tares
06:41 – The Frog-like Spirit
09:44 – The True Baptism of the Holy Spirit
10:40 – Angels Unawares
15:42 – Jesus Knows What We Are
16:45 – Examine Your Own Life
17:50 – Closing
#NDE #neardeathexperience #heaven #hell #God #Jesus #satan #spirituality #spiritual #angels #demons #HowardPittman #PreacherDies #afterDeath
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8 months agoThank you everyone for watching these interviews with Howard Pittman! Mr. Pittman's story is so timely, and helps us understand some of the turbulence we see in our world on a deeper level, as we consider the spiritual forces at work behind the scenes. Learn even more about this, and the days we are living in here:
8 months agoIf a third of all dogs had killed thousands of humans, I would have nothing to do with dogs. Angels are the same. Just a matter of time before the other two thirds turn on us. They can't be trusted.
8 months agoYou mean to tell me he had a NDE & still believes in This religion BS!!!
8 months agoI had an experience with God and angels in Sept of 2010. I was driving on I75 through N Detroit and it was raining. My Jeep hydroplaned and it was totalled as it smashed off the concrete median and bounced twice,. Ended up back 4 lanes over to the right shoulder of the road perfectly parallel with the highway which if you saw the condition of the vehicle would have been absolutely impossible to drive it. The air bag had gone off when I hit the median and hit me so hard I blacked out so there was no way I was even able to drive the car back to the shoulder of the road. I was the only one in the vehicle, and no, I didn't hit anyone else which was also a miracle. The suspension was destroyed, wheels turned right angles to the car. Many people stopped and got out and asked if I was ok, which I was. I had my seatbelt on of course also. I had to wait 2 hours for a towtruck, but the point of the story is that God protected me and either He or His angels moved my car safely off the road. It was nothing but a miracle from the Lord.
8 months agoThe true baptism in the Holy Spirit looks nothing at all like tribulation! What he mentions is one fruit of the spirit, peace. However the true baptism of the Holy Spirit brings one into kingdom power and inheritance! It's a full transaction and manifestation of God!
8 months ago(Wheat and Tares) 2:30 The process of being born again.
6:41 Frog like spirits came out of the beast Rev 16 Three unclean spirits came out of the mouth of the beast
Get his book "Placebo".
We need to be real "Walk your talk". No matter what we say or what we do Jesus knows who we are.
8 months agoThese people on acid
8 months agoThere's a new movement where people think they are angels in human bodies. If you were born from a woman you are human. Angels were created fully grown.
8 months agoI see me exposing your Balony you removed what I said. Lol hell is eternal, Jesus said my sheep hear my voice why didn't this man hear his voice, he's not of God's fold.
8 months agoRead the Kjv bible only(!!!!) Matthew 5 :48 Jesus said Ne ye Perfect even as Iam Perfect. And Romans Chapter 8, there is therefore NO condemnation to those , that walk in My Spirit
8 months agoWhile in the Military, stationed in Southern California, I was waiting outside a Western Union station, as I was having money wired to me from my savings account back home.
While standing there, I was approached by an Elderly lady that stopped and began to talk with me.
I'm not sure how exactly our conversation was steered into what she began to tell me, totally out of the Blue, and having never seen this woman before, or after, but it seemed it was supposed to happen as it was.
I have to say this was somewhere in the late 1970's, ancient history for some I'm sure, but important because this was before there was ever talk of even AIDS, or HIV, and for those that remember, before people learned of Rock Hudson an Actor, being Gay and ultimately dying of AIDS !
Anyway, this lady began to talk about the people in Hollywood, and how they even had their own religion !
Much later in Life, I began to hear of the,
Church of Scientology !
Looking back, I seen this conversation, as more of a warning !
And it was never clear to me, why this lady chose to tell me these things ?
I was simply trying to be respectful to an Elderly person, while waiting for my money !
But later after reading Hebrews 13:2, where it says, "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares", that I wondered if in fact this lady was just that ?
As I stated earlier, I never saw this person again, even though I was in this small Beach Town frequently !
I'm sure I have forgotten much of the details to our meeting, as it has been at least some 44 years ago !
But after watching this, thought I would share what I believe might have been my brush with an Angel ?
8 months agoHas anyone ever noticed how Bible tracts beat up our fellow Catholic Christians? wheat and tares
8 months agoVery blessed god bless
8 months agoThis is interesting…why only Americans see angels …..
8 months agoWhen I was about 10 years old I was in a horrific car accident with my brother and sister and my mother was driving. It was a rainy day in FL and we just left my grandparents headed home to ATL. My grandfather prayed over us before we hit the road as he always did. He prayed specifically for our protection. Not 30 minutes into the drive, we were on the Florida turnpike when a semi truck pulled out to cross the median heading the opposite direction and blocked the whole road when he did. My mom tried to stop in time but we slid for what felt like a mile in slow motion and we drove straight under the trailer. My sister cut her head open very badly, my mom broke bones and had shattered glass all in her face, my brother and I didn’t have a scratch on us. We were rushed to the hospital, my mother and sister in the ER. I remember being in the waiting room at the hospital with my grandparents, a total mess and I looked up to see a very peaceful woman making eye contact walking towards me from a good distance outside the hospital doors. She walked straight to me, didn’t take her eyes off me or seem to acknowledge anyone else around. She came over to me and gave me a hug and said everything will be okay and my family will be fine and that God was with us. I felt instantly calm from her words and presence. She then turned, and walked straight out the door she came in, again not acknowledging anyone else. She was right, we were all okay and there were miracles all over that situation. My mom later had to go back to her totaled car for personal belongings and she could not even sit in the drivers seat the roof was so crushed. How we all walked away from that is nothing short of a miracle from God. It’s been 30 years and I still think of this lady often and truly believe she was an angel. I told my sister about her years later and she told me something she saw while being operated on. She said she kept trying to open her eyes and every time she did all she could see was “JC” in bright lights which she instantly thought was for Jesus Christ and felt immediate peace. God really saved us that day!
8 months agoFrogs? Bufo al various ? Dmt the third eye?
8 months agoFalse. The knowledge of God is in Scripture, not in some kind of hallucination. These "powerful revelations" people claim to have had are nothing more than the powerful hallucinations of the onset of Schizophrenia. The symptoms are the same. Tampering with Holy Scripture in order to change God's Word by soothsaying perfectly fits the warning and curses which follow Rev.22:18,19. Such also fits the passage of Mt.24:24. What better way is there for Satan to get his anti-christ anti-gospel messages across than to manipulate unbelievers, 2Tim.2:26, using them to broadcast false doctrine from him through social media? Isn't this world flooded with false Christs and false gospels right now as we speak? Mental illness is yet another tool in Satan's armory of lies.
8 months agoI can't find a 2nd heaven in the Bible. Luke 16, And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that they who would pass from here to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from there.’
8 months agoAs an author, I'm fascinated that perhaps an angel typed his manuscript!
8 months agoI had purchased a lawnmower online and I had to go to a town I NEVER go to in order to pick it up from Lowes. I went to a gas station to get diesel in my Jeep and this man approached me and asked if he could lay his hand on me and bless me in Jesus name. He did. He said a prayer/blessing over me. He was a complete stranger but something inside told me that he wasn’t human but of God.
8 months agoOne Must Be Reborn of the Holy Spirit. Live a New Holy Life. Carry Your Cross in Service. Obey the Commandments. Theres alot more than the once saved always saved doctrine of falsities.
8 months agoAmen!!!
8 months agoAngels disguised as humans? You ppl will literally believe anything so as long as someone adds “god” to it. Hilariously sick actually.
8 months agoI feel like God stopped answering my prayers a long time ago. I used to feel a greater connection to God but politics has gotten in the way in that I see people who claim to be deeply religious and loving throwing their support behind a man who is neither.
8 months agoAs they just passed a bill saying the bible is antisemitic. They are planning on removing certain scripture that show Jews in a bad light. Lord help us
8 months agoFanatical at its finest. sad.
8 months agoWHATT ?????????????????????????????????????????????
8 months agoDoesn't line up with the Bible, read your Bible people please! Try every spirit to make certain it's of the True God the creator God, how do you do that you ask The Bible The Scriptures and if your truly born again you have the indewlling of the Holy Spirit!!!
8 months agoBible Code Morality❤
8 months agoKeep the WORD 🙏🇮🇳❤
8 months agoYou know what came to my mind when Matthew 7:22 was brought up was that there are leaders in the church right now who think they are doing Gods work and because they are casting out demons and possibly doing many good works of God we follow them and pay heed to their teachings when they themselves are mislead and are then misleading others. I think our only defense is our bibles and deep study ourselves to see if the teaching match up to Gods instructions.