Near Death Experience (NDE) Showed No Religion & No Hell | Nanci L. Danison
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Nanci L. Danison is a retired attorney and current spiritual author who has written 5 books on her near death experiences (NDE) and the information she received in the afterlife. Nanci holds a Bachelor of Science degree with a double major in biology (anatomy & physiology) and chemistry, a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology, and a doctorate in jurisprudence.
She has also had 3 NDE-OOB experiences during which she got out of her body in hospitals during surgery or when very close to death. Nanci has had what she calls 2 “pop-in” NDEs, where I popped into the afterlife for a particular purpose while still alive. During one, I had a life review. During the other, she received a huge download of information about everything that has ever been written in Earth’s history.
Lastly, she was privileged to share her mother’s out-of-body adventure and death via an empathic NDE. For a number of years, Nanci was the group leader of Central Ohio IANDS (International Association for Near-Death Studies), a chapter she founded. She has spoken at an IANDS Conference and various IANDS chapter group meetings over the years.
Please enjoy my conversation with Nanci L. Danison.
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The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Next Level Soul, it’s subsidiaries or any entities they represent.
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Next Level Soul Podcast
2 years agoWatch this FREE NDE Course: Discover The Transformative Power Of Near-Death Experiences
Laban Donald Hock
2 years agoThis is really a very good expression, many will resonate naturally with this.
Laban Donald Hock
2 years agoThis has been superb. This lady is dead on the facts!! Thank you for this.!!!!
John E Pizzini
2 years agoLucille Ball was one of the producers of Star Trek.
Susan Arrington
2 years agoOnly fools believe strangers….without faith you are lost forever
Amir Perry
2 years agoThis was really fascinating to watch. I learned so much and it reaffirmed a lot of things I've come to believe thru my research.
Tamara Terry Music
2 years ago❤ I bought all her books and they are fabulous
2 years agoThis was beautiful! She’s beautiful! She’s so loving and sweet that it just hits you right in the soul when she’s talking. Thank you Nanci. ❤
Stephen Munsil
2 years ago😊 peace unconditional love.
Heather Baldwin
2 years agoCan't get into this one
john bell
2 years agoThey didn't create jesus though he was a real historical character who was crucified
brixz erdnoS
2 years agowaht asbout all the other near death experiences
Robert Jourdain
2 years agoShe's right.
Glade Loy
2 years agoit seems that I have ALWAYS known monad theory ever since I can remember & felt it was correct. there only the ONE ! all other numbers are but a fraction of the ONE ! it is still a singularity. all things in the Omniverse(s) are interconnected !
jim carrington
2 years agoIt sure sounds like this ex-lawyer just makes all this up as she goes.
Glade Loy
2 years agosooo … Source has multiple personality disorder ?
Glade Loy
2 years agobut who dreams the dreamer ?
Susan Arrington
2 years agoBoy are some people in for a surprise when they die! Some really crazy things here! People believe anything! All will be revealed when you die!
The Deaf Cattle Dog
2 years agoBut you missed asking the most important question- what created Source?
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only moved around.
2 years agoVery good!
Steven Andre- Bible Believer
2 years agoTotal charlatan. She’s obviously here to sell books and apparently, judging by the comments, she sells quite a few of them. The Lord God almighty bless her nevertheless but stay away from demagogues.