Would you like hear from more Near Death Experiencers? FIND ALL “BEYOND with HEATHER TESCH” PODCAST VIDEOS at: For six minutes Wisconsin husband, farmer, and writer Philip Hasheider was dead. He met all the requirements: heart not beating, lungs no longer breathing, skin an ashen-color turning blue. He was lifeless, flat on the floor. This extraordinary story of his Near Death Experience (NDE) is about the events on an early October morning leading to his sudden cardiac death and what he experienced during that time away from his body. Through no request or fault of his own, he had suddenly,......
More about Ishtar below. Hear more Near Death Experiences all in one place. FIND ALL “BEYOND with HEATHER TESCH” PODCAST VIDEOS at: At age 13, Ishtar was in a car accident. His mother was killed, and he experienced an Near Death Experience (NDE) - surprisingly the NDE occurred before the impact of the accident. This and other childhood mystical experiences propelled Ishtar on a spiritual path. Today Ishtar is a meditation teacher, monk, gardener, intuitive, and writer. He serves as a guide on the path, helping people recognize Awareness and relax into the Wholeness that is already here. He also......
It’s nature’s law that everything that is born, will die someday. But is death the most ultimate reality of every living thing on this planet? Or is there life after death too? Desi Crime Stories: The Dark Side: No Wrong Answers: Growth Mindset: Mysteries & Interesting Facts: Love & Sex Education: Career & Business: Fit Body & Healthy mind: Financial Education: हमें support और follow करे: BigBrainco. Shorts: INSTAGRAM: TELEGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: LINKEDIN: #bigbrainco #afterlife #lifeanddeath ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BigBrainco. is here to be your one stop destination for all the skills you need to survive in the 21st century. This channel......
Here are some of the segments from our interview with Howard Pittman that were not included in part 1. Howard had so many powerful revelations that he learned from his near death experience, and the work that The Lord did in his life after that experience. It was really insightful to sit with Howard, near the end of his life, after all he did to run his race, and hear these truths explained so clearly. Enjoy! To get more content like this, please visit Chapters: 00:00 - Intro 00:44 - Good Works 02:37 - The Wheat & Tares 06:41 -......
Engineer Dies & Fights off Demons from Hell and Jesus asks him the Ultimate Question - Karl's Testimony #supernatural #afterdeath #afterlife #jesus #vision #jesussaves #nde Karl Falken spent years as a devout church going man. One winter night, he had a scary accident which took his life. In a critical moment, he had an encounter that would change the trajectory of not only his life, but his way of thinking. Demons and Jesus showed up, and what happens next all hinged on what he was told years ago by a "Jesus guy". Find out how he slayed the demons and......
Andy Petro drowned in a lake for 15 minutes two days before his high school graduation in 1955. As he jumped in the lake that day the water was freezing cold, he struggled to swim out to his friends who were on a floating platform waving at him. After a few minutes he started feeling cramps in his lower abdomen and drowned. While he was at the bottom of the lake he heard a voice telling him to just let go. When he listened, suddenly he was no longer cold or in pain. He looked back and saw his body......
I Asked Jesus About UFO's & Parallel Universes | Near Death Experience NDE Today we hear from Evelyn. In this well recounted experience she shares of the circumstances leading up to her clinical death and the experiences she had, including an encounter with, the "custodian of the Earth", Christ. ****** MUSIC: Licensed Through StoryBlocks (Constellation) VIDEO CLIPS: Licensed Through StoryBlocks Narrated By: Ace Kusama Media ****** Portions of This Video Are Adapted & Inspired (Under Fair Use "Transformative, Creative & Unique/Original Commentary) #nde #neardeathexperience #neardeathexperiences ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This channel features real documented near death experiences (NDE's). We collect numerous testimonies of......
Anita Moorjani (born Anita Shamdasani) (born 16 March 1959) is the author of the New York Times bestseller Dying to be Me. After she got diagnosed with stage 1A Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2002 and subsequently rejected conventional treatment, Moorjani was taken to a hospital in 2006 where she lay in a coma for 30 hours, during which Moorjani claims to have undergone a Near Death Experience (NDE) Moorjani was born to Indian parents Hargobind (father) and Neelu (mother) Shamdasani in Singapore. Shortly after her birth, her family moved to Sri Lanka, and then at age two, moved to Hong Kong,......
Experiences After Death मरने के बाद के कुछ अनुभव #SanjivMaliek #SanjivMalik #SanjivMaliekMotivation #SanjivMaliekPastlife ---------------------------------------------- 👉Courses Offered: 👉Third Eye Activation, Yog Samadhi, Reiki Level 1 to Grand Master, Lama Fera, 👉Hypnotherapy Certification Course, 👉Angel Therapy, Crystal Therapy, NLP Practitioner, Garbh Sanskar, 📞 Call for Appointment/Courses: 9350884041, 9821743552, 9821764952, 8448800151, 8595623870, 📞Complaint/Suggestions Number: 8920290434 (Rahul) 📞 WhatsApp: 7678665630 👉Email: mindguruindia@gmail.com 📞Our Free Counselling Service, Call or Whatsapp: 8368462948 (Ruhani will help you) 👉Our Books on Amazon 👉Our Product website: ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 🙏🏻🌷Post a review to our profile. 🙏🏻🌷Our Telegram Broadcast List इसमें आपको हमारे सभी programs की जानकारी मिलेगी ► Like our......
What happens after we die? Is there life after death? This video will explore the different theories and beliefs about life after death, from near-death experiences to reincarnation. We will also discuss the scientific evidence for and against the existence of an afterlife. Tags: Life after death Near-death experience Reincarnation Afterlife Heaven Hell Spiritualism Religion Science Evidence for life after death Evidence against life after death What happens after we die Beliefs about life after death Say Hai to me Here:: Instagram: Business Enquiries: afworldofficial@gmail.com My Gadgets: mic: Rode wireless go: Amazon: Flipkart: Tripod: Simpex 2400 Amazon: Flipkart: Camera: Canon......