Home > spiritual, Spiritual Herbs, Video > Ep. 226: Dealing with FRUSTRATION

Ep. 226: Dealing with FRUSTRATION

May 2023 17

Ever had circumstances that made you feel frustrated? Like, maybe the number on the scale went up? You got cut off in traffic? Or maybe the fact that the dishwasher wasn’t emptied when it was supposed to be? Yes, yes and yes! 🙋‍♀️

My friends, today’s episode of the podcast is a revealing🔎 look at all things “frustration.” We’re chatting about:

👉 The blame game
👉 “Butt” feelings
👉 Arguing with reality
👉 Toddlers throwing tantrums
And much more!

Plus I’m sharing practical tools you can use to manage frustration in your own life. Ready to dive🤿 in? Let’s GO!

(Don’t wanna listen? Access the transcript here:

NOTE: ’s Book Club pick for March is “Hormonal” by Eleanor Morgan. First-time Chirp Audiobooks users can get $5 off any purchase by using the code PAHLA5. Find this book, Follow the Book Club and see other books we’ve read here:
(Even previous Chirp users can snag this title at a steep discount for a limited time!)
Canadian friends: this book is available on Chirp in Canada too!
REGISTER for this month’s LIVE Book Club event on TUESDAY, March 22 at 1:00 pm PDT, here:

The Self- Model by Brooke Castillo

Ep. 032: How to CHANGE

Ep. 089: Mind MANAGEMENT


Find the latest episode of Q+A Friday on SoundCloud, iTunes, Spotify, or anywhere you listen to podcasts!

Ep. 008: GOAL Language

Ep. 024: The Big “BUT”

Join the Get Your GOAL + Accountability Facebook group:

Have friends who deal with frustration? SHARE this video! 💛


The Podcast is where we chat about positive habits, fitness mindset, , , your healthy journey, , training and SO much more. Join – fitness mindset mentor, coach and exercise expert – every Sunday for new episodes.

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--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/ep-226-dealing-with-frustration/


  1. #1

    Love this podcast. Now when I get frustrated with a project I’m working on, I can instead think “OK, that didn’t go as planned. Let me try something else.”

  2. #2

    How about “so happy you’re here” 🙂

  3. #3

    My hubby told me he did enough dishes growing up , no matter how hard I nagged and begged he doesn't do dishes . so I stopped nagging him. I like being a housewife so I do them. Trying to motivate my oldest to get off his butt and find a job and learn to drive, so I'm dealing with that. Any way. I take it one day at a time with my weight and that really has helped in the past 3 months. Thnjs for the podcasts !

  4. #4

    So my passive-aggressive comment was “somebody….(telling what they did). We all now use this as a family and laugh about it so it no longer has the same meaning.

  5. #5

    Lot's of folks are giving very similar advice and explanations around this same topic … here it comes …. "But" and this is a good use of the word "But" …. the way you personalize your podcast topics and bring in humor, really hits the bullseye for me!!! I just want to thank you, with joy and appreciation. Hugs!!

  6. #6

    Something about "connecting" with you or us? I really liked this podcast even though we don't have a dishwasher 🙂

  7. #7

    A lot of what you have said reminded me of one of the absolute best books I have ever read in the self-help (I guess?) genre – Marshall Rosenberg – Nonviolent Communication. It really addresses how I regard the things that happen (and have happened) in my life and my responsibility for that thought.
    Thank you SO much, Miss B!

  8. #8

    Say, "good to be here with you"!

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