Home > spiritual, Spiritual Herbs, Video > SPIRITUALITY AND BLACK METAL?


Dec 2024 20

As a person who lives in the northern region of , , I feel the landscape is perfectly in tune and is the main character, the soul of .
I hope this video may bring insights on what i firmly believe is the behind and how it is strongly related to , and Witchcraft.

All my love


--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/spirituality-and-black-metal/


  1. #1

    Death and Thrash as well from my view! Though in the late 80s and early 90s when i started listening to Metal it was all basically under the same name. Awesome that you accept this. You are only one that is open enough to see it. Skal to you and yours,

  2. #2

    I tune my guitars to 444hz and the sound is even more chilling, though it is the tuning of David crosstians say. I can recommend the Belgium Wiegedood. The Dutch Bloedmaan, Helleruin. From the USA Akhlys (Blackened Blackmetal)

  3. #3

    Had to hit some Dimmu Borger after your gloves. But man do I got a thing for Satyricon!

  4. #4

    "absolute inwardness turned outward"… perfect description

    Black Metal is The Soul Music of Northern Europeans. If I’m not mistaken, Abbath is Saami.

  5. #5

    Wow I know some witches that told me metal can't go with witchcraft but you just got me a way to show them wrong thanks so much so much love for you and your craft I look up to you ❤️

  6. #6

    THE BEST VIDEO ON YOUTUBE. Thank you Freyia! I've been a long time fan; this topic is so appreciated. EPIC.

  7. #7

    I don't know if it's me that likes black metal or if I had a dark portal. For me, it's meant a release from false positivity that's found in the new age movement and the first step on the journey to the ugly truth beneath liars such as that. In short, authenticity. But not everything is dark and bad.
    I want to find genuine lightness.

    Black metal corresponds to winter and dark and rest to me.
    Which also corresponds to a truth beneath, which is related to the word "occult" which means "hidden knowledge".
    However, light, illuminates and cradles the healed self that is found by enduring the cold and dark parts of our mind.
    Dark in this sense isn't usually scary, though it can be, but it's a place of rest.
    Silver glow of the emotional intuitive life of the moon, cool snow to reduce inflammation in both the mental and physical body.
    But, I don't want to live there for ver, since too much reflection and coldness creates sadness….
    I've found that lately it takes me to a place I don't want to go anymore, in relation to that.

    Black metal is the screams of the burned witches.
    It is the screams of a depressed over worked man who can't talk about his feelings.
    It is the voice of the soul, a restless desperate soul begging for release.
    This brings thoughts of death, of the ultimate growth and finding truths in the other side.
    However an early death is a tragedy, that's why the light balances this, and is just as important.
    The light, juxtaposed to dark's fervent screams, is a quiet peace deep within.
    And eventually, if listened to enough, perhaps a scream of joy will become as possible as a scream of misery.

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    As a non-Scandinavian American who is in awe of the Nordic mythology, Runes and Scandinavian BM, my love for it came about as a natural birth. As a Marine many moons ago, I did cold weather training in a joint NATO operation in the Woods of Norway. I truly believe the spirit of the cold magical forests filled my soul. I didn’t know it at the time, but over the years it began manifesting itself within and without me. And all these years later, here I am.

  11. #11

    Il absolutely love you freyia and Daniel, as a metal musician I agree with you completely, thank you for sharing this, those of us who are metal musicians understand the technical application of our music and it's relationship to our surroundings and nature, and this is what made being a chaos magician, so much fun, using our music and magic to inspire change in our lives, thank you again, you folks are wonderful and Brilliant. 👍🤘

  12. #12
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  14. #14

    This is super interesting to me. My husband is a black metal guitar player 🤘🏼

  15. #15

    Thank you so much for making this video. Such a beautiful way to describe Black Metal. 🖤

  16. #16

    That necromancy you speak of…
    Souls 1500 years dead clawing their way back to life is the rage of black metal…and the passion of heathens.
    Have I told you you are Amazing lately? 🖤🖤🖤

  17. #17

    I had no idea what to expect with this video, but I absolutely enjoyed & appreciated it! In fact, I LOVE IT! Thank you for your beautiful insights! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

  18. #18
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  20. #20

    Hey Freya, I have been wondering for some time about the markings you use on your forehead. Could you comment on those? Thanks! Liz

  21. #21

    Metal brought me to Nordic lore. Nordic Lore brought me here. Tussen takk Freyia 🙂 Take care

  22. #22

    i like black metal

  23. #23

    Black Metal has been a very important part of my spiritual journey, it was through black metal i discovered an alternative to mainstream christianity, it was through black metal i discovered my gods and it was through black metal i learned about gnosticism, i have black metal to thank for opening my eyes to a more fulfilling life.

  24. #24

    Thank you for your view

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