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His Mom Visited Him During His Near-Death Experience- What Happened Next?

Mar 2023 25

On a Saturday morning, James Dee Watson woke up with a severe stomachache that was so bad he had to be taken to the emergency room. Upon arriving at the hospital, tests revealed he had two blood clots in his abdomen that required emergency treatments. During an ultrasound, James experienced something unexplainable when his mother suddenly appeared in order to tell him that “everything would be okay” before disappearing again.

When James returned from his ultrasound, he found out through his wife and niece that his mother had suffered a stroke earlier that morning and sadly passed away shortly afterwards without any brain activity. Despite not being able to attend his mother’s funeral, James believes this visit provided closure while helping him remain strong until full recovery.

This is a powerful about grief and closure which proves the importance of moments and how they can have lasting impacts on our lives. It is a reminder that those who have left us are still with us through these life-changing moments and gives us during our darkest hours. Everyone experiences loss differently but it is important to stay strong and keep during times of hardship.

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--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/his-mom-visited-him-during-his-near-death-experience-what-happened-next/

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  1. #1

    Really a moving story…

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