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The Truth Behind Near-Death Experiences | Sadhguru Answers

Sep 2022 23

speaks about the popular subject of Near-Death Experiences and elucidates on what causes them.

Yogi, mystic and visionary, is a with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.

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  1. #1

    I honestly was on the fence (so to speak) about his teachings… Mainly his integrity… This video pretty much sealed my suspicions 😕 he is flawed, ego driven but kind… He's human

  2. #2

    Charlatan simply, your astral envelope leaves the physical body if there is too much pain to handle. You perceive then the astral world. He has no clue what true spirituality is, this is more materialistic spirituality.

  3. #3

    sadhguru knows how to give chaos statements confidentiality.

  4. #4

    இந்த தாத்தா கு ஒரு அனுபவனும் இல்லை 😈

  5. #5

    Gosh this guy has the answers for everything and nothing. Oh "sand-guru " can you help me to communicate with Moe, Larry and Curley. And for good measure please include Shemp too, be-kawze he's the best and I think they're the best genius gurus of all time.

  6. #6

    I'm surprised that he didn't have atleast one confirming thing to say or knowledge being spiritual and all. But was debunking everything😕

  7. #7

    After watching this…I think I will stop watching his videos from now on..

  8. #8
  9. #9

    Waste of time if you are truly interested in NDE's

  10. #10


  11. #11

    Thank you so much for this video.

  12. #12

    Death is Everyday nothingness light to the world Breath is Death Time waits for no one now Breath 😘😘

  13. #13

    Absolute thought,inner potential is so special,2things,
    U Need to keep it 1)what he saying
    2) how he's saying.
    Completely understand that many people are different from their State of mind set!

  14. #14

    off topic answer👎,no clear answer, he answer around and around without reaching the main question/topic

  15. #15

    Ive had red flag feelings about this guy before (Sadhguru) – not in a bad way, but like he didn't really know or believe in what he was talking about at times. "BS'ing" This vid settles it. He has lost all credibility in my eyes now. How can I know if what he is speaking is from true wisdom, which I believe he has, or is he speaking BS, which he also does.

  16. #16

    he's wrong when he says NDEs are not real. He's not as wise and he seems

  17. #17

    Sadhguru is right about a lot of things, but not this. He's so off.

  18. #18

    I sometimes feel as if Sadhguru addresses to us like we're a bunch of 5 year old lol

  19. #19

    Astal projection

  20. #20

    Sadguru, you don't know what you are talking about. There is an encounter with a benevolent wise being in an NDE, and you didn't even mention that. An encounter with Divinity. Don't dismiss that.

  21. #21

    There is no guru

  22. #22

    I believe this funny old guy knows nothing at all.

  23. #23

    i lose alot in fortnite. i didnt know sadhguru was a gamer!

  24. #24

    if you don't know what your talking about, don't invent just to talk. nothing wrong with saying "i don't know everything. next topic."

  25. #25

    this video needs to be deleted.

  26. #26

    Ask neuroscientist eben Alexander

  27. #27

    This answer is lacking.

  28. #28

    I love sadhguru – but, he is wrong here. I makes me sad, he just make fun it. It’s ignorance.

  29. #29

    He thinks out of body experience is "hollywood "?. Please answer this question Guru.

    People who had OBE said they saw the doctors in another room and when they gained consciousness, they told the docs what they saw and heard and the docs confirmed their claim. This cannot be hallucinations. You can't hallucinate what someone is saying/doing in another part of the hospital than where you are lying on your bed.

  30. #30

    Most NDE I’ve heard of were not in surgery usually part of an accident.

  31. #31

    It's your spirit inside of you that's coming out of your body if you see yourself and doctors in the room around you it's real

  32. #32

    I've never had an NDE, so my understanding compared to experiences is very limited. I'm an American female, born oceans away from India and it's many thousands of years of study regarding the soul, consciousness, and karma. I've only recently begun to try to learn some of the eastern and Hindi philosophies, and I'm COMPLETELY ENTHRALLED! I can't seem to learn enough, fast enough. I know I can't reach enlightenment in this life, but I'm doing my best to make up for the 48 years of lost time during this incarnation!

  33. #33

    Sadhguru has no clue about NDE, so sad he can’t just admit he does not know. It’s a sign of a bad teacher, to speak confidently about something you don’t know. There are many NDE’s that occur outside of hospitals, it is deep and profound. He speaks a lot of words without knowing anything. Why do people listen to this guy? Tune into your own intuition, the true wisdom lives there.

  34. #34

    just shows off that he has knowledge of everything but he is rubbish.

  35. #35

    I believe an "alleged" near death experience is just a dream state since you are not really dead.

  36. #36

    Shabbat Shalom Grandrising

  37. #37

    Just as the rays of the Sun give Light and also life….There’s something to take from the experience of life after death and be brought back somehow!!💕🙏♥️

  38. #38

    It’s called Verified NDE where the are clinically dead but come back and talk about things that happened that they would never know because they were dead
    Instances of things happening in other places or rooms. This is what is happening and this is how it is verified

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