The Truth Behind Near-Death Experiences | Sadhguru Answers
Sep 2022
Sadhguru speaks about the popular subject of Near-Death Experiences and elucidates on what causes them.
Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.
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Mary Ann Pimentel
2 years agoHe knows exactly what an NDE is but does not want to accept that on the other side. It’s always Jesus Christ.
2 years agoThis was a disappointing answer from Sadguru. Maybe because I thought he actually knows more than an average person as many things he said are wise. His opinion on NDEs sounds like an average Earth bound man's opinion but that is fine. It just proves that he is a human being just like the rest of us and he also does not know everything or he may not want to share that knowledge with us. Somehow it is hard to believe that an enlightened person thinks that an OBE is just a Hollywood movie scene. Oh well…
Louise Dean
2 years agoNonsense…this man has no clue what he is talking about…I cant believe people listen to him
2 years agoYeah yeah Sadhguru, you are the only one who can see the after life et knows things, for every other ones it's just hallucinations.
All praise the mighty Sadhguru.
James Vo
2 years agoI don’t think he knows. For those of us who knows, just keep the candle burning. Finish up what you are supposed to do here.
Jenniferg Samuels
2 years agodisappointing …..Sadhguru is not good to disappoint me. How can you be coming out with a book on Death but not really look at NDEs?
Kirsten ray
2 years agoYeah and he doesn’t even address the people who flatline and literally were brain dead verified by doctors and witnesses in a controlled environment- hospital… wtf? And I liked this guy and his words of wisdom but he’s not acknowledging other factors.
And the unexplained OOBE where the persons spirit saw people miles away or saw what their families were doing while dead. He’s acting like he KNOWS and sometimes we don’t know everything. I feel like he’s trying to be all knowing but he isn’t 😂. Come on we just don’t know
2 years agofool, poor man whoever takes you seriously with all this masquerade and ego in your eyes. people sure are naive. God bless them
Trees Vermaas
2 years agoHe's not in a position to make assumptions about NDE'S as he obviously hasn't had the experience of having one himself.
2 years agoThis is just a man. He is not GOD, he does not know EVERYTHING. I hope he does a lot more research before writing his book on death. Still, even with this…he has much to give and offer in the way of wisdom. Scary how many take his words as gospel.
thapelo ditshakane
2 years agoNever been a fan of gurus
2 years agoEvery Atheist, is aware, and fixed science till they are leaving there body, I've been in four comas, one I was poisoned, beaten, Robbed, when I was 5-6, my step father, suffocated me, by putting me in a rear naked and suffocated me, I fought and fought, but I also wonder now, if I died that day, I was given a choice to come back, by a woman, or entities one said take him now, he's going to go to continue too suffer and I have but I told the Lady of light that I have to go back and save my mom, then I was in a coma at 19, 90 xanex fifth of vodka, and a gram of coke, I hit the floor and I dont remember shit, my other coma after overdose I was Lowered into the grown, the tunnel and f light was crazy there is an after life and it's not what we think
Ciaran Byrne
2 years agoThis is a lame answer to the question about of Near Death Experiences.
Maria Fortuna
2 years agoIt’s obviously he knows nothing about this. He just likes to flap his jaw without actually saying anything of value. He’s a total fake. An entertainer. Who could ever take him seriously!
Na Barcheto
2 years agoWhere is the "users's manual"? Where can I read it?
Sylvie and Cookie
2 years agoNDE is not almost dying experiences, it is also dying with no heart bit for 20, 11, 7 whatever the length minutes and coming back.
Those are fantastic experiences recounted by thousands human beings over the planets.
Not sure I understand what this man was referring to. It sounded rather off. I felt a certain arrogance in his ways that is a complete turn off.
Michael Donofrio
2 years agoHe is mildly entertaining but muddled, and confuses and mixes distinct issues. His clothing and accent give him the aura of great wisdom. I beg to differ.
2 years agoHe may be wise concerning many things he has experienced in his life but like the rest of us there are many things he is ignorant about. He is human with his own opinions, not some omniscient demigod. Learn from everyone but follow nobody.
log inmisc
2 years agoHere Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev @ nearly 5.28 onwards: ‘if you point a gun to somebody’s head and miss the shot… they almost died…, near death experience…. Hollywood*’. What you mean is all such are fake. Then what do you describe of someone who is terminally ill naturally (i.e. without a gun shot or stab etc.) and comes back to life (say Anita Moorjani)? Doctors/Surgeons were surprised! Seems there are a few/many cases similar to Anita’s account.
Don’t say you know all. If anyone doesn’t know something, let him/her confess the lack of knowledge abt. it.
Having said the above, I would like to quote another ‘know all attitude’ of yours. You commented on economic matters in another interview/meeting and you meant capitalism is excellent; socialism encourages inefficiency, etc. If you have any logic, explain how the richest person is entitled to bag billions of money. Also explain: In the creation, how can one be poor, handicapped (physically or mentally), while another is rich, happy etc.? Why is A abler than B? How can one animal or butcher kill/torture another creature? These are only some of the worst things that are happening in the world, there are many more examples. How can evil exist in the Creation/World? Why are all not equal?
My mail ID: miscellanylogin at gmail dot com
*not an exact reproduction of what Vasudev ji has said, but summary of it.
Richard Broski
2 years agoI have always found Sadhguru to being a charlatan. After watching this video, nothing has changed. NDE's are real and medically proven at this point, this charlatan is evading the actual question and talking out of his ass, as usual.
2 years agoRELIGION AND NEAR-DEATH… Psychologists who reviewed a range of Phenomena such as Out-of-Body Experiences, Visions of Tunnels of Light or Encounters with Dead Relatives, say they are Tricks of the Mind rather than a Glimpse of the Afterlife. Researchers at the Universities of Edinburgh and Cambridge say that Most of the Experiences can be Explained by a Reaction in the Brain Prompted by a Traumatic and sometimes Harmless Event. The Researchers say that many common Near-Death Experiences are the brain’s Attempt to make Sense of Unusual Sensations and Perceptions Occurring During a Traumatic Event. Out-of-Body Experiences, for example, Happen when there is a Breakdown in the Brain’s Multi-Sensory Processes, and Visions of Tunnels and Bright Lights stem from a Breakdown in the Brain’s Visual System caused by Oxygen Deprivation. The new study also points to the Effects of Noradrenaline, a Hormone released by the Mid-Brain which, when Triggered, may Evoke Positive Emotions, Hallucinations and other Features of the Near-Death Experience. Our brains are flooded with a hallucinogenic, DMT, as we approach the moment of Death. DMT Is a psychedelic chemical our brains produced naturally. So just a small hit to the brain-produced DMT could make our final minutes on Earth a psychedelic adventure. Science uses DMT to produce the same kind of Near-Death Experiences as people have reported. The Scientific Evidence suggests that all Aspects of the Near-Death Experience have a “Biological Basis”. Science has proven Religion and its Teachings to be Wrong and Out Dated. From the Earth being the center of the universe, Earth being Flat, Exorcisms, Salem Witches, and the list Go's on and on. As time moves forward Science continues to Prove that Ancient Teachings are Misinterpreted, and Not True.
B. Lenz
2 years ago🤣 Yes, that's the truth, for sure. O how blessed we are with that all-wise Sad Guru! Guess, he's taken the wrong pill for this lecture.
twinkle twin
2 years agoThis guy is full of nonsense every time he talks. Go away already
2 years agohe clearly knows nothing about NDEs, he is a snake oil salesman
kyle gebre
2 years agoHe’s not Jesus, how would he know, what’s to come. He had a spiritual experience and that’s all he talks about. People praise and worship him. His words are spoken as a False Prophet or Teacher. Completely sad, being I used to speak highly of him especially in my younger days.
Peter Basumatary
2 years agoHe is explaining through his finite knowledge and some short of his experience on Astral projection, he has no idea on NDE
Yannick Beaupre
2 years agoAsk him a question and he comes back with metaphore. This man is very intelligent but intelligence does not bring wisdom. Whatever he look's like
Marianne Hettinger
2 years agoI was 13 years old, when, during a horrific car crash, I left my body. It was not induced out of fear of death- it happened too quickly and I had never watched any Hollywood movies (as Sadhguru talks about). So this was pure experience. I remembered what was my real home during it. It sure didn't feel like a hallucination but more real than this life. And so safe and beautiful. I became aware that being on this earth is only a fleeting experience.
2 years agoOf course they have a guru talking crap out NDE’s. You can’t tell me it’s not real. It’s real to a great many people, all very similar stories.
John Gatti
2 years agoThis guy is a con artist who's out for money. He knows shit about anything
Alice Arcturus
2 years agoI am old and not sophisticated but I can't get any useful information from this man. He knows how to talk without saying much. To discount NDEs and talk like a materialist is just weird for a guru.
Marianne Ali
2 years agoDear Sir…if you do not know….confess it for the Sake of Thruth
Jyotirvid Pawan
2 years agoNever expect a reasonable answer from him about death and after death and NDE experience. He does not know and beats about the bush and even complicates
matters. He is a philosopher and not a spiritual person. Watch my video for right answer. Jyotirvid Pawan
Billy Brian
2 years agoClearly he's never read any of the literature on the subjects of NDE's or OBE's. He seems totally unfamiliar with even the basic aspects of these phenomena. In that case he should just say "I don't know". I would listen to accounts of people who have actually experienced an NDE rather than this guy who obviously has little knowledge of the subject.
maksim bond
2 years agoMaybe if he has one he will think differently