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SOCIETY & CULTURE – Cults – E2: “The Manson Family” Pt. 2 – Charles Manson

Apr 2024 07

& – E2: “The Manson Family” Pt. 2 – Charles Manson

Before, during, and after the Manson Family Murders, Charles Manson used psychological warfare to control his “Family”. But who was drawn into this “Family” and how? and explore several of Manson’s techniques, including mystical manipulation, group LSD trips, and the way Manson would break members down psychologically until they were terrified of leaving–so terrified, they would commit murder to stay in Manson’s good graces.

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. are associated with all of these. But what really goes on inside a cult? More specifically, what goes on inside the minds of people who join and leaders who start them? Every Tuesday, and (co-hosts of the podcast Serial Killers) explore the history and psychology behind the most notorious cults. Cults is part of the Parcast Network and is a Cutler Media production.


--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/society-culture-cults-e2-the-manson-family-pt-2-charles-manson/


  1. #1

    Estád atentos y Velad, lo que digo a todos lo digo.

  2. #2

    There's a lot of people who won't call the Manson group a cult because of its ad hoc nature. And even though they played with a lot of religious ideas, it was more of a social thing rather than religious. And it had a very loose structure as compared to the strict structure of most cults. They kind of made it up as they went along. And Manson was only a cult leader in a very loose kind of way. To me they were almost worse than a typical cult, but maybe it's not accurate to label them a cult.

  3. #3

    Way to go not doing any research and just taking every word that Vincent bugliosi wrote as the gospel truth

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