Home > Lost Souls > He Was Flying Through Love During His Near Death Experience

He Was Flying Through Love During His Near Death Experience

Mar 2023 16

Near-death experience guest #726 is Jacob King, who during his experience, encountered who taught him some valuable things about who we are, who is, and how to experience Love.

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does not endorse any of his guests’ products or services. The opinions of the guests may or may not reflect the opinions of the host.


--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/he-was-flying-through-love-during-his-near-death-experience/


  1. #1

    Flying thru LOVE. WHAT A MAGNIFICENT GOD! 🥰💖♥️💞💖♥️

  2. #2

    Very well spoken and informative! Thank you for sharing this experience!!!! God Bless you both!!

  3. #3

    Thank you ❤

  4. #4

    Even though you say God transcends the sexes but you still talk about God as if he was a man and not a woman. 🤔✌🏻

  5. #5

    This is such an amazing interview ❤️

  6. #6

    What a beautiful description of this NDE journey 💕🫶🙌 thank you for sharing and helping those who are lost in drugs. I lost my 24 year old daughter on 2/2/21 she was in drugs committed suicide. You have a very important mission God bless 🙏😊

  7. #7

    This was beautiful I'm struggling with drugs at the moment i work and everything but i feel alone sometimes I just want to say this gave me a different perspective on life i know i can change too i don't need to have a nde to change but everyone has there own path

  8. #8

    Beautiful men… Beautiful story… X

  9. #9

    Respectfully, us being God is not the truth. We are NOT God. God is one creator. He is infinite, eternal, and we cannot comprehend the way He works, thinks, and acts. We are a creation with a definite beginning and an end. Our souls were created. God cannot be created because He is a Creator that lives outside of time and in eternity! If you mean to say that we come from God, that is the truth. He gave us his image to bear, when you look at others you are seeing His image. The oldest lie in the book is that we would be like gods, knowing good and evil. We are not even gods with a little ‘g’ there are spirits, demons, fallen angels that know way more than you about the spirit realm, and will happily deceive you to get you away from the truth- and the truth is the true God.
    Demons, fallen angels are jealous of some things that you have- 1) the image of God, 2) forgiveness from God.
    Fallen angels can deceive you with visions that look like the light but they will lead you to spiritual futility and eventually spiritual death. Seek truth from God and God only! God is the only source of truth and He took me away from the new age and all this deception I use to watch. He lead me to Jesus Christ. For the sake of your souls’ eternity- seek the truth and don’t stop until you have heard from God. Jesus Christ is undeniably the truth, the only God who speaks to me, has healed my trauma, and given me a new identity through the Holy Spirit to walk in the light of His ways!
    It is not religion, it’s a living, breathing faith from a living and all powerful God. Seek Him! Call out to Him and He will answer you, when you seek Him with your whole heart! I share this message not out of condemnation or close mindedness but because I love every image bearer of God and want them to experience the richness, the fullness, the power of God’s healing love. It’s not like anything else and it is PURE. God Bless everyone on their journey to the truth! This is the only life we Get to find God, please use it to find Him! There are many, many people who wish they would’ve found Him, they wish they could accept the payment for their sins. You get one life to find and walk in faith! Jesus paid for our sins, so that Holy God and fallen man could become one! God cannot look at sin, He is Holy! We all need the clean slate that Jesus’ sacrifice provides. Trust and believe in Jesus and you will not taste death! He grants eternal life to those who believe on Him. He is the one, and only way to God the Father.

  10. #10

    "I AM YOU" that reminded me of my first mushroom journey dealing with the grief of losing my mother and having her tell me she's me and I'm her. The concept of death was a laughable joke, and I had a sense it doesn't exist. The journey helped me heal a pain I thought could remain raw forever. Even though my mother had appeared in my dreams telling me she never left me, I was shaken by her passing. Mushrooms helped me understand her and see myself as God and being in a different dimension. Healing through plants is a gift I don't take lightly.

  11. #11

    I really heard – Trust in God during NDE released him to greater connection, so I need to trust God in this earth life.
    The "ego of depression" was quite a statement for me as I have seem how we as humans can become attached to our suffering, illness, bad tx from others, etc. I'm 61 and learning to continue to Trust our Beloved Creator for my life here and it can only help through death into eternity.

  12. #12

    What a beautiful man! So good for my heart to see a person who is so present. Thank you!

  13. #13

    Wow … He is just captivating from get go ❤️🙏

  14. #14

    AWESOME!!!Thank you Thank you ❤

  15. #15

    Love him and his story!

  16. #16

    Thank you so much for you sharing your Amazing experience! I know you are real as I feel it and I too go with the Flow with a Grateful Trusting Heart. Thank you Jeff for having Jacob on your podcast!!! ❤

  17. #17
  18. #18

    Absolutely beautiful podcast. He seems to be a brilliant young man. Wish him every success and a beautiful spiritual life. God took him to the awareness and he should make the most of it. Wishing him best of luck.

  19. #19

    Aussie Aussie Aussie oi oi oi

  20. #20

    I'm not gonna lie, I'm always a little suspicious when somebody with drug addiction starts to talk about their NDE… But after I heard all of his story, I was just stunned! There are SO MANY points which are matching a 100% with the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda (and all of the Indian gurus) that is just amazing!
    The layers of the body, mind and the soul, that we are just tiny lights, but we are all one and we are actually God him/herself. I am so happy that he is telling his experience to others, and I know that he's saying the truth. I'm so thankful, it was a beautiful experience, thank you for sharing! And thank you Jeff to bring quality content! I loved this one!

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