Home > Lost Souls > Angel Stopped Time To Save Her

Angel Stopped Time To Save Her

Sep 2023 08

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Michelle Clare’s journey as a certified medium, psychic, spiritual coach, and energy healer has been an incredible one. In this interview, we explore her spiritual insights after having gone through three near-death experiences, where she met her guardian angel, and the lessons she has learned along the way.

Michelle Clare’s connection with the spirit world began at a young age when her grandfather passed away. From then on, she noticed continuing communication with him and other loved ones who had passed on.

Throughout her life, Michelle experienced three near-death experiences that were particularly transformative for her. In 2000 and 2006, she experienced her first two near-death experiences which she describes as an out-of-body feeling of being in a universe of unlimited love with her passed loved ones and angels.

During her most recent near-death experience in 2011, Michelle fell off a ladder and was given a choice by her spirit guides to either stay on earth or continue on to the next realm. This profound experience allowed her to gain a deep understanding of the afterlife, new spiritual insights, and the important role that guardian angels and spiritual teams play in our lives.

Michelle holds a strong belief that each of us has a predestined journey before arriving on earth. She believes that we collect lessons necessary for our spiritual growth during our time here. Acknowledging that humans do not know everything, Michelle emphasizes the importance of the spirit world, which includes our loved ones and spirit guides, in guiding us along the way.

Find link to Michelle’s official site here

00:00 Teaser
00:24 Introduction
02:20 Michelle’s spiritual background
03:26 Communicating with grandfather
04:26 Michelle’s first near-death experience
05:55 Life is like a dream
07:25 Do angels have wings?
12:08 Michelle’s second
16:06 Time on
16:50 A being in more than one place
21:22 Michelle’s third
23:10 Michelle meets an angel
26:17 Pre-birth planning
29:13 Our life guides
35:35 Destiny and free will
37:00 Food and wine in the afterlife
38:50 Different realms
42:36 contracts and personality disorders
44:40 Michelle’s clairvoyant abilities
46:12 Message from the angels
47:56 Best way to manifest
48:28 Wrapping up


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Music: Epidemic Sound



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💙 Music: Wisdom From North Theme Song by and Ragnhild Barra Wisløff.
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Spotify ➡️
Music 2: Epidemic Sound

# #neardeathexperience #mediumship #angelsmessage


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  1. #1

    Thank you for watching 💙Want to watch a FREE Masterclass to take your soul growth to the next level? Then feel free to check this out
    👉 https://wisdomfromnorth.com/free/

  2. #2

    Darn, I am four minutes in and I’m wondering if I’m going to be able to believe what this woman has to say because she doesn’t look real. She looks like a mannequin or AI …or obviously she has invested a lot of money into her appearance. so if her external is false then how can I believe her internal? I’m having a rough day so I cannot spend the time to listen to this. I’ll try again another time. Sorry if I hurt anybody’s feelings.

  3. #3

    31:42 Jannecke THANK YOU for asking this question. I have been asking YouTuber interviews to ask their guests this question SO MANY TIMES. You are the only person I have come across who has asked this very real question. I love how you challenge the interviewers with REAL questions. Why are we told over and over again by these people who come onto these podcasts to tell us that we have all these guides and angels who’s job it is to be there for us and to help us. But why when we are suffering and like you said if we are depressed and get so low and some even get to the point where they want to commit suicide, or some actually do, why are we not given the help we are promised? I’m sure these people have cried out to god for help many times and their cry’s are just ignored. Why? Why does god not help us? “Why is no one showing up. Why when we cry out for help from the deepest part of ourselves to our angels, guides, god.. Nothing happens?” Or like in the play as you suggest, why goes god allow us to commit horrific acts here on earth? It seems almost evil?

  4. #4


  5. #5

    Jannecke consistently asks the most thought-provoking and heartfelt questions. Great Interviewer. 😊

  6. #6

    Very, very good enterview. Thanks and love from Portugal.

  7. #7

    Thankyou so much for this beautiful interview Jannecke ❤ I really needed to hear the answers to the questions you asked Michelle throughout this whole interview. It has given me so much more hope, lots of love to you both 💞

  8. #8

    She looks just like Leeza Gibbons.

  9. #9

    How touching and beautiful to listening to both of you – and I wish good luck with your further work – « leveling up » in the near future 😊❤

  10. #10

    I'm excited to see where you go in the next few months ❣️

  11. #11

    Wow! It was incredible story, 3x NDE🤯. I have had a couple of spiritual experiences, they were just a couple of dark figures that passed in front of me. I have also seen UFOs many times🛸. Sometimes I wish for something a little similar experience🤭. Thousands of thanks for these podcasts🙏

  12. #12

    What a lovely lady / soul. I really enjoyed listening to Michelle 🙏🤍

  13. #13

    Is the nde tailored to your religion or lack of it ?

  14. #14

    😘 thanks for sharing.

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