Home > Lost Souls > Author Vincent Todd Tolman Shares His Amazing Near Death Experience (BetterandBetterer Podcast Ep31)

Author Vincent Todd Tolman Shares His Amazing Near Death Experience (BetterandBetterer Podcast Ep31)

Feb 2023 24

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Bestest intro/outro music ever thanks to Jason Ellis:


--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/author-vincent-todd-tolman-shares-his-amazing-near-death-experience-betterandbetterer-podcast-ep31/


  1. #1

    Hi Jessica! I’m in Australia :). Did you have an NDE too? Because you often mentioned “in my experience..”. So I was just wondering. :).

  2. #2

    Awesome experience. I just ordered his book so I can read in detail

  3. #3

    These interviews are so important. I wish you would go longer than 1 hour.

  4. #4

    Love this so much! Thanks so much for putting it out for us❤️

  5. #5

    I believe entirely in NDE's. There are of course some that I view to be inauthentic.

    I do not feel that the statement about the victim mentality being responsible for people doubting this experience. I think that is completely oversimplistic and generalized. There are all sorts of reasons and people's backgrounds that make them doubtful of the NDE. I wouldn't blame people for not believing as this is some innate deficit in their personality. It sounds somewhat judgmental.

  6. #6

    I loved the interview but he lost me at the sex part where I don’t understand how come an individual with a penis is not a man and an individual with vagina is not a woman. In the 3D we have intercourse/sex but not in heaven, there is no making love in heaven, there we are PURE energy by here we are physical. Unless on the planet we deny the existence of sex/intercourse becoming like heaven, no gender and assexual.

  7. #7

    in 1973 I was pronounced "DEAD On ARRIVAL" at a medical center… More than half an hour passed, then my heart started again… During that time, I "LIFE The Real Self", entered the WHITE LIGHT, and have remained in the WHITE LIGHT to this day… Those who claim to have returned, have NOT recognize WHAT, The WHITE LIGHT really is… When you recognize WHAT the LIGHT actually is, and accept it, you remain in The LIGHT as I have…

  8. #8

    Doesnt rigor mortis take hours to set in?

  9. #9

    Gosh what supplements were those ? They shouldn’t ( manufacturing company ) get away with this

  10. #10

    So what sort of suplement did he take? Maybe if he disclosed it we would all avoid it.

  11. #11

    Thumbs up – just for that opening song 🥰

  12. #12

    what ten things did he hate do to get to heaven

  13. #13

    Not doubting this man’s testimony, however he never once mentioned Jesus, His sacrifice, the Bible, sin, repentance…Very New Age-ie. Never mentioned making Jesus Lord and Savior.

  14. #14

    Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me”. (John 14:6)

  15. #15

    Where does Jesus and His sacrifice for our sin fit in? From this gentleman’s perspective, I would love to know.

  16. #16

    20 minutes in, and he still hasn't said anything specific about his experience, and what happened. Never really gives a linear story, skips around. Confusing, and the host keeps interjecting, which is disruptive as well. Just tell the story.

  17. #17

    Such a beautifully told experience, and a wonderful analogy of not forgiving others.

  18. #18

    I WANT to believe these types of NDEs, but this man is either lying or was dreaming. I was a Fire Medic for over 25 yrs. There's so many things wrong with the treatment he says he received. So here's the deal, the medics would never have put him in a body bag.Ambulances don't even carry body bags, the coroners do that. Also, he didn't have a shockable rythym, the machines will not shock a heart that doesn't have a rhythm. it will not shock a flatlined heart. I could go on and on with inconsistencies, but its probably pointless, so I will just point out those 2 things.

  19. #19

    I'm going g through a divorce and my spirit is so crushed. I absolutely love my husband and I've been asking God and my Guides to help me get through this.
    Please pray for me… 🙏💜💫

  20. #20

    Get to the story, geez….. you were almost there then the host interjected another needless comment 😵‍💫

  21. #21

    thank you for shring!

  22. #22

    Don’t reck my poor suffering reality. My sister coined that, I thought that was a good description of not wanting to change.

  23. #23

    Vinny's analogy of EGO and the power of Forgiveness..Really , his entire discourse on the nature of truest unconditional love, here is my just too wonderful!!
    I am grateful to have witnessed his experience. and,much Thanks to you, both

  24. #24

    Amazing interview, thank you so much…xxxx

  25. #25

    God bless your beautiful soul

  26. #26

    Great video and wonderful questions. God bless. Thank you for sharing🙏❤😘

  27. #27

    Am stuck in the past and I can't stop judging my self for how I have let people manipulate me leading me to hurt other people. The worst is knowing it wasn't your wish or intention. I feel like am in hell. I don't know how to switch it off. I have asked for divine help. All in vein. Am an empath, people pleaser, i feel what other people feel, their hurt, joy and when i embrace them, I hurt another person who is against them. I self sabotage, hate my self and go in a cave of regret and self hate at the end of the day, i loss everyone because i cant choose sides or please everyone. I sleep listening to NDEs to get relief until I get back in my reality because everything else hasn't worked. I don't know how to pray anymore.

  28. #28
  29. #29

    This was my hour of power before bed tonight. Thank you both.

  30. #30

    Wish i could have heard your experience cant buy your book.Thank you for sharing.God bless xxx

  31. #31

    I identify totally with Vinny. Thank you for this podcast.

  32. #32

    @27:40 . How powerful is our thoughts and belief system. We create hell or heaven here in our mind. God creates through our mind. We are our creators. We create out own reality. We are gods in human forms.

  33. #33

    Thank you for this wonderful interview!!

  34. #34

    Amazing story ❤❤

  35. #35

    awesome guest, not sure why we cant hear his full story without constantly being interupted.

  36. #36

    What about reincarnation? Does it exist?

  37. #37

    Profound experience and what he says resonate with me so totally 💜💜💜

  38. #38

    After I had my stroke a few months ago I heard the voice of God on my hospital bed tell me – Forget the past and don't worry about the future! Live for the NOW and enjoy every moment! I asked God what should I do to please Him and He responded – JUST BE YOU! Do whatever makes YOU happy without hurting others in the process! He said He was going to restore my health and make me stronger than I was in my youth! I will be 58 in December and I am back in the gym believing what God has told me. I am walking it out and so far the results are amazing! I had a neural scan done a couple of months ago and the doc said I scored higher than average healthy people and there was no visible signs of me ever having a stroke. God is amazing and WE are amazing. You just need to believe in YOURSELF and know that God is on YOUR side! Great video!

  39. #39

    I was hoping to hear what he actually saw when he dies, but I'm 22 minutes in and nothing yet. 😔

  40. #40

    😄😄😄😄❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🎁🙏🎁🎁🎁loved his experience

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