She Died And Begged God To Send Her Back | Near Death Experience
Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and even more, claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBEs). These are their stories. If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.
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For more NDE narrations, please see below.
NDE Playlist:
I Died And Was Given Three Reasons To Return | Leigh’s NDE
I Died And Saw Emerald And Purple Beings | Near-Death Experience | NDE
I Died And Saw My Previous Lives | Near-Death Experience | NDE
I Died And Met The Angel Lamdiel | Near-Death Experience | NDE
#nde #neardeathexperience #afterlife #heaven #nde2021#heavenawaits
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Muditha Bandara
2 years agoWow
Mansion Booker Studios
2 years agoGreat job 👏 great videos 😊
2 years agoWithout a doubt, being a mother is God's gift to women. It's also held in very high regard to God. As a mother, I can feel it. ❤ — I felt a lump on my pelvic area. I was so worried, I begged God to please let me just raise my children. I had 2 at that time. I left my room because i couldn't sleep. I was so worried, it was very early in the morning, like 4am. And snuggled into be with my eldest at the time. He was 6. Our beautiful heavenly mother took me in a dream to see the fountain of life. It is beautiful, bright beyond compare, everyone around in reverence to the glistening water flow. No faces, just bright lights clothed in beautiful robes. They gave me Aaron. Soon enough I found out I was pregnant with our 3rd child. The Lord gave me life out of my fear, and we named him as the Lord said. Aaron. ❤
Simon McJohn
Samantha Curschmann
2 years agoI would love to know where your beautiful video clips come from. What state. What country.
Lauryn Mchikho
2 years agoHmm beautiful
Have js thot myself leaving my kids behind hmm u cn really ask God to send you bak
That the typ of love a mother has for her children
Eric Smyth
2 years agoGet LEE back thanks
Ben Gomez
2 years agoIf you do, don't wait a moment longer to start your new life in Jesus Christ. Remember, this prayer is not a magical formula. You are simply expressing your heart to God. Pray this with us:
"Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me of my sins, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. Jesus become the Lord of my life, rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen."
Prayer of Salvation – I've Prayed It; Now What?
If you've prayed this prayer of salvation with true conviction and heart, you are now a follower of Jesus. This is a fact, whether or not you feel any different. Religious systems may have led you to believe that you should feel something – a warm glow, a tingle, or some other mystical experience. The fact is, you may, or you may not. If you have prayed the prayer of salvation and meant it, you are now a follower of Jesus.
Welcome to the family of God! We encourage you now to find a local church where you can be baptized and grow in the knowledge of God through His Word, the Bible.
Vince de Bellis
2 years agoThanks!
Lauren Grillo
2 years agoBeautiful
2 years agoThank you Jen. A wonderful experience.
Dan Sandulescu
2 years ago„To love one another!” Terry was told that would be enough.
Yet true love is inseparable from severity! A mother who loves her child also corrects him when he makes a mistake, and towards his neighbour, better than words is his personal example, which is not limited to not stealing, not lying or not killing, but expresses the aspiration of the whole being to understand the purpose of his existence, the reason for which he was given life and the mission with which he was sent on earth… How can he in turn make himself useful in the wonderful Creation!
Woman's mission is to make use of her proverbial intuition, becoming AGAIN receptive to the Light that must be distributed to all beings on earth, like prophets and clairvoyant and clairaudient people or artists inspired by muses!
But no, after reading about the so-called exhortation to „multiply and populate the earth!”, she wanted nothing more than to „make” babies, losing sight of the fact that this is what every animal does: it fills its belly, builds a burrow and breeds!
Love, many confuse it with the unconditional acceptance of the faults of others, so that they too will accept their own, without the effort to correct themselves, these being the „lukewarm” mentioned in the Apocalypse.
In the same way, many imagine that the Lord, in His boundless Love, will forgive us all our sins, and that all we have to do is ask for forgiveness, after one or several lives spent in total carelessness, enslaved by our earthly desires or human habits and traditions, totally unaware of the composition of Creation and the Laws that govern it, like the erring, prodigal son, trapped in Materiality, unaware of the way back to the Parental Home, the Spiritual Sphere of eternal life, the Paradise… lost to immature spirits.
2 years agoSo the hospital gave her tainted blood.
Mithras Revisited
2 years agoShe did not die. Her brain would have to stop to die. She had starvation of oxygen to the brain and had hallucinations just like other religions have with the religions they were indoctrinated with.
Ken Fren
2 years ago"As you wish" means "I love you" in the movie, "The Princess Bride", and was part of my wedding vows. That was awesome, thank you.
Christine Lang
2 years agoHi this channel has helped me too, My Dad died on 22nd Dec 22 6 months ago already yet it still feels like yesterday. My last conversation with him I told him what people here say about what happens as he was comatose. He used to say once you die that's it all over red rover hmmm so I said I bet you $5 I'm right Dad hmmm gotta wait for my payout he he
2 years agoBoth experiences were great. Thanks Jen☺
Oaker DC
2 years agoEach day is an inspiration listening to Heaven Awaits. Thanks guys, keep it up, L❤VE and light to u🙏
Kevin R
2 years agoI liked them both
Stacey Clark
2 years agoThe last words in regards of grandparents being special …. those words I needed to hear…… I watch mine in the summer and pick them up from school during the school year. My back is bad and I miss having a career but I hoped tending to them would bring me joy. It does…. I just worry about $ all the time:(
Robert Lloyd
2 years agoBeautiful stories jen ❤️ love the secneary to .
Deborah whitaker
2 years agoI enjoyed both experiences, but am more connected to the second one. My child/children are the ONLY REASON "I" would ever leave Heaven.
Sammy Martin
2 years agoMy wife died may 3. An these Chanel has help me very much 😢😢😢😢❤❤❤