Home > Lost Souls > Man Dies; Reveals The Secret to Overcoming Suffering to Get Happy Life!

Man Dies; Reveals The Secret to Overcoming Suffering to Get Happy Life!

Jun 2024 29

Man Dies; Reveals The Secret to Overcoming Suffering to Get Happy Life!
Contact : ndelifeafterlife@gmail.com
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--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/man-dies-reveals-the-secret-to-overcoming-suffering-to-get-happy-life/


  1. #1
  2. #2

    So did you die or not? I think you became delirious from all the pain.

  3. #3

    These are delusional lies!!!
    Read the Bible
    " it is appointed to a man Once to die.After this the judgement"

  4. #4

    People are messed up if they like to see people suffer…hell will be a good place for that.

  5. #5


    “That sense of individuated self was losing it’s sense of self in favor of becoming aware of that overarching, all encompassing wholeness. Being the real truth of being.”

    -Jonathan Van Valin

    Makes perfect, beautiful sense to me ❤

  6. #6

    I had a similar experience when I had covid. I was on my bed, feeling my life force slip out with each exhale. I wasn't troubled by it and felt quite peaceful.

  7. #7

    Amazing story I’m spiritist and believe and undertand you 🥰🙏
    Btw you’re very handsome 😊

  8. #8

    I’ve had severe daily ongoing pain for 16 yrs due to spine problems….my experience is very different. I have no clue how you detach from it. I was a meditating Buddhist for 6 yrs, did not help my pain. I do not understand what you are talking about. But thanks for the video….

  9. #9

    fantastic thanks

  10. #10

    Thank you for sharing your story. We should change the attitude toward death in our society, we should teach our children from the beginning about our real nature. It would change everything.

  11. #11

    We don't need to die or have an NDE to encounter the divine and have perfect peace. I'm glad you found it in your NDE. Thank you.

  12. #12
  13. #13

    Suffering is a mindset and this life is too fake and easy for anyone to choose to feel as if they are suffering! That’s a choice not a real state unless you are being physically punished by God for doing other wrongs. Then u will feel judgement and that may feel like agony! I’m not in agony and I’ve never mistreated people for no reason

  14. #14

    Nice testament, but he didn't die. He just saw the other side.

  15. #15

    MAGNESIUM deficiency can cause Sleep Apnea. in many cases ….

  16. #16

    He needs to learn how to make his story (a reader’s digest story)

  17. #17

    im happy youare sufferring amputa tang ina mo ka

  18. #18

    This experience was life ultering in terms of……
    We are not our body…
    We are the awarwness of all….
    Nothing needs to be fixed….everything is in Divine Order….
    We are the Conscious awareness…the observer…the onlooker from the God spark in which we all are…..
    We are spirit having a human experience …..
    Staying in the presence of our true self (the god self) gives us the opportunity to step away from the physical suffering 🙏 🙌💖

  19. #19
  20. #20

    I had the same operation to remove my uvula, tonsils and curtaining around my esophagus and cavity enlargement behind the nose to help with my sleep apnea. I was prescribed and took 8 tablets of Tremadol per day, 2 every 4 hours to deal with the mind rending levels of constant agony. I lost about 20 kilos not being able to eat even the softest food, some days only managing to struggle through the pain enough to eat a single teaspoon of egg white.

    I then started to come off the pain meds and started having night terrors because of sleep depravation as the pain was so great that most nights I only went into a half sleep like trance of pain and fatigue. During one of these lucid dream / wake / non sleep like states I, for lack of any way to explain it in words the human mind can understand: "stared into the metaphorical cosmic eye of terror" being the realization that I was everything, and had always been and will always be and that the fractal conscious being that knew it was 'me' was only this sense of everything's attempt at filtering off this realization to keep some semblance of sanity.

    Not able to return to who I was as I lost myself that day and I've never been the same since I now fixate on oblivion so yeah.

  21. #21

    He speaks like an actor

  22. #22

    this was a great reminder to me in a very gentle soothing voice. very much needed. i remembered many similarities with what i had heard from sadhguru

  23. #23

    My opinion is based on the Bible. What I know is that it tells us the reason for DEATH is SIN. It also says, that we are all one day going to die, then we are Judged. Based on what you believe when you die determines the outcome to where you spend eternity, whether in Heaven or Hell. If you know you are a sinner and have not asked for forgiveness of your SIN and DON'T desire a relationship with God through His SON Jesus, then there is no other option than Hell. It also says in the Bible that God doesn't want anyone to go to hell but everyone to receive the promise of eternal life and spend it with Him in heaven. The secret is that Jesus gave two commandments; 1) Love God, with all your heart, mind and Soul 2) Love your Neighbour as your self. On the cross, Jesus said "Father Forgive them for they don't know what they are doing?" Crucifixion is a very painful death and that is what we deserve, Jesus did not and could easily have chosen not to go through with it. After 3 days Jesus rose from the Dead and remained on the Earth for 40 Days. 500 people witnessed they had seen Him, before He Ascended to the Father in Heaven. What is important is asking GOD through His SON Jesus for forgiveness of your SIN, then claiming the promise of Eternal Life in Heaven, for God through His Holy Spirit to show you the WAY. To continue to seek that relationship with GOD… To try and live a Sinless life… (NO One is perfect) This is done through a genuine heart felt prayer… A demonstration of Faith… There is overwhelming evidence that Jesus existed 2024 years ago. You have a freedom of will and God does not take that away from you, it is a decision you have to make.

  24. #24
  25. #25

    What a funny thumbnail LOL

  26. #26

    Loved it! Thank you for sharing!

  27. #27

    Sounds like you didn't participate in life – it just happened to you – many people today are choosing to live that way. Totally unplugged like a ping pong ball. I have lived so differently – more purpose driven by Spirit. So thank you for. sharing, Now I can get what is going on in so many lives in this moment. I need to think about this thought more.

  28. #28

    There's no going back for you. No more the sleep of ignorance. The road to enlightenment lies before you. Now you know how to walk us all 'home'. 🙏❤️

  29. #29

    Jesus's greatest sacrifice wasn't to die on the cross. It was his choice to return from God for the sake of all of us suffering mortals. God bless you for coming back to tell your story.

  30. #30

    How is this a NDE if he never died?

  31. #31

    You've confirmed everything I've learnt from the Eastern mystical traditions. Buddhism and Hinduism. Thank you for sharing. God blessed you that day and forever 🙏❤️

  32. #32


    At 15 i tried to kill myself but instead i had a Spontaneous out of body experience / Astro projection.
    It was such as deep sense of calm and lightness !
    Then I sensed there were two spirits to my left. They communicated to me 'eveything will be ok' twice. I believed them and I was back in my body in a flash.

    I am 66 in 2024. I have been married for 47 years, no kids by choice.

    In 2020 I had a small stroke in my sleep.

    2 months ago in April '24 I had a cardiac arrest, my heart stopped twice. The firmen used the defrrliater on me. I now have a pacemaker in my chest.

    I have never had heart issues. No family history either.

    I had an arythmia called Ventricular Tachycardia or V-Tach. Ppl from 20 and up can have it. And it doesn't always show up in EKG. I had an EKG a few months ago and it didn't show up.


  33. #33

    This is NOT a NDE 🙁

  34. #34

    Yeah terrible title for a thumbnail pic. I don’t wish pain or suffering on anyone. I know the spiritual dimension you reference but it comes off very condescending. Where’s my NDE to get me into your club

  35. #35
  36. #36

    That was absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing this story ☀️

  37. #37

    Thank you for sharing

  38. #38

    Your Dad would have blaned himself if you had died on his watch. Perhaps that's why you chose the way you did…

  39. #39

    If you are not you and your father is not your father and no one is who they seem to be in this life, why would you be happy that your father is going to experience his sense of self melt away? Why would you want to share that experience with everyone? Why would you want to share that experience with everyone when you believe that everyone WILL HAVE that experience when they die? What is the VALUE of our experience on this earth in this life if it is ALL illusory and meaningless and when we die we drift into a kind of opium high where we cannot explain anything but we feel completely at peace? What is the value of that opium high experience when we have to live in this world of suffering? NONE OF THIS MAKES ANY SENSE NOR DOES IT ANSWER ANY OF LIFE'S BIGGEST QUESTIONS. What you're saying is that we might as well all just be heroin addicts while in this world.

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