Home > Lost Souls > Gabor Maté | Psychedelics, Ayahuasca, Near Death Experience | Clip 01 | Ep. 164

Gabor Maté | Psychedelics, Ayahuasca, Near Death Experience | Clip 01 | Ep. 164

Nov 2022 25

| Psychedelics, Ayahuasca, | Clip 01 | Ep. 164

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00:00 – Artistic Magic
02:00 – Psychedelics For Healing
03:00 – What Ayahuasca Taught Me
06:00 – What Holds Us Back
07:30 – The Problem With Society
08:30 – The Solo Self
09:00 – Psilocybin Experience
10:20 –


A renowned speaker and bestselling author, Dr. is highly sought after for his expertise on a range of topics including addiction, stress, and childhood development. Dr. Maté has written several bestselling books, including the award-winning In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction, When the Body Says No: Exploring the Stress-Disease Connection, and Scattered: How Attention Deficit Disorder Originates and What You Can Do About It, and has coauthored Hold On to Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers. His works have been published internationally in nearly thirty languages.


--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/gabor-mate-psychedelics-ayahuasca-near-death-experience-clip-01-ep-164/


  1. #1
  2. #2

    I've had ayahuasca two times in my life, and each time was one of the most profound experiences of my life. The things I saw and experienced were out of this world and I simply can't believe my mind is possible of making that up, all while my consciousness seemed completely normal, if my boss phoned me up at the peak I could still have a normal conversation easily. I must say I felt better and more comfortable about and more at one with the world after each time I had it. It's not something that I would have too often, but overall it was an extremely positive experience for me personally. As a massive motor racing fan/science nerd this channel is my favorite right now, great work Danica!

  3. #3

    Psychedelic’s definitely have potential to deal with mental health symptoms like anxiety and depression, I would like to try them again but it’s just so hard to source here

  4. #4

    Going through this myself.

  5. #5

    Funny thing, in my many layered written word offering I discussed psychedelic use and my near death. I sang in a punk band in 1984, with my near-death on Nov 5 1985. Although I was in a coma for six and a half weeks… could have been there for quite some time. I watched my life play out… but that "tape" (how I remember) didn't stop at my motorcycle accident. It took me 18 years ago to finally get to a place (🤣tough job, I got subsequent handicaps) where I printed my story.

    Amazing how many visions (that tape) I remembered that have come true.

    The book is my attempt to wake ppl up.
    Myself mostly.

    one-of-us The reluctant Goldwyn.

    By j e goldwyn

    I'd be happy to donate to you a copy.
    If you want. 💌 respect

  6. #6

    Funny how she calls out her ex Rodgers as a narcissist just 2 years ago on her podcast. Now she is channeling whatever he is talking about on podcasts into hers.

  7. #7

    Check out the handle 🖕🖕 above and thank me later

  8. #8

    ☝️☝️☝️he sales the best psychedelic products….ships discreetly 💯💯.. He's cool and legit.. Try Him✔️✔️☑️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

  9. #9

    🔝🔝🔝👆Look up the handle, they are my sure plug for Mushroom🍄,Shroom🌳,DMT💊LSD(Acid)🍫 and other psychedelics🌍

  10. #10

    🔝🔝🔝👆Look up the handle, they are my sure plug for Mushroom🍄,Shroom🌳,DMT💊LSD(Acid)🍫 and other psychedelics

  11. #11

    Danica for someone who can reach so many people please support Iranian women against this evil regime.

  12. #12

    Danica, do you have a video detailing your hero's dose experience? Would love to hear more…thank you for your work!

  13. #13
  14. #14
  15. #15

    Just fascinating, Love your work Danica 💯🙌

  16. #16

    Buy from us
    We deliver safely and quickly across US and UK 🇬🇧 or any parts the world
    try us and see
    puffbars, ejuice, shrooms and psychedelics

  17. #17

    It's so beautiful how people keeps talking so many good things about psychedelics. Everyone focused on how magical shrooms can change their lives..I haven't tried them yet but there are definitely on my list of “must do”;) just looking for a reliable source.

  18. #18

    Love your work x Read the book dying to be me I’m sure you’ll love it Danika, NDEs are an amazing insight into the realm of spirit x

  19. #19


  20. #20

    It's time we legalize the plant teachers

  21. #21

    In my psychedelic experience, the 'lasting' insights are opened for view, but it takes a 'practice' to incorporate and grow the new life awareness on the path which all humans walk, run, speed or sleep within.
    We expect instant and lasting when in that space (inspired psychodelia) and forget the spirit of discipline. No athlete, no guru, no human of any focused perfectioning wakes up from the herbal trip, perfected.
    There is those reps up and down the stadium stairs, gazillions of laps running, leaping, driving, singing, swimming to 'get to the next step'…there is always a next step when one is inspired to maintain the effort and focus.
    Put your head down, stay in tune and know the poetry as the path is poetic if nothing else, and will always result in some gain in living wisdom.

    "“If you know the enemy and you know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” -Sun Tzu

  22. #22

    Very interesting, thanks so much!

  23. #23

    Oh ues that experience of basically the pink person not real. Felt that went into a deep trance and made me speak truths it was wierd

  24. #24

    Danicamania is running wild! Proud to be a Danica fan in everything

  25. #25

    Hit up 👆the handle. He $hips safely 🍄💊🍫🔌….. He's 👆 reliable 💯💯💯

  26. #26

    That's very çréepy

  27. #27

    Oh he's selling book lol no surprise wow he is dull for someone that takes ls……d

  28. #28

    Very odd and dull person what are you talking about 🤔

  29. #29

    Try and manifest a person back to life

  30. #30

    Try and manifest 100 billion into your bank

  31. #31

    I'm a banana ت

  32. #32
  33. #33
  34. #34

    A course of miracles has helped change my analytical mind (ego)and realizing I am not a body I am free
    I am as God created me
    Spirit – Light – One

  35. #35

    Danica Patrick…👌👍🙏

  36. #36

    Psilocybin led me to stop smoking cannabis and to go seek out substance abuse therapy and it literally reset me and made me a more happier person

  37. Leave a Reply

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