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Lil Wayne’s Near-Death Experience | Hip Hop Awards 2018

Apr 2023 16

Thanks Uncle Bob.

shows love to the man that ultimately saved his life after his wild near-death experience and reminds the world how much the love of his family and fans means to him as he continues to carve out his legacy.


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  1. #1

    God bless you brother Wayne and God bless Uncle Bob.

  2. #2

    LIl Wayne's smile ♥

  3. #3

    I thought it was a song, he just made a song on this speech

  4. #4

    This has brought tears to my eyes. I’m
    So glad for uncle Bob. ❤

  5. #5

    Khaled built like an ice cream cone 🍦

  6. #6

    Busta like look at me let me hop on another track

  7. #7

    He is the most realistic person ever. God bless uncle BOB

  8. #8

    Unc Bob is a white guy. That's exactly why race is not important at all. What is important is that Americans come together again. If we all came together we would be the most badass country ever.

  9. #9

    He is so open person. Humble, thankful, refuse to be blinded by propaganda. He is growing, winning and refuse to stop. I hope fellow blacks have same mindset. No systematic racism can stop you when you have positive mindset and stop hating.

  10. #10

    Uncle Bob is the hero we should all aspire to be.

  11. #11

    Uncle Bob Is A Real One 💯

  12. #12

    He couldn't have said anything better. This message could NOT of been anymore powerful to his audience. This will change a lot of people's lives by demonstrating and reminding us, that just because there are evil people out there, most are at least half decent. 😅

  13. #13

    Uncle Bob is a white man .

  14. #14

    Damn… his award acceptance speech is like a song already called Refuse

  15. #15

    Respect for Little Wayne

  16. #16

    those people standing up blocking everyones view are the worst people…

  17. #17

    Ya those elite Hollywood people need to here that to get back to reality there’s many uncle bobs

  18. #18

    all khalid had to do is announce his name…but noo…😂

  19. #19

    I don’t know nothing about Wayne’s music – don’t know if I ever heard a song. But every time he tells this story and I see a video of it on YouTube, I just tear up. I believe that he is a highly intelligent, humble and good human and I really enjoy listening to him. And uncle bob – you are an amazing person and role model for what you did for that kid that day. If only the majority of people would feel and love like you and Wayne, I don’t think we’d have any of the issues we are having all over the world right now.

  20. #20

    Those paramedics should be fired and charged.

  21. #21

    I love that he always thanks God. The Creator of All Men & Women, and all that we know, and don't know.

  22. #22

    First thing was to thank God and the Lord. Amen

  23. #23

    First time listening to his story…I teared up

  24. #24

    God created this person strictly to be an legit artist and a superstar

  25. #25

    Uncle Bob was white as snow, all the cops that stepped over him were Blacker than he was. He left out the best part but I understand, it was the venue. God bless Uncle Bob and Lil Wayne.

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