Home > Lost Souls > Hospital Chaplain Opens Up About Religion | The Near-Death Experience of Zackary Price | NDE

Hospital Chaplain Opens Up About Religion | The Near-Death Experience of Zackary Price | NDE

May 2024 21

Zackary Price is an ordained minister and Clinical Chaplain who was involved in a severe automobile at the age of 12 that resulted in a transformative Near-Death Experience.

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This video is taken from an interview by us and our channel, not taken from another channel, and it is all original content. Sergei Davidoff ©2024

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--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/hospital-chaplain-opens-up-about-religion-the-near-death-experience-of-zackary-price-nde/


  1. #1

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  2. #2

    I guess my first question is, why did he become a chaplain, then? (Still watching the account)
    What do you call the people who believe in what these NDE's are saying but who don't want to join other religions? "The religionless faithful?" lol
    Perhaps it's wrong to seek a label. As soon as we get a label, the campaign against that label starts

  3. #3

    Blessyou you both thankyou xxxxxx

  4. #4

    I was struck by Mr Price's ability to articulate his experience in a way that others haven't been able to. I was very impressed by that….
    I would also like to express something else. I'm a Christian minister of almost 28 years. I would have enjoyed the video more if Mr Price showed respect for other faiths, including the Christian faith. We clearly don't have to agree or believe the same, in order to respect another's faith or experience. I feel for Mr Price to speak of another's faith as rhetoric greatly lacked sensitivity and insight. There are a vast number of Christians who experience Holiness and God on the level Mr Price has.

  5. #5

    Infinite perfection (you and me and everyone here) creates a game of "false imperfection illusion" which is what earth life is.

    A game for the infinites to play that is the equivalent of an "escape room" or "experience room" or a "discovery, remember who I am room" depending on the experience and the individual perspective.

    ALL experience is recorded and is always available, as we are infinite and time is also a game which doesn't really exist outside of the game. Only here and in other dimensions where we decided to add "time" as an element of the experience. Imagine all of reality like a 4D map. EVERYTHING on a map already exists there. The illusion of time is the experience of a single point perspective (individual being) going from A to B on this 4D map.

    We go from A to B in time and space here (we move through life changing our body vehicle as we also move through experiences), as a baby to an adult. Some only exist here for seconds (which is a short A to B trip) and may be indicative of a soul who changed their mind about experiencing earth.

    We all choose to experience life here and now from another level and we choose when to leave. There are no accidents or victims here, only playing the game of "accident" or "victim, why me" mentality.

    You see INFINITY can pretend to be anything it WANTS> which is YOU and I and all the beautiful creatures we are surrounded by here. It takes all forms and dances with itself in a myriad of ways. Earthlife game is going through a particular part of the experience where we as a giant consciousness are becoming more and more connected.

    Through this connection, we all begin to wake up to a bigger game where we realize how special and beautiful all life is. Some are still playing the game of anti-life and control. Also part of the game. Whatever you focus on intensifies, so if you desire more love and beauty- focus on what you love no matter what is going on around you or in the world, focus on what you love and it WILL return to you and intensify. Fear evaporates in the presence of love and is nothing but a shadow in the face of infinity which is brilliant eternal warmth of infinite love and light (which is what this entire game is truly made of,) every pixel, ever atom, every moment. You are. We are. I am. 💞♾

  6. #6

    I absolutely adore Zach and how he simplifies it all. I've felt the same way but never knew the correct verbage or how to explain it the way he has. Makes so much sense. Thank you both..❤❤❤

  7. #7

    Absolutely one of the best, carefully thought through explanations of what he and others have and are experiencing.👍

  8. #8

    Gods gift to us – Jesus- not church – not religion- Jesus. Seek God in the Son and developed a loving relationship with him🇨🇦❤️🙏

  9. #9

    What book do they keep referencing? The bagareeta?? This is how it sounds?

  10. #10

    This is the most fascinating NDE -related interview I've ever listened to.

  11. #11

    Many of us experience these truths at the deepest level of our being. As our being. Every day. Even as we go to work and watch cars pass by. "Be silent, and observe" my spiritual teacher said. It makes me chuckle at times, but I am sad most of the time.

  12. #12

    Also in hell everyone is open.

    Such an heresy.

    Lost souls

  13. #13

    I SO wanted to hear Zackary's explanation and the sequential iterations/interpretations of THE LORD'S PRAYER, but alas…

  14. #14

    I sympathize with the speaker's experience of traveling within the depth of his own consciousness and being unable to find any answers from the Bible Belt America; The mass programing of the subconscious mind that produces human parrots of the 'Jesus mantra' as the only answer to the mystery of life and death!.. For the folks lost in the corn fields of their own subconscious mind, while sleep walking with Jesus right by them, for real or not!… Only because that's how the good book said it (or not!)

  15. #15

    Thank you! I was just wondering how I could believe in God, our creator, without having to rely on religion to do so. This gives me so much more hope. Thank you♥️

  16. #16

    16:03 Don’t walk. RUN.
    This is not truth. This man needs to study near-death experiences so he can council people with the TRUTH.
    HIS roof. HIS rules.

  17. #17

    He reached Nirvana of Quantum Self I Am the I am but don’t be tricked by arcorn of frequency and false light in the 3.1-4.9 realm that want to reincarnate you for loosh evil entities

  18. #18

    I disagree regarding God & Religion. There is Divine Wisdom in every Faith. Even if we disagree with its 'practices'. All Faiths lead to a source. That source represents authority, structure & provokes fear. Except the Christian Faith which is purely founded on love. Therefore, each culture has its God, or hierarchical gods that holds the society together. As long as there is order, discipline, & respect, God as we know Him is Omnipresent.

  19. #19

    Amazing vibrations during this one! Thank you for sharing! 💜✨

  20. #20

    Humans project their ideas of what God is as perceived by the false ego he experienced the supreme without the filter and 99% of people have no idea about spirutality although they think they know they do not know

  21. #21

    Every single experience is different.

  22. #22

    I think there's a misunderstanding between wholly & holy. I believe holy means exalted or such.

  23. #23
  24. #24

    Everything thta doesn't line up with the Bible is not from GOD! People can have all kinds of demonic visions and deceptions but there is not forgiveness of sins without JESUS, no one goes to heaven without JESUS! Listen to Dr. John Ankerberg on NDE's.

  25. #25

    "Religion has everything to do with God but God has nothing to do with Religion." Truer words have never been spoken!! THANK YOU!!! xo

  26. #26

    Brilliant and beautiful talk. Really appreciated the etymology Zachary Price went into. Thank you both for having this conversation and sharing it here. Truly of benefit.

    Editing to adding a P.S. –
    Really would love to hear more about your graduate thesis of the Lord’s Prayer. I’ve been trying to find and innerstand the original of this so this is fascinating!

  27. #27

    Very humble man and articulate man Glad that he survived his ordeal to be able to share his experience. ❤

  28. #28

    I spent 14 years in a town in Ireland and I noticed they spoke differently to other places.
    We did not learn this at school. Ask them a question like What is Your name? I am Jane. Are you going to the cinema in Saturday? I am and U am looking forward to it. Are you going shopping ? I am I love it. It was always I am.
    My opinion The soul is from God the body is Mother Nature.

  29. #29

    My opinion is organised religions are make belief only. To believe something and to know something is completely different. We can't possibly know as Christians that Jesus existed. We were not there and neither were the religious teachers.
    Look at what organised religions have done. Division, Hatred, Wars look at Israel today another war. Muslims have attacked and taken land in other countries. Christianity is totally split.
    Organised religions are deceipt. They were forced on people. The Romans, Greeks, Forced Christianity. Mohammed and his army gave Islam even into Mongolia whose decendants are called Turks today.

  30. #30

    Liked the word texture
    Thanks for sharing.

  31. #31

    Sir, you are deceived. 2 Corinthians 11:14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. We cannot trust our EXPERIENCES, we ESPECIALLY cannot trust our hearts. Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? Therefore God gave us his word which allows us to test the truth. Jesus says, "I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father but by Me. " John 14:6

    We are NOT gods. That was the 1st documented LIE in human history. The serpent told Eve If she ate of the fruit she could be like God ‼️ Satan is using this SAME DECEPTION AGAIN & folks are falling for it hook, line & sinker. DO NOT BE DECEIVED ‼️

    Salvation is a FREE GIFT of God and NOT of works lest ANY man should boast.
    For by GRACE ye are saved through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.

  32. #32

    “Death does not exist there’s only God” says it all, if humanity could really realize this it would transform the world into heaven on Earth.

  33. #33

    Thank you so much for sharing this!

  34. #34

    There's a lotta deception around the afterlife. Cultures were clearly deceived about it for thousands of years….. and, given the wide variety of disparate and extremely biased accounts, we shouldn't accept anyone's near death experience. The astral and lower spiritual realms are populated by fallen angels and their associates out to mess with or minds and make us believe stuff that ain't based in truth (John 14:6). The fallen are VIRTUAL REALITY masters: it's all about deceiving mankind and it's REAL EASY.

    VAST multitudes seeking truth fail to find because they're easily led astray by worldly logic, sensuality, vain esoterism or specious mysticisms. I know I was.

    I'm an ex neo-vedantic (hindu roots) new ager. I used to be into so much "cosmic/spiritual" stuff: trance channelings, ancient wisdom, gnosticism, psychedelic drugs, hindu gurus and buddhist variants. I was illuminated by the kundalini (serpent) spirit then 8 years ago I got rightly enlightened by the Holy Spirit – which showed me what a fool I was before….. Spirit led to the REAL Yahusha/Jesus Christ and everything changed – Paradigm Shifted ….. This is being BORN AGAIN and it's an ongoing surprise to me 😁

    Spirituality is a soul serious business taken way too lightly by far too many …..

    …… the end-times are dead ahead; a time of tribulation and Antichrist is near.

    I know I won't reach many but it escapes the notice of our self-absorbed, glamour-saturated world that we're in a spiritual WAR for souls. The immensity of ignorance is astonishing: supernal powers are BEDAZZLING the minds of the masses (Ephesians 6:12). We've inherited ancient spiritual subversion: the Earth is fallen ….. the holistic fields of nature are fallen state; "Morphic Resonance" is OUT of affinity with DIVINITY; Death is all too familiar; Natural life hunts, KILLS and feeds on itself. Humanity is a spiritually fallen race highly prone to deceit and delusion. FRANKLY, we need a SAVIOUR and by Jesus Christ we have a GREAT ONE

    As a new ager I couldn't believe (I was damn sure I knew better) but in the Light of Spirit Jesus really is the Way, the truth and the Life just like He said: no one comes to GOD except through Jesus, there's no other way (Matthew 7:13-14). Being a neo-vedantist I wasn't convinced, yet, turns out the Bible is Spirit breathed, written by men inspired by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is vividly portrayed and endorsed in the new testament, in fact he's apparent in the old testament too (Luke 24:27 & 44) and by His LIGHT we're allowed to see that and know Him. Any previously perceived discrepancies or contradictions are ironed out and the supernatural narrative flows most beautifully……

    ……. the Bible is the Revelation of Jesus Christ (Isaiah 2:2-4; 9:6-7 & 45:23, Daniel 7:13-14, Matthew 28:18, Mark 14:61-62, Revelation 1:7-8 & 18, Rev 19:11-21)

  35. #35

    Every time i read the comments on NDE videos i can't help but notice how hateful, arrogant, violent, cruel and anti-Christ conservative christians are

  36. #36

    Such a fascinating subject, so well explained. I need to find more of his teaching.

  37. #37

    If a religion is not universal (unity-based) but sectatian/tribalist (as unfortunately most of mainsteam misguided religions today are) then this type of exoteric sectarian religion is a profound misunderstanding (or ignorance) of what God actually is, and this type of blasphemous religion (sectarian, humanity-dividing, and ignorant of the wholistic and unified nature of God and of life) is the total negation of the very nature of God and is destructive for humanity's ability to remember who we are what God is.

    Such a sectarian/tribalist divisive religion is also profoundly destructive to our ability to bring our essence as love into manifestation on this earth, becasue it is the number one cause of the division of humanity and therefore the number one cause for creating antagonism, conflict, war and INSECURITY for human beings on earth and the number one cause for moving us away from the God, from Love, from our unity, and from the essence of life..

    In my experience, sectarian, tribalistic divisive anti-wholistic exoteric religion is therefore one of the most (if not THE MOST) destructive and God-denying forces on this earth

  38. #38

    I felt, it was like pulling a tooth. He didn't really share anything about his experience other than it was peaceful. That's what I got out of that. Way too much intellectual explanations, with no real substance, at least for me.

  39. #39

    transparent moronic egomoniacs decieved and looking for company

  40. #40

    Wow this is exactly what I understood after my multiple Ayahuacsa ceremonies

  41. #41

    and when i saw (wasent a full NDE was more like some senses were pulled to hell) chained on a cube with 1000-500 occumpants per cube and infinant cubes above and below and right to left forward backawrds, an invisable lightning licking in sucn an sufferable way that all area deformed and cant tell human demon angel or anyother species apart, would make level 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 timesd to the 9999999999999999999999th power super sayan cry like a baby! was other torments too like smashing into atomic bits but nerves dont sever, a singularity, there was even a "cotton candy machine" for those who seperated on earth, and no was nothing candy about it at all! was two or more souls thrown into the machine and then spun into a fleshy cotton candy! it was so terrable i dubbed it SCP-666-H.

  42. #42

    Freedom is our complete connection to God.

  43. #43

    Doing Great Work my Friend!!!! 💚

  44. #44

    Your message is exactly the same as A Course in Miracles.

    Thank you 🙏

  45. #45

    Up to 10 min I heard not a word what happened to his mom and sister in the accident but every medical detail of his injuries. (Maybe I missed it)
    But that's when I gave up.

  46. #46

    Speaking of missing the mark.. Jesus said I am the truth and life. No one comes to the father except through me. I don’t question your experience I questioned the source. even the devil comes as an angel of light says the Bible

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