Home > Lost Souls > Man Who Survived Near Death Experience Was Lied To (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

Man Who Survived Near Death Experience Was Lied To (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

Apr 2023 25

Montoya/Sensabaugh v. Brown: An Oakland woman and her son confront his ex about the paternity of her daughter.


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Man Who Survived Was Lied To () |

Season 2, Episode 118

#PaternityCourt #LaurenLake


--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/man-who-survived-near-death-experience-was-lied-to-full-episode-paternity-court/


  1. #1

    I know that man is not 21.

  2. #2

    That lady looks like his mom.

  3. #3

    Why is he getting shot so often tho

  4. #4

    Good thing he wasn’t the father. He wouldn’t live long enough to see the child grow up

  5. #5

    I'm so glad he is not the father because the 'grandmama' is full of drama and he's a bullet magnet. Hopefully the real dad is a better man. But I doubt it.

  6. #6

    Wow, that baby looks just like the grandma

  7. #7

    21? Goodness. His black is cracked. I thought he was 38.

  8. #8

    Why is it when the results are read and the guy is not the father, the lying moms have a Lil smirk on their face, like it's funny….this is serious s$!t

  9. #9

    I wouldn’t want a man that keeps getting shot posting pictures of my baby even if it was his.

  10. #10

    I would never want my child around a family who are so blase about someone living a life where they're constantly being shot!

  11. #11

    I totally binge this show, I love it and I'm trying to get some colleagues hooked too, so I can gossip about it offline too! I came to the show late, which means I have LOADS to catch up on?!?!!

  12. #12

    I still fancy Jerome

  13. #13

    As much as that mother wants to say brown is a lier but clearly they are as well
    Him: I got shot 6 times
    Mom: he was shot 3 times already
    Mom: my son was twice who is to say the third time I’ll lose him

    So umm how is it 6 times but also 3 times but also twice

  14. #14

    Why he bring his mama to parternity court?

  15. #15

    25 with four children? She said he did not have a responsible lifestyle, why was she STILL with him and expecring him to be ready for her and ALL of those children? The audience claps for the wrong reason.

  16. #16

    Ok, BM should have known that he would have been ready to "settle down" in his early TWENTIES!!!!

  17. #17

    Man , I have been asking for follow ups to these cases forever… but nothing.
    I would love to know if the guy changed,his lifestyle, if the other man is the father , if her great grandmother is still alive etc etc …..🤔

  18. #18

    Wow terrible mother in law. I couldn't put up with that either.

  19. #19

    Am loving this show show even made me emotional

  20. #20

    What lifestyle is he leading to keep getting shot?!

  21. #21

    I can totally understand and respect the fact that the young lady was fearful of allowing her child to be around this guy given his lifestyle. However, it was the elaborate web of lies she weaved together regarding the child's paternity that got me. I believe that she truly did not know which one of the men was the father. So she kept the lies going until her daughter was old enough for her to see which one she actually resembled before she agreed to come to court. But, it all worked out for the best in the end.

  22. #22

    Some females will sleep with anything 🤮

  23. #23

    She should be happy he’s a gangster. Run girl 😢

  24. #24

    Mama got so much to say about her need to say something to her son that done almost died twice

  25. #25

    Honestly I do not blame mama in this situation. I wouldn't want my child near that kinda lifestyle and with the way HIS MOTHER pratically ran this instead of him, like- ma'am back up-

    idk if it was just me but like, when he was saying that the baby looked like him and they had the side by sides- I was like "That ain't his baby- That baby look nothin like him?"

  26. #26

    So they did a DNA and it came back negative why she lied like it wasn't the real result to drag them in court knowing the baby wasn't his!!!!something ain't right about her!!!

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