Home > Lost Souls > During Her Near Death Experience She Saw Multiple Realities | NDE

During Her Near Death Experience She Saw Multiple Realities | NDE

Dec 2022 01

Millions of people have had Near Experiences (NDEs) and even more, claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBEs). These are their . If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.

If you would like for me to narrate your personal , feel free to email me at heavenawaitsyou2@gmail.com

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For more narrations, please see below.

I Died And Saw Emerald And Purple Beings | Near- Experience |

I Died And Saw My Previous Lives | Near- Experience | NDE

I Died And Met The Angel Lamdiel | Near-Death Experience | NDE


--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/during-her-near-death-experience-she-saw-multiple-realities-nde/


  1. #1

    Thank you Leigh!! I loved hearing my experince through you! I cried listening, like I was experinceing the emotions all over again! Thank you for sharing your gift with the world.

  2. #2

    After listening to so many stories of reincarnation I was in bed thinking about it and I received a message from above..we don't die therefore there is no rebirth but we can learn from our mistakes and the only way to do that is to relive our only life we ever had again but not in this reality but in the spiritual realm where we can come into our lives at any given time to change things that we couldn't change when we were in the shell of our body. The only way I can explain it is it's like watching a movie of our life and we can manifest our spirit to relive that life over and over again until we truly become one with God and we love God and each other. So if you think your alive right now your not your already in heaven and your just living this life because your spirit is recreating what you could have changed..in other words we are given many chances to change just like Jesus said about how many times must I forgive someone and Jesus said not once but many times. So our reality is really God's reality. Don't be afraid to come to Jesus Christ. He loves you so much so that he came from heaven to die for our sins which is what separated us from God. I had a message from God that when you finally accept Jesus Christ you finally get to go to heaven where God shows you things you could never imagine or dream and that's when you can finally stay in proximity to God…you will be in God's presence the way Jesus Crist is in God's presence.

  3. #3

    Why fast immediately after having a baby. Your body is weak and your minerals in your body are too low. They were most likely going to die. I believe in NDE but these all people here are good writers that have amazing writing skills. How do you know about God, if you were not a Christian. The terms that you use to explain the situation are all premeditated. May God have mercy.

  4. #4

    Stacey this is one of the most beautiful stories. I had to listen twice just to get it all in my head. I will be listening again and again as it brings me such joy and peace. I actually had to pause it because I became so overwhelmed with love that I started to cry. I’m starting to cry just writing this. The love that God has for mankind is so big we don’t even know the true scope of it here on earth. As I have been ascending and transforming the last two years my heart has opened even more to love. This helps me see that I am on the right path. I will continue to seek God, seek love, because we come love, we are love and this dark world needs our love. What a blessing you got to be able to see and feel all this! Thank you for sharing your story. Thank you Lee for your channel. I seriously can’t get enough of these stories. It’s truly helping me! Thank you God for giving us answers to our questions through all these amazing people! ❤

  5. #5

    Most marvelous experience

  6. #6

    Wow I love this one! Wish there was a reality where I'm a superman without a weakness of kryptonite.

  7. #7

    This was eye opening and I have never heard a story like this before wow

  8. #8

    I'm so amazed that others have experienced the bubbles…I though that I was the only one. Im so glad that I'm not crazy. Thank you for sharing your journey ❤

  9. #9

    plz heaven awaits let me know ur thoughts on why some ppl experience hell… have u figured it out at least to the best of ur knowledge

  10. #10

    I have some experience of past death, but no memory once the golden light enveloped me and the warmth, love, and knowing that comes with it. I remember nothing after this but the light was so comforting, when it's my time to leave earth I can't wait to feel the love and light again. Amazing. ❤️

  11. #11

    Thank you for sharing!

  12. #12

    I've noticed very religious people will always filter these NDE through their bible and if it contradicts it, they dispute the NDE as mumbo jumbo. I wonder why that is and they wouldn't question an old book also written by people?

  13. #13

    But she didn't die.. this is a sort of "revelation"

  14. #14

    This was interesting but it went a bit over my head. Do we create our own bubbles (worlds) with our thoughts?

  15. #15

    i really liked this one 🙂 felt very truthful

  16. #16

    This one intrigues me immensely. I'm the kind of person who likes to think and talk about deep stuff, and this NDE really satisfied some stuff I was wondering about concerning the Universe, and how it would function through spiritual eyes. Thanks for sharing….I will listen to this one a few times

  17. #17
  18. #18

    Sounds like a good DMT trip

  19. #19

    Wow! I love listening to all these. It makes me excited to go home and have this experience again but to also have love and gratitude for this life experience. I live a truly blessed life and am so thankful for that. Love to all the beautiful energies that exist 💕🙏 thanks for sharing

  20. #20

    Now I understand why we don't remember our pre-birth past. It's just too difficult to understand with the limited earthly brain…

  21. #21

    Thank you Stacey. God has shown you the future of al who believe and also what we have been taught would become our future if we overcome our fears. If we repent and leave the darkness and turn away from it. The dark ones also come from the darkness. They are actually messengers of death, sickness, disease, poverty, and destruction. The dark ones are destroyers. The dark skinned ones. There is nothing good in them. We therefore should always choose what is for our happiness, love. But a wise love.. The cursed race is doomed for eternal hell’s destruction. Because they are the destroyers. They are the dark ones, the black skinned ones. There culture is nothing but evil. They will do anything “kind” to live and gain our favour. But they are arrogant and they do that only to deceive. Keep asking for God and the light. We do not need to love or accept the darkness or the black (dark) skinned ones because they are from the darkness. Thayer always seek to confuse the blessed races and nations. It’s a battle of the mind. A battle to keep your mind under your own control and under the truth and reality of God’s existence. They don’t want God. To them God is something else. It is a power from the Devil, to kill other races who do not look like them or who are not them. This is their culture. The reason for their existence. This has been the reality of our past, which we are moving out of now. All pain and suffering from our enemies,, the darkness, the dark ones, the dark skinned ones and their evil culture, and those who are of other races but have chosen the darkness. i.e. to live always wanting to hurt, harm, kill, destroy the children of light. The dark and evil ones always also try to change the children of light to be hurt, depressed and angry all the time. This is our fight between good and evil, light and darkness. Stay in communication with God. Soon all God’s children of the light will be on the other side, which he has shown you in your NDE, the new earth, and heaven. All who have lived in the glory of this this passing away world, will not make it to the other side, the new heavenly earth. That place will only be for those who have chosen God, who knew Him, even through suffering. For those who stood firm for past and present truth (the light, the word and promises of God. Who lived and died for for what was good, right, pure, loving, true, faithfull, obedient to Christ, noble and honest. For those who did not tolerate sin, evil and witchcraft, for this is what the darkness is. It was not easy living in this illusionary, deceiving world and therefore, corrupted created universe. But it is so worth it to choose God. To call or cry out for Him when the darkness threatens to take us. Stay close to our Father who art in heaven above. Holy trinity loves you with an everlasting and enduring love. ❤❤❤🌈🌈🌈🧬🧬🧬✨✨✨

  22. #22
  23. #23

    Thank you Stacy and Leigh for this story. Listening to NDE's has helped me so much. I no longer want to commit suicide. ❣

  24. #24

    I enjoyed it is uplifting and hopeful for love. to be honest I really don't fully grasp full love of God. However I do understand God is not a byproduct of love God is love. so for me Her experience is uplifting

  25. #25

    There’s no premise. It’s wayy too vague and missing a ton of info.

  26. #26

    Not an NDE, but a couple of times I've had a "knowing", perhaps channeling a message? But this is similar to what knowledge I was given, where there are infinite eternities within the space between the very molecules of all which Is. We are all bits of a collective – not only part of a whole created by God, but part of God itself. That word – God – is the simplest to use in this context, but is still so limited in the ability to convey the vastness of how completely and utterly enmeshed in every single piece of every single reality this energetic entity is.

    All experiences teach us things, which all contributes to the growth and experience of the collective.

    As such, all choices, all actions, all expressions of those choices and actions… they are not necessarily all of love, but most certainly they are all of Love.

    The difference here, which I express with a different capitation of the L, is in which level of experience it is. In this life, right now, I use the lower case. See, we think of things like feeding the homeless, sending kind letters in the mail to friends and family, or giving a big hug expressions of love.

    We do not, however, (generally) think of that which we perceive as negative to be of love. War, genocide, racism, divisionism, kicking a puppy… how could any of this be of love when one must have such a cruel heart to believe and behave in such ways?! Truly, it is not.

    But just as there are yin and yang, Jedi and Sith, good and evil… it is within the presence of one that you can truly see and appreciate the contrast of the other.

    It is a terrible thing to wipe out entire cities in brutal and hateful acts, but this does serve to illuminate our innate desire to help one another, to support one another, to share with one another. We volunteer, we donate, we vote, we give, we do. We love.

    Being part of the collective All sticks with us even in this life where most are consciously unaware of the connection.

    And so these terrible acts shock is, they sadden us, they anger us, and they propel us forward in doing what we're able to do to create more positivity and love in this existence, all of which contributes to the learning, growth, and experiences of the All.

    And that is Love. Sharing what we have learned and experienced to enhance the existence of all that Is – that is Love. We are enhanced, nourished, guided by this Love.

    This knowing has helped me to handle most of the bad things going on around us. I reminds myself that even this expression of hate is done in the interest of Love, contributing to the growth and enrichment of the All.

    I do still struggle, however, with certain things. For instance, I am deeply upset about the Roe v Wade overturn. It causes me much distress. But it has had the effect of inspiring people to evaluate what they believe and reach out to help total strangers. It has fostered and nourished a push to be more open and understanding of the struggles others face that it is not part of our path to ever experience or truly understand.

    This strengthens our capacity to experience and express love, to expand our capabilities to support one another regardless of our differences. We each, in turn, take that which we have learned to the All when we're done with this particular existence. And the sharing – that's Love.

    I've been down this a few times now, and I absolutely love it. It feels like I'm in on a secret that gives me a deeper appreciation for the complexities of human behavior, and helps to alleviate some of the distress about the bad in this world. What a gift!

    I pray I'll continue to experience these knowings from whatever is sharing them with me. They feel very special and sacred. ❤️

  27. #27
  28. #28

    Thank you. You are a terrific reader! I really enjoy this channel recently 🌈

  29. #29

    Sorry merciful love compassion Angel's sorry not on purpose seven if I was not worthy undeserving

  30. #30

    Praying mercy forgive dome how any how forgive mercy

  31. #31

    Yes!!! So many toxic household products like Tide or other detergents. People are so blind to it too!! Sad

  32. #32

    One of the Best experiences of the expression of God's Love foretold, thanks for sharing. God Bless. Praise God and All His Creation.

  33. #33

    Most government leaders have evil souls that create dark bubbles lifetime after lifetime? Look at the current evil regimes in control in Canada, USA, UK, Australia, China, etc.

  34. #34

    That is truly deep 💕

  35. #35

    U trippin gurl…

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