Home > Lost Souls > Hospice Doctor Reveals SHOCKING Deathbed Vision Accounts! (End of Life) | Dr. Christopher Kerr

Hospice Doctor Reveals SHOCKING Deathbed Vision Accounts! (End of Life) | Dr. Christopher Kerr

Nov 2023 17

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Christopher Kerr, MD, PhD, is the Chief Medical Officer and Chief Executive Officer for Hospice & Palliative Care Buffalo. Alongside direct patient care, Dr. Kerr’s focus is in the areas of leadership and patient advocacy. He has overseen the integration and expansion of palliative care into hospitals and developed a large home-based program for both adults and children and has published on innovative program models that are designed to better align patient/family services to the complexity of needs inherent to advanced illness.

Dr. Kerr’s background in research has evolved from bench science toward the human experience of illness as witnessed from the bedside, specifically patients’ dreams and visions at the end of . Although medically ignored, these near-universal experiences often provide comfort and meaning, as well as insight into the led and the death anticipated. To date, the research team at Hospice & Palliative Care Buffalo has published multiple studies on this topic and documented over 1,500 end-of- events, many of which are videotaped.

Dr. Kerr’s work was published in a recent book called Death Is but a Dream: Finding Hope and Meaning at Life’s End.

Christopher Kerr is a hospice doctor. All of his patients die. Yet, he has cared for thousands of patients who, in the face of death, speak of and . Beyond the physical realities of dying are unseen processes that are remarkably life-affirming. These include dreams that are unlike any regular dream. Described as “more real than real”, these end-of-life experiences resurrect past relationships, meaningful events, and themes of and forgiveness; they restore life’s meaning and mark the transition from distress to comfort and acceptance.

Drawing on interviews with over 1,400 patients and more than a decade of quantified , Dr. Kerr reveals that pre-death dreams and visions are extraordinary occurrences that humanize the dying process. He shares how his patients’ stories point to death as not solely about the end of life, but as the final chapter of humanity’s transcendence. Kerr’s audiobook also illuminates the benefits of these phenomena for the bereaved, who find solace in seeing their loved ones pass with a sense of calm closure.

Beautifully written, with astonishing real-life characters and stories, this audiobook is at its heart a celebration of our power to reclaim the dying process as a deeply meaningful one. Death Is but a Dream is an important contribution to our understanding of medicine’s and humanity’s greatest mystery.

Please enjoy my conversation with .

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The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Next Level , its subsidiaries, or any entities they represent.

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--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/hospice-doctor-reveals-shocking-deathbed-vision-accounts-end-of-life-dr-christopher-kerr/


  1. #1

    are there any videos of people having these experiences? looking at, communicating with the other people who have died already?? i cant seem to find these.

  2. #2

    It’s concerning that this doctor doesn’t seem to believe in an afterlife….have I misinterpreted this?

  3. #3

    He’s a very kind soul.
    Interesting podcast Alex.

  4. #4

    I have lost so many in the last few years including both children. It will be the happiest day of my life when I see them again.

  5. #5

    Interesting. But the title is very click-baity. I can't figure out what was this shocking vision the title refers to. My mother did speak of her mother and eldest sister meeting her just before she passed recently.

  6. #6

    Thank you both. I missed my mums passing 2yrs ago by about 40 mins. I cant forgive myself for not being with her . I do take great comfort in these evidential talks. ❤️🙏🕯

  7. #7

    I was transitioning…I experienced incredible things for several months ….it was decided it wasn't my time. The next world beings completely healed my heart.

  8. #8

    Fascinating. Thank you.

  9. #9

    I used to work with some hospice patients at their home. I can’t explain the environment and the feeling I get near their near death times

  10. #10

    Dr Kerr is my favorite guest. Thank you for this wonderful interview ❤️

  11. #11

    Amazing interview

  12. #12

    He said most people say that they would love to go to heaven but not right now I would love to go right now ❤

  13. #13

    Dr Kerr…do you fear death? Oh, yeah. Awesome😊

  14. #14
  15. #15

    He sounds very honorable within his work, well done I say.

  16. #16

    My son died almost four years ago, just days after his 22nd birthday. He told me many times that there was nothing to fear in death. Since his passing, I no longer fear death. I so appreciate the work of Dr. Kerr and Hospice & Palliative Care of Buffalo. I've followed his work for over 3 yrs, since seeing him on the Netflix documentary. Fascinating work!

  17. #17


  18. #18

    Very inspiring. May infinite bravery and Articulation come to those who also have witnessed these experiences So they can bring them forward and ease the minds of the living.

  19. #19

    Or help me start it here on Cape Cod❤..

  20. #20

    Doc..can I work with you Sir..so get you..I'm Strong ..all you say is SO TRUE..cape cod loves you too❤we need you here..

  21. #21

    My dream today is to be with them also❤ Dr you are SO beautiful ❤ I thank you from the bottom of my ❤️ heart..you and your staff I commend you!!!!!

  22. #22

    Structural changed❤..I survived….sense of ❤️ love..lost all anger..you are SO right on

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