Home > spiritual, Spiritual Herbs, Video > Dr. John Henrik Clarke on the African Origin of Christianity

Dr. John Henrik Clarke on the African Origin of Christianity

Nov 2024 11

Dr. Clarke discusses the African origin of Christianity; the Original Hebrews; and the relationship between Africans and Arabs.


--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/dr-john-henrik-clarke-on-the-african-origin-of-christianity/


  1. #1


  2. #2

    This guy is wrong about what he says about the bible it may sound good but he WRONG. This is a ChEW My the meat spit out the bones situations

  3. #3
  4. #4

    The bible (that you get so dewy-eyed over) is propaganda. -Dr. John Henrik Clarke
    Grow up Black people. Religion will not save you.

  5. #5

    Jesus is the Way
    The Truth and the Life

  6. #6

    Mange d'la marde niaiseux

  7. #7

    Why was there a particular race that you hate so much that was so successful and easily made your people into slaves? That’s a big the mentality and debasing and doesn’t give you any power because things just happened to you. Rise up and quit complaining because people believe this shit

  8. #8

    What is the name of the book he said to read and compare with the bible?

  9. #9

    Personally I v learned a lot from this man Dr Clarke.

  10. #10

    After more than 30 years a mainstream protestant, I was told by two different ministers, a presbyterian and a baptist, that the bible we read is not inspired nor inerrant. Once that fact sinks in… the matrix around you begins to crumble. I want to know more.

  11. #11

    So much hidden truth!!! I let go of religion and I am now closer to the universal creative forces of nature.

  12. #12

    I'm proud to call him my brother. He provokes me to be prouder member of the human race! I can listen to him all day.

  13. #13

    Black excellence

  14. #14

    Middle eastern view of White Race:
    I consider myself a Messianic Jew but Islams hadiths give insight to how Middle Easterners or at least arabs saw race. Since Arabs(Yishmael) are related to the Jews(Isaac) their views on race were likely similar. In one of their hadiths(Quran Tafsir Ibn Kathir) it is explained that they never refer to white people as white but rather red (Ahmar). The hadith describes Yeshua as red as well(Abdur-Rahman bin Adam /Abu Hurayrah). In these Bible verses 1 Samuel 16:12, 1 Samuel 17:42, Song of Solomon 5:10, King David and Solomon are both described as Red(Admoni and Adom in the original Hebrew). They are also described as having shiny(Paz) black curly hair(Taltallim). African hair is Frizzy or kinky not curly and doesn't shine. Since they Lived in the desert clearly they couldn't be flat out white, but OLIVE SKINNED(Light tan with yellowish tint) just like Jews are today.
    . http://alajamwalarab.com/ahmar/

  15. #15

    It’s about dam time someone told the truth!!!

  16. #16

    Prof. Clark failed to mention the fact that:
    1. “Christianity” and “Christian” as a term is a totally western construct invented by the Romans and thus IS NOT applicable to Africa nor the faith of the biblical Apostles and their followers Acts:11

    2. “Organized religion” is an inverted term in the last decade or so and has absolutely nothing to do with the faith of the biblical apostles. This term is used, interestingly, to discredit faith in mass and not prove any real point or argument for or against faith. Such a term should be left to those who are either uninitiated in any real faith and or are completely uneducated about what their faith ‘is’ or what is “faith” in general. “Religion” to people like this is a bad word.

    3. Orthodoxy is not mentioned at all. Yes the word is Greek which means: ‘Straight True Faith”. This the term the Apostles used and was the accepted term within the Afro-endemic “Keristiology” and the Apostolic mystery schools of Egypt and Ethiopia during the 1st century onward for which most of what became known as “Christianity” and Catholicism” was derived.

    Those you who follow Clark here on this subject are being miseducated.

  17. #17

    This without exaggeration, is the most ignorant diatribe I have ever heard spoken about Christianity. This highly praised teacher of history speaks about the subject of The African Origen of Christianity as if he is angry and fed up and is spewing his own opinion. This is no way to teach anything. All the name calling and arrogance is just embarrassing. I walked away from this video more of a believer in Christ and less interested in how non-believers and godless people view faith. “Faith” and God is not academic.

    It sad to see this historical figure so powerless.

    No words.

    Just wow.

  18. #18

    Love Me Some Dr. Clarke

  19. #19

    Put this in the university’s New York teachers college is a start

  20. #20

    An ducated full is an instrument of destruction in the hands of the enemy

  21. #21

    Jesus is black!!! On Judgement Day some people will die again of chock!!!

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