book link: 100 African religions before slavery & colonization Hard copy link to the book My blog Facebook Facebook group Twitter Donate to source
On February 1, 2005, The Brother Leader of the Revolution Presents to African Intellectuals his Strategic Vision of an African Cultural Revolution to Preserve the African Identity, its Historical Roots and Age-old Heritage source
In this video, we debunk the misconception that African spirituality is witchcraft. Learn about the rich traditions and beliefs that make up African spirituality. source
PLO LUMUMBA - Religion has been used to manipulate Africans into poverty . In one of his speeches, Professor PLO Lumumba, a renowned Kenyan lawyer, and political activist, spoke about how religion has been used to manipulate Africans into poverty. He stated that many African religious leaders have used religion as a tool to control and exploit the masses, which has led to widespread poverty and suffering on the continent. He argued that religion should not be used to justify oppression and inequality, but rather as a means of promoting peace, justice, and equality for all people. Furthermore, Prof Lumumba......
PLO LUMUMBA - Religion has been used to manipulate Africans into poverty. In one of his speeches, Professor PLO Lumumba, a well-known Kenyan lawyer, and political activist, spoke about how religion has been used to manipulate Africans into poverty. He stated that many African religious leaders have used religion as a tool to control and exploit the masses, which has led to widespread poverty and suffering on the continent. He argued that religion should not be used to justify oppression and inequality, but rather as a means of promoting peace, justice, and equality for all people. Additionally, Prof Lumumba argued......
Please Consider joining my Patreon to help finding scholars to bring on. Any amount helps me. Thank you existing Patrons. 2nd Channel: Follow me on Twitter: Discord: Lucy, the discovery of this 3.2 million-year-old fossil skeleton was such a monumental breakthrough and what it meant for our understanding of human evolution. In 1974, a team of researchers led by the renowned paleoanthropologist Dr. Donald Johanson made a groundbreaking find in the Afar region of Hadar, Ethiopia. They unearthed an almost complete fossil skeleton belonging to an early human ancestor of our species, whom they affectionately named Lucy after the Beatles'......