Dealing with a husband’s near-death experience & failing to find a spouse
Granger Smith Podcast Episode 150: If your spouse is faced with a near death experience, all you can do is love them. A human is changed when they face their own mortality. Show them grace and allow them the time that they need to heal. Join me as we chat about this topic and more on this week’s podcast!
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Tracy Fulayter
2 years agoGreat podcast
Cody Barrick
2 years agoHey brother! My wife and I are coming to Texas from Pennsylvania next week and I would love to tour the ranch if it is possible!
Kathleen Martin
2 years agoI think this guy needs a different girl friend. She is selfish and wanting to put her values on this guy. Love is respecting the other person. Love wants the best for the person. Love is patient, kind, not jealous and not rude.
2 years agoVery well said Granger, that one relationship doesn’t sound good.
S3V3N Ate
2 years agoDoes Granger ever read/respond to these comments? I think I need some help….
Nathan Cole
2 years agoExcellent podcast
Vinny Pinatelli
2 years agoI seen the yee yee semi yesterday in Montana off I90 got a picture with it in the background then took off !! Made my whole day better after that !! God bless you sir!
Tausha Berry
2 years agoYou are So Inspiring !!! Thank you for all your Hard Work !!!
Gary B
2 years agoSound advice on the young woman not happy with his absence..prayers for you as you reach out on this Podcast
Kendra Wilson
2 years agoYou are so right Granger. We need the entire Bible to navigate this life. Our identity is not in our physical attributes. Thank you for always sharing advice from a biblical perspective. This is such an amazing and rare thing. The world needs more of this. ❤️
Jenn Dios
2 years agoI love how passionate you are answering these questions. You give so much wise insight. You seriously hit the nail on the head every time. I really take it all in and appreciate how much you care. I recently found a new church and they say the same things. Welcome friend, we're glad you're here! I find myself looking forward to Sundays and planning to join a small group. I was having a stressful day at work and turned on worship music and felt peace and gratitude & everything improved because my mindset was on God and not my small insignificant worldly, in the moment, problems. I was in a good mood and it turned everything around. My perspective changed. Thank you for all your bible based & real world, straight forward advice. It's so genuine and truly helpful to those who listen and apply it.
Chris La
2 years agoLol, if I was in a relationship, and they said , Gonna go away with my family or buddies? Awesome sauce! Get out of my hair! But then again I am 53 years old. 😉
2 years agoIm not doing good I have covid I got it after your concert at the fair
Laurie Leis
2 years agoThank you for taking your valuable time to answer fans questions. It means the world to us that you care.
Cliff Helwig
2 years agoAttend a good church had you will become friends with good people. But beware not everyone at any church is good for you.
Cliff Helwig
2 years agoLife is so much more than any one bible verse. You are so correct. Daily study and reading is necessary.
Donna Reis
2 years agoMy x husband travel for work. He feel in love with a woman in an office he frequented. I hated his traveling! Told him before we married. He had a job where he was home every night. Then. We had 3 sons. We needed him at home! Loved him deeply.
married 18 years
Braddah Bruce
2 years ago🍍😎🤙🌴🥥🌺🌈
Terry Bialowas
2 years agoSo to the guy who was complaining about not finding a girl cause of his height I am taller than my 5'3" husband by 2 inches. He and I met through a social group. Yes I agree with Granger you could find a girl at church but look at your hobbies and find a group of people with the same hobbies. To the one saying they have no friends I say the same thing find a group of people with the same hobbies. It is not a dating site but there is a site called meet up and you can put in your zip code and hobbies and it will show you what groups are around you and then you go meet people and make friends. This is how I met my husband.
2 years agoI didn't have friends as kid and social media has made it worse and now I'm a lonely 27 years old that feels lost!