Home > Lost Souls > Dead for 11 Hours: My Unexpected Journey to Heaven and Hell with Jim Woodford | Full Episode

Dead for 11 Hours: My Unexpected Journey to Heaven and Hell with Jim Woodford | Full Episode

Nov 2022 04

He lived his life for everything the world could offer, but when he died for 11 hours, he quickly realized his life was headed in the wrong direction… Hear Jim Woodford’s gripping first-hand account of and that will give you a greater understanding of !

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In this lively and sometimes unpredictable half hour talk show, Joni tackles a wide range of relevant issues, controversial subjects and hard hitting news topics with candor and wit. Combining colorful feature segments with an array of notable guests, Joni offers a fresh perspective on issues ranging from health and nutrition to divorce and alternative lifestyles. Reaching a broad, multi-cultural audience, Joni Lamb transcends denomination and race by focusing on the importance and relevance of the Gospel in today’s society. Showcasing a contemporary, new look, life-changing testimonies and expert opinions, Joni Lamb raises the bar of traditional Christian television without compromising the truth of the Gospel.

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  1. #1

    Someone made a series of videos and music about the nde journey – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0Adj3Q12np-gHpLKhASVdTpsbiI5Bp9Q
    Each video / song is about a different part of the nde as told by many people who experienced similar events.

  2. #2

    Hallelujah Jesus 💓✝️
    God bless you Jim for your testimony 💗

  3. #3

    Excellent program God just passed a revaltion to me through this he is good. I have died twice and had time with God. The holy spirit will always. Bear witness. Amen.

  4. #4

    Fake video dead for 11 hours ain't no coming back

  5. #5


  6. #6
  7. #7

    A very heart-warming testimony, thank you for sharing Mr James Woodford 🌹

  8. #8

    I dont believe him,not even half of it.

  9. #9

    Your crazy people. There is no afterlife.

  10. #10

    This man is a book author, you people are so gullible.

  11. #11

    This is AWESOME! We have a lot to look forward to. https://youtu.be/Etsu3NzUibc

  12. #12

    Is there any greater erroneous arrogance than that of the finite, imperfect — and dishonest — humans who claim to be able to read the mind of a "God" who is at the same time asserted to be perfect and infinite, and at the same can't be proven to exist?

  13. #13

    fake. you can't be dead for 11 hrs. NO O2 to the brain. You would be brain dead ! Medically proven

  14. #14

    Please pray for me for defeating witchcraft

  15. #15

    thanks you scared everyone about dying and going to heaven

  16. #16

    This is a PSA To All The Nihilistic Cynical Skeptics Out There:

    I pity you Material Objectivists. Viewing life and death through a narrow minded physical reality prism or lens is always going to bring you more questions than answers. You’re insatiable appetite for knowledge and answers are admirable, but you lack creativity and imagination. Stop viewing this from a mechanical and lifeless POV. You’ll never find what you’re looking for that way.

    That is because intrinsically we are spiritual beings who are hardwired to serve and worship something greater than us. I know most skeptics and atheists tend to think of this as either delusional religious nuts or new age-y mysticism bullshit. Contrary to what they might believe though, a vast majority of these people are not schizophrenics or gullible fools.

    Most are enlightened individuals. Yes there are conman’s, people with mental illness and highly suggestive people. But to discount all of these NDE’s is frankly stupid and arrogant.

    I personally like to combine the teachings of Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, with some Quantum Mechanics thrown in there, and a little bit of The Teachings of Certain early Psychoanalysts like Freud and Jung. As well as certain Thinker’s or Philosopher’s such as Nietzsche and Dostoyevsky.

    At the end of the day we all gotta pick a team, I personally feel most comfortable with Christianity and is my personal favorite, so in name I identify as a Presbyterian Christian. But I respect and try to absorb teachings from many different disciplines and school’s of thought such as;

    Philosophy, Science, Theology, Arts, and Literature. They’re all equally important in advancing and keeping healthy The Mind, Body, And Spirit.

    Personally I believe in an afterlife, and i believe that we sort of manifest our own afterlife (Think a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy). I think that’s the key. The reason all these NDE’s are so different, is because we essentially create our own reality in life and in death. So for example, when i die perhaps I’ll envision and manifest what I believed while I inhabited this place and body. Of course there is no scientific method or tool to gauge and prove any of these testimonies or YouTube debates, but then again, that’d be pretty arrogant that a bipedal hairless ape can somehow understand the essence of the cosmos and truly decipher the sacred religious texts that were documented by early man. Most of these abstract and ridiculously complex questions and ideas are so beyond our grasp, that we might never truly understand until we die and meet our maker.

    Of course, this is all my opinion, and personal beliefs, but I vehemently disagree with the skeptical, scientifically dogmatic group of supposed academics and intellectuals. They come across as condescending, smug, and frankly not as smart as they think they are.

    Being smart is not the same as being wise.


  17. #17

    Brother Jim know that people have been praying for your salvation and thank God for having answered their prayers✝️♥️👍

  18. #18

    Ecclesiastes 12:8

    Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity.

    John 8:44

    Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

  19. #19

    People think that there's discrepancy between people seeing Jesus differently or the various particulars of an nde etc and then use this to discredit them, I don't think this discredits them at all. I think there's a 'base code reality of what is happening in life after death and you interpret that. So I might see Muhammad but that doesn't make Jim meeting Jesus any less valid. If it doesn't make sense mentally perhaps it's not meant to. Perhaps it makes sense in a different way, like to the heart.

  20. #20

    I look forward to death, mighty Jesus Christ 🙏🏾❤️

  21. #21

    First off you would not see heaven until your judged…and of course he also writes a book..

  22. #22

    These are lies! Liars! Don’t say we see helll and heaven! It’s all bullshit! Nobody goes up and come back !

  23. #23

    I had a very similar experience of NDE, it increased my faith in the creator and in life after death

  24. #24

    At Ten yrs old I saw Jesus looking out through my Bedroom window crying, mom was yelling at me , And i saw Jesus standing on the pinnacle of a Steeple of St John's Church in Bensenville Ill….His arms were stretched out, He had a Purple sache from his right shoulder that draped across his body on white robe..He wore sandles on His feet, I couldn't see his face, but the outline of his hair..He looked like 100 ft tall, it had to be early evening…I told my Dad that I saw Jesus, He came running in my Bedroom, and he couldn't see Him..He was gone..
    I often go back to that moment, his Jesus made himself so real to me!

  25. #25

    One more charlatan, and the count keeps going and going and going!! Amazing.. please brother's open your eyes and understand better all the bible.. thank you!!

  26. #26

    Jesus is NOT God!

    God has no children

    God is Creator & we are His lovely creation!

    Don't beguile yourselves

    Bible testifies to what i wrote.

  27. #27

    The saints go to heaven. They do not perish. Their sins are forgiven. They are not to be judged. They are predestinated, called, justified and glorified.

    There is the resurrection of the dead, the just and the unjust. Acts 24:15.
    These are resurrected back on the new earth.
    The just have no need of repentance.
    God is the Saviour of all men specially those that believe.
    Romans 2, the Gentiles that follow their God given conscience are a law unto themselves.
    John 3 and 5 The day will come when those that are in the graves/dead will hear the voice of God. Those that have done good will go into life on earth again.
    God created the earth to be inhabited.
    Revelation 20-22 says God will render to each person according to their ways at the great white throne judgment.

  28. #28

    God is so merciful to remind us to keep our robes white so that we are ready to meet Him in His fullness of glory. What a beautiful place to be

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