Home > Lost Souls > Are We Forced to Come to Earth or Do We All Plan Our Lives? | Akerke Muratova Pre Birth Memories Pt2

Are We Forced to Come to Earth or Do We All Plan Our Lives? | Akerke Muratova Pre Birth Memories Pt2

Sep 2022 19

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This is part 2 of my interview with Akerke Muratova about her !
Watch part 1 here:



EMAIL: divineinside111@gmail.com



Email (for business inquiries): Melissa@lovecoveredlife.com





--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/are-we-forced-to-come-to-earth-or-do-we-all-plan-our-lives-akerke-muratova-pre-birth-memories-pt2/


  1. #1

    Hi nice to meet you. Could you speak with spirits and let their relatives know their say. X Mun

  2. #2

    Those so-guides must be sadistic demons because , they know this realm of existance we live in is a pure hell, but they insist on sending us here to suffer, and they simply do nothing to make our life better.. our planet is being destroyed savagely but no "guide" give a damn about it.. why do they not stop rapist from raping, or bandits from robbing people of their money or even of their lives….to my opinion if there is an almighty god , that beast must be the cruelest and most sadistic being in the universe.. knowing how to stop us from suffering and not doing so, is the most horrible act of sadism ever seen here on earth…screw you god..!.( I know you are a simple creation of the human mind )

  3. #3

    “Don’t do just be” is what I was told after receiving Dasharn from Mother Meera..wow ✨

  4. #4

    This girl speaks truth. Pure and simple and beautiful

  5. #5

    Hey Melissa thanks again for another great video but I don't know this young lady's name but if I can I would love to chat with her to ask a few questions I need answers to both of you seem like you are very blessed n led to do what you do n I love both of you because I am loved by God or the universe but I am a Christian that believes Jesus is our salvation but I'm a u iversalist too so if you can help me talk to her I would be very grateful n God bless both of yall

  6. #6

    Is the rise in sea levels and the melting of glaciers part of the New Earth plan or should we try to prevent global warming?

  7. #7

    “we are always at home” hit me hard. for the past few weeks i have had an indescribable feeling of “i want to go home” popping in to my head. but we are home, we are protected, and we are loved

  8. #8

    This story was so beautiful until Albert Einstein show up.

  9. #9


  10. #10

    8 ~ Love 💜🤩

  11. #11

    Biblically it says only Mary will not ascend again. If we can trust most of those words or not it's well six and one half a dozen of the other. But it does say there are those that asked to come and those that ask to return. So I think it's both. Also what I've experienced. You can go and ask to come back. Near death experience. Three people myself experience similar things. Asking to come back wanting to save or look out for our siblings.

  12. #12

    I have prebirth memories and I recall that I didn’t want to come here without any doubts. I was told what to do. I was also counseled many times and experienced a type of training prior to incarnation.

  13. #13

    How do you astral project? I would like to get out of my body and talk to my guides.

  14. #14

    Yes write a book, so great full for this program and host

  15. #15

    Yes, we are always connected.What she describes is explained by new research in Physics and other studies about how the information field works. It's true.
    By being authentic and expressing our true self we show others life is not about suffering, but about creating free and creative communities and harmony. Everybody will get there if they choose to discover their true essence.

  16. #16
  17. #17

    what she says resonates with me so much. just found your channel today and she's my absolute fave. she's the reason im here.

  18. #18

    When I was a young engineer I had a great passion to paint. I took art classes at the local JC and got nothing out of. “ Someone” connected me to a great woman painter artist and teacher. I took lessons from her for years. One night I’m sitting in her studio and she’s starting at me like I’m her child. I’ve only seen that look from a mother. I asked her why are you looking at me like that? She said I’m not looking at you. I see your guardian Angel. I wonder if that was my guide?

  19. #19

    She is like a blessed ray of sunshine

  20. #20

    For 40 years, I believed in reincarnation, souls, spirit guides, etc, etc. But after years of meditations and asking for help from those above, I have come to the conclusion that none of these things exist. We are all here by chance, being born to random parents. That's all there is to it. No one has provided me with any proof of anything different. This young lady tells a nice story, that's about it.

  21. #21

    Thank God I found this. I lost my connection because I forgot my memories.

  22. #22

    job well done
    thanks for bringing her and her spiritual experience

  23. #23

    Listening to Akerke speak fills me with the zest for life…thank you

  24. #24

    We are all on the new earth now. It’s all around us. People just refuse to see it. The old earth Australia was in the middle of the ocean. South America was underneath North America. Welcome to new earth. And yes we reside in old earth as well. It’s very confusing

  25. #25

    This is no coincidence that I saw this video. Really amazing, I watched part I&II, I regconize so many things, thank you so much. Love&Light 🙏❤️🍀🌈

  26. #26

    Apenas sinto um grande amor nesse vídeo! Love, love, love! It’s all about love ❤️🤗

  27. #27

    What a beautiful soul!!!! 💚

  28. #28

    If we plan our lives, I am more disappointed in myself.

  29. #29

    I agree. This was one of your best guests ever.. my favorite by far

  30. #30

    Thank you for all those answers for all my questions i was asking in meditation….. rainbow blessings for you all

  31. #31


  32. #32

    I was just wanting a book to for my son, how to navigate being alive. Sounds wonderful.

  33. #33

    I don't know why I'm crying so much after finishing part 1 & 2 of her interview. What is this emotion and feeling going to me? I'm still crying as typing this. I'm amazed and thankful that she can described her experience vividly, fluently, and concisely. Many of her sayings just touched me so hard. I feel so light and lifted like you can breath better while hearing she talked. Well, thank you very much to both! <3

  34. #34

    the old earth is 3D what we are in now and the new earth is the 5th dimension …

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