Woman Attempt Suicide Lead Her To Heaven | Near – Death Experience
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Near-death experiences are profound events that often radically change the lives of those who have them. It some time called crossedover, otherside and life after death e.t.c
Some People dismiss near-death experiences as dreams or the hallucinations of a dying brain, people generally do not have the same kinds of hallucinations. In contrast, the descriptions of near-death experiences are remarkably consistent across culture and time. Many people do think when they do had their Near death Experience they saw past life regression, out of body experience, angels, heaven, met jesus,afterlife and testimony of jesus e.t.c..
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Near Death Experience – The Effects of Near-Death Experiences On Children
MUSIC: StoryBlocks/Audio Library
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--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/woman-attempt-suicide-lead-her-to-heaven-near-death-experience/
10 months agoThank you for sharing ❤❤❤
10 months agoThis video… I can’t even…. Thank you SO much for posting this!! First of all- you are so sweet! It comes across strongly in your demeanor! You seem like such a kind, humble, honest, and lovely person!!! Second of all- thank you SO much for sharing this!!!! One of my best friends committed suicide a few years ago. I’ve been so worried for her and thinking of her often. Wishing I could have done more, feeling guilty…. Everything that comes along with that. I’m so glad to see your story- it really makes me hopeful that she’s in a good place now. I do believe in God, and I understand exactly what you’re saying- everyone’s God is different, depending on what your background is. But reaching out to God- whatever that means to an individual- is so important! Thank you for this beautiful video- I’m sure it was not easy for you to do. God bless you- the world needs more people like you! ❤️
10 months agoHey, this is a comment for the channel. It's really insulting to have that subscribe and like and all that over her talking. It's really insulting. You should never do that to somebody. It's so pathetic that you do that. Pathetic. I will never watch you a channel again because you want to disrespect people the way you do.
10 months agoI think my purpose on earth is to fail because that's what happens. Doesn't matter how I try, doesn't matter how civil I am or respectfully I am or how grateful I am tough thankful I am isn't thankful and grateful the same thing? But no. Everything is a fight dealing with the dumbest and title ignorant people alive that don't listen to anything I say and they want to end me. I just don't get it. And I'm really not sure that I would say to Jesus to save me once I passed. But yeah I don't want to end up in hell either. But living here is hell. And it doesn't have to be. I have created the thing that I think will help humanity to get out of its despair but nobody wants to know about it. So why would God, Jesus whatever stop me from helping people? I don't get it.
10 months agoHow did somebody find you after you slip your wrists? How did you come back? Who helped you? On earth? It's good to know those things. It doesn't take long to say.
10 months agoWhy would you say not to do it? Because you got to heaven anyway. And if there's nothing on earth despite trying so hard to be positive, to be the best and give the best possible and yet everybody is against me, and I mean everybody, what's the point? Yes I've got a couple of friends and I mean a couple like maybe five around the world but I can't get out of this whirlpool that seems to want to drive me to do it. It's like a contest. But the world is saying let's see how far they can push me to the point of doing it. And I've got that stuff to do it and it's I figured out how to do it peacefully and quickly and quietly because I'm a really quiet person but no one wants me to lift quietly. Nobody. Nobody. So why would you say not to do it? I don't understand that at all.
10 months agoEnough. I can't just carry on. I pray. But I am LONELY. Enough is enough. Just a question of how to do it now
10 months agoThe more NDE I watch, the more it seems like NDE and the afterlife feel like manipulation into a Stockholm-Syndrome-Like acceptance of a never-ending repeating punishment of life on this Hell planet with a purpose that always hinted at, never divulged and never actually fulfilled because it doesn’t actually exist. It’s just perpetual suffering without purpose or true end.
10 months agoI just want to say to this lady- publish your story somewhere else with someone who doesn't cut and edit you. To whoever made this video, don't do that.
10 months agoJesus says i am the wsy the thruth and the life nobidy not budda or muhammad or any other person comes to the Father but only b Me.John 14;6Read the bible my sis .only Jesus
10 months agoI have seen visions of JESUS CHRIST over 50 times. And JESUS send you back to as his servant. It's simple just deny yourself take upon you his words and follow him. This vedio is bearing fruit for his kingdom. Stop apologizing to the world 🌎. You start a great job. Keep bearing fruits unto his kingdom st John 15. And the treasures you see in that chair is what we will receive after we rest from our labor hear on earth 🌎. As JESUS told the Richman in the gospel to be perfect come and follow me and you will have treasures. Stop been confused you cried and JESUS came for you. Go as he command you in his world 🌎 and preach his gospel. Great vedio the world 🌎 needs to see this!!
10 months agoNooooooo not another video where they put up cheesy videos over the speaker!!! Make it stop!!! We need to see these people's faces as they talk! NOT SOME CHEESE BALL IMAGES! These are serious stories! Really?? Just let the people talk these images are a disgrace to the people talking.
10 months agoNDE! Brought back , experience, lessons etc, awesome! Why is my son dead then? My friends, sister? On one hand its great to hear people still exist but, thats from people existing so wasn't my boy worthy enough? Bullied into taking his life and even in that route, no message of hope and sent back, no, still dead! So either theres nothing or, something for just some chosen people. I've gone from hope, hes somewhere and not in physical and emotional pain to, well that makes it worse, he wasnt good enough? Hes either stopped existing or has an eternity of hell due to not being worthy enough like other peoples experiences etc? Its now worse! Glad others survived but, my child wasnt worth it? No message and swnd back for him, no? Glad for you but this adds to my horrendous grief and useless existence!
10 months agoSince my husbands suicide, it takes all my strength every day to not take my own life. Thankyou for your message . The sound is terrible though. God bless you. X
10 months agoSound is terrible.
10 months agoPlease don't go by other impressions of people's impression of their NDE. Try to learn that Jesus Christ came into this world to provide salvation for each one of us. I believe in Jesus Christ because he's NEVER abandoned me.
10 months agoShe met Jesus,who brought her out of hell! So why isn't she trying to preach of Him? Read The Bible! I need to myself! Jesus is REAL!❤
10 months agoOh yes it is and it's not youtubes fucking business!
10 months agoHi you are very compassionate about your story and you did the right thing !! And thank you for your story
And you did d a great job Don’t worry about what people think however , your story really helps people get through their Tough times. Stay strong ! God bless 😊
10 months agoNo one gives life except Yeshua/Jesus! Not Budda. Mohammed. Krishna… only Jesus saves! For there's no other name by which man can be saved!
10 months agoThis is 100% Truth because this is how our Lord treats his people. Glad you are back. Prayer Daily Repentance Daily. Never forget and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. You were sent back from hell by calling Jesus Christ's name to let people know that he is the one and only God. Regardless of what people believe or say you speak the truth to them and the Holy Spirit will convict them if they are ready. Hell is real and Jesus died so no one will have to go there. Check out Mary K Baxter Revelations of Hell and you will see what you missed if the Lord has not saved you. The Holy Spirit was the one that had you pray to get you out of there. Jesus is the Truth just as I could see your experience was truthful.
10 months agoYes it is, if there's no hope for the pain to go away
10 months agoThank you. 🫶
10 months agoMany blessings to that woman.
Real fact is that nobody wants to die but evil people make other victims to committed suicide.
If victims being gangstalked with mindcontrol technology to get keep that victim away from having love with isolated life, harassing victims, getting voice to skull v2k and being fully controlled included reading throughs.
The real responsible people are perpetrators and people who created situations of their victims.
People who wanted to committed suicide want to life this life but their lifes are stolen away or broken by others who fully responsible for victim's dead.
10 months agoThis girl is lier. She is a LIER.
She doesn't fear God and lies.
She pure lier 🤥
10 months agoSo much were „successful“ with suicide. Not all are worthy a help from God ???? Sadist
10 months agoJohn 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
10 months agoBuddha wasn't given they keys of life and death. Buddha didn't take the punishment t for our sins. Jesus alone did.
10 months agoI have just seen your NDE. My daughter passed five months ago due to suicide, but I'm missing her beyond measure. My comfort comes sometimes from listening to wonderful people like you. May God bless you ❤❤
10 months agoYou are a beautiful person. God Bless you.
10 months agoJesus paid for suicide as well.
Jesus is Lord God Almighty clothed in unsinful humanity and He is the author of eternal life to all who trust Him alone for salvation.
Jesus paid for all the sins of all the world at the cross (past, present, and future). That payment is put to your account when you have believed on Christ alone for salvation.
This means that saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation.
10 months agoIn my NDE, I learned that buddhism was a trap. Darkness was what i saw, but the feeling …i KNEW in that darkness that i had separated myself from God searching for so-called enlightenment, that ACTUALLY is a path to narcissism.
10 months agoThank you so much for sharing your beautiful experience.
10 months agoThank you for having the courage to share your encounter!😇
10 months agoThank you for sharing your experience ❤ bless you
10 months agoWe're not put here for a purpose..Just look around. Most people live mundane lives that amount to nothing, and that's if you're lucky. Or you could be here just to be abused, tortured and killed by a random person. There is no purpose to any of this. Just a few actually make a difference and are remembered. Let's not flatter ourselves. Especially me! What a waste!
10 months agoI needed this
10 months agoThank u for sharing u touched my soul. ❤
10 months agoBeautiful story ❤ I believe 🙏
10 months agoI dont believe it
10 months agoYou'll never know what an INCREDIBLE impact your experience has had on untold numbers of Souls, thank you for sharing. 🥰
10 months agoWhat an amazing testimony beautiful I know this experience that you had is true you have a beautiful soul Jesus loves you.
But in this world, bones will still break, hearts will still break, but in the end the light will overcome darkness.
10 months agoSuicide is an option!!!
10 months agoI’ve made too many mistakes. I can’t handle the pain and the pain I’ve caused everyone I loved and loved and believed in me. I’m such a disappointment and I don’t recognize myself. My spark and light and life and joy is long gone. I can’t share love with anyone. I’ve made too many mistakes idk what to do. I feel I’m already condemned in hell.
10 months ago"People pontificate, "Suicide is selfishness." Career churchmen like Pater go a step further and call in a cowardly assault on the living. Oafs argue this specious line for varying reason: to evade fingers of blame, to impress one's audience with one's mental fiber, to vent anger, or just because one lacks the necessary suffering to sympathize. Cowardice is nothing to do with it – suicide takes considerable courage. Japanese have the right idea. No, what's selfish is to demand another to endure an intolerable existence, just to spare families, friends, and enemies a bit of soul-searching."
-David Mitchell
"Life’s greatest gift is the freedom it leaves you to step out of it whenever you choose"
-André Breton
"The so-called ‘psychotically depressed’ person who tries to kill herself doesn’t do so out of quote ‘hopelessness’ or any abstract conviction that life’s assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. The person in whom Its invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way a trapped person will eventually jump from the window of a burning high-rise. Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fire’s flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors. It’s not desiring the fall; it’s terror of the flames. And yet nobody down on the sidewalk, looking up and yelling ‘Don’t!’ and ‘Hang on!’, can understand the jump. Not really. You’d have to have personally been trapped and felt flames to really understand a terror way beyond falling."
-David Foster Wallace
10 months agoIm glad jesus met you to show you love ❤️ you are blessed and thank you for sharing..