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Top 10 Terrifying Louis Theroux Moments

May 2023 09

If there’s a hard-hitting to be made, this guy’s your man! For this list, counts down the most infamous, unnerving, uncomfortable and frankly terrifying moments featuring . Including some of Theroux’s toughest ever interviews and TV specials.

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#LouisTheroux #WhenLouisMet #WeirdWeekends # #Journalism #Interviews


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  1. #1

    Top 10 WTF Louis Theroux Moments

  2. #2

    There's a consistent theme popping up 😳

  3. #3

    Disgusting British rat like most of them…!!!!!!

  4. #4

    hes a great actor, don't be fooled.

  5. #5

    Whats funny is whites are the only ones that are labeled supremacist.

  6. #6

    Mr theroux

    I recently watched your documentary on the alt right in America. I believe in freedom of thought, I also believe in freedom of expression as guaranteed under the American constitution. As an Irish lad with a Christian upbringing I was so upset with the lads from the states behaving like total dill holes. My experience of Americans was a great one, I think the average American is a great human with an open mind, my experience of the states was of good folk just trying to live their lives and look after their families. Normal folk are the same everywhere I have travelled, just people trying to look after their own, so sad to see this carry on from people claiming to represent this fantastic, hardworking nation, to the decent, honest American that I have known, much love my friends ❤️ I truly hope to visit your fantastic country again at some point, we most certainly think of you fondly.

    An average lad

  7. #7

    He's a pussy. A palestinian child tossed a rock at the bullet proof vehicle he was inside of and he almost cried lmao

  8. #8

    Nazis love them some meth lol always going around talking about how they’re sooo superior but they’re missing 6 teeth & can’t figure out how to put their toaster back together.

  9. #9

    What about when he met Eugene Terre’Blanche – who basically threatened to kill him. He realises he pushed things just a little too far at that point

  10. #10

    One of the dumbest human beings I’ve ever seen. What a goofball

  11. #11

    I thought that white prisoner was black 3:50

  12. #12

    Ohhhh … shut up , just let us watch don’t need the explaining

  13. #13

    His money doesn't jiggle jiggle it folds.

  14. #14

    6:04 Dunkey is a time traveller!

  15. #15

    My money dont jiggle jiggle…it folds..

  16. #16

    I prefer to sse for myself , not listen to a running hyped up commentary WatchMojo is crap !

  17. #17

    he's a national treasure. love u louis

  18. #18

    Love the subject s he hits on

  19. #19

    I have so much respect for Louis. He is an amazing journalist full of compassion and curiosity.

  20. #20
  21. #21

    How is Louis Theroux: Law and Disorder In Johannesburg not featured on this list???

  22. #22

    Louis Thejew

  23. #23

    11:34 such a ghetto ass couple 💑 🤣

  24. #24

    It was hilarious when he went to a Neo Nazi house and they found out he was Jewish.

  25. #25

    They missed Louis in Miami Dade County Jail, Florida. That was my first time ever seeing this guy and it was wild.

  26. #26

    Those dummy rednecks probably thought he's called Louis TheJew.

  27. #27

    I always feel that Louis is kind of neurotic.

  28. #28

    None of those moments where scary, if u do u got issues.

  29. #29

    none of these are terrifying at all… and theroux is nothing more than an annoying talentless beta male blabbermouth and what a lot of british people would call "tosser"

  30. #30
  31. #31

    9:40 what ????????????
    Savile was never convicted .. that is the thing ..

  32. #32

    The underlying theme in all of Louis' documentaries is that the majority of folks in them are uneducated They live in isolated towns with no experience of an alternate universe. I love Louis, he's a great documentary maker but if you put yourself into those environments, you are going to get some hairy moments. How 'hairy' these moments are is debatable. He's fully aware of what he is doing and saying, which makes him a great watch. I've never understood white supremacists' belief that they are the chosen ones, whilst proving conclusively that they are not. They live in a beat-up shack, with bad dentistry and low intelligence and claim to be special. Clearly, they are not. It's been too long since Louis' first series and BBC bosses need to be aware of how special he is as a documentarist.

  33. #33

    8:23 That isn't what begging the question means

  34. #34

    Oh Louis has such a talent, people feel safe to open up to him. Neo nazi people scared me. They genuinely did not like him. We must protect Louis ❤️

  35. #35

    The world needs a world war.

  36. #36

    When is Louis next documentary.i can't wait

  37. #37

    Love how he exposes so many things but the Scientology one was hysterical

  38. #38

    Bro ru seriously gonna talk through the whole thing and just play clips in the background on mute?

  39. #39

    Scientology, is nothing more than a cult.

  40. #40
  41. #41

    I didn't see ant TERRIFYING moments—Only click bait—When I see that word "TERRIFYING" I usually go to the next video. –NOTHING HERE

  42. #42

    Louis Theroux… white turncoat

  43. #43

    How about this time when his money didn't jiggle jiggle but it folded. Scary ehm! 😨

  44. #44

    What is the point of this video. Shows nothing 🤣 waste of time guys

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