The True History of Iranian Genetics
In this video, I refute the claims made by a delusional Iranian “nationalist” concerning the genetic heritage of Iranians, and provide evidence from the latest genetic studies to prove that contemporary Iranians have significant genetic continuity since the Iron Age. The aforementioned individual was regurgitating the claims made by Jason Reza Jorjani pertaining to contemporary Iranians.
In terms of their genetic origins, the ancient Aryans that migrated to Iran harboured significant Iranian farmer ancestry from the people of the Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex, which is also known as the BMAC culture. These Aryans later settled in Iran, thereby admixing with the indigenous Zagros Neolithic farmer derived population, forming the primary gene pool of contemporary Iranians. In this regard, the ancient Iranians were very similar to the Iron Age Iranian samples from Dinkha Tepe, Hajji Firuz Tepe, and Tepe Hasanlu. Though, these historical populations were not ancestral to contemporary Iranians, and formed the so-called Western Grey Ware phenomenon.
As for later Central Asian Iranics, it has been proven by genetic evidence from the latest available genetic studies that this population subset of the Iranic world harboured significant BMAC ancestry, much like the Iron Age Iranians, therefore, they too were not purely of Nordic European descent, and even their Sarmatian forebears possessed BMAC and East Asian ancestry. Thus, it can be said that the Arians, Bactrians, Khwarezmians, Parthians, and Sogdians were all descended from a hybridized Aryan population, which harboured significant ancestry from the indigenous Zagrosian BMAC populations.
The genetic evidence presented in this refutation is primarily from genetic studies, though, I have also utilized Davidski’s Global25 Calculator through the Vahaduo database to assess the autosomal ancestry of both ancient and contemporary Iranian populations. Based on my analysis utilizing the Global25, I have proven that contemporary Iranians are primarily derived from Chalcolithic Iranians at around 60%, and Sintashta Steppe herders, which accounts for another 20% of the Iranian genome. Thus, contemporary Iranians are indeed the true descendants of the ancient Iranians. In this context, foreign ancestry does not exceed more than 10 to 20% in Iranians, with the Arab, Turco-Mongol, and South Asian ancestry not cumulatively exceeding 15% on average. This does not apply to the Kurds and Azerbaijanis, and the Bandaris, Baluchis, and Sistanis, who are more admixed than the average Iranian Persian, Lur, or Caspian.
I have listed all of the relevant sources below, and for additional sources, please contact me via email at
Sourced Articles:
Genetic continuity of Indo-Iranian speakers since the Iron Age in southern Central Asia:
Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in human mobility patterns in Holocene Southwest Asia and the East Mediterranean:
Ancient genomic time transect from the Central Asian Steppe unravels the history of the Scythians:
Genetic origins of the Minoans and Mycenaeans:
The diverse genetic origins of a Classical period Greek army:
The genetic history of the Southern Arc: A bridge between West Asia and Europe:
The formation of human populations in South and Central Asia:
Ancient Rome: A genetic crossroads of Europe and the Mediterranean:
Bioarchaeological evidence of one of the earliest Islamic burials in the Levant:
Global25 and Eurorgenes:
Getting the most out of the Global25:
An early Iranian, obviously:
Vahaduo G25 Database:
Admixture JS:
Jorjani’s Articles, Monograph, and Interviews:
Against Perennial Philosophy:
Rumi was White:
The Iranian Renaissance & Aryan Imperium:
Iranian Leviathan:
Twitter/X Poster of Upcoming Studies:
Daniel Tabin’s Post about the upcoming study ancestral origin of the Turks :
Rostum Dezfuli on the upcoming Parthian study:
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