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Religion, Bible, Can you handle the Truth? (Read My Description Below)

Jul 2024 28

I am quite sure the Religious and or bible thumpers that claim to understand the bible and take all the writing within literally, when much is figurative writing, will find this video very confronting. The uploading of this video was intended to offer another and in my opinion a more reasonable perspective then that offered by such fanatical religious institutions, designed to control the masses.

BTW, It’s not about the real B-days. It’s about the fact that such dates were used, it’s about the fact that much of the Bible is figurative writings. Everyone knows such B-days are figurative, representations.
What’s is that I have to point this out and the only reason I am bothering to do so, is because so many make this same naive limited observation and think they are discrediting all the information provided in this video by pointing it out, when in fact they are actually proving the very point of the entire video, that is, that much of the Bible is meant to be taken figuratively not Literally.

A Very Respectful and Insightful Response By +David Cox

Christian religion uses Dec 25th as the date on which Jesus was born (i.e. Christmas) – Bible or not. I believe that’s the point – that the dominant religions, like Christianity, are based on other myths that predate Christ by over a 1000 years.
The more we understand the history of religion and how the books were written, the less validity religions have
Seeking is not “luciferian”. Christians are so sure they are “right”. Yet they cannot accept that if they were brought up in Syria they’d feel just as confident about Islam. If born in India, they’d likely be Hindu. It’s just societal indoctrination. The need for these delusions would all be fine, but people are still killing each other in the name of bronze-age mythologies.

We’re 300 years past the age of Copernicus. Challenging religion does not eliminate the possibility of God or a power that unites us as human beings, but the “God” that has been taught by churches and kings is not . It is a man made ideology that was endorsed for political reasons and control. End of comment

And another thing Just because many of you need to “believe” as you were taught and conditioned to “believe”, that the bible is to be considered factual and to be taken literally, and someone points out that much of it is actually figurative writings, does not mean they are saying their is no God (Creator of All) It simply means you are misunderstanding and missing the true meaning of the writings.

I realize that many of you want (or need) to believe that such writing are the actual Words of God.
While this may be partially true, it should be understood, they were gods with a small “g” meaning not the Creator of All with a bit “G”
WAKE UP PEOPLE, For more “” follow this Link:

The Real Reason & Purpose Behind the Christian Bible and Other

Good and Evil



--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/religion-bible-can-you-handle-the-truth-read-my-description-below/


  1. #1

    Only a fool makes the "Beliefs" of others, their reality, thereby forfeiting their own identity.

  2. #2

    Thanks, but I'll keep the faith ✝️

  3. #3

    Re LI gion. Of course it Is BullShit like G od.

  4. #4

    G od who exactly is that? Just some More Scripted BullShit for the masses..

  5. #5

    BuyBulls Propaganda what a Script that fooled people.

  6. #6

    We are created by some high intelligent civilisation who left us here for purpose

  7. #7

    I dont think "Jesus" as the West knows him ever existed but I do think that a Yogi called Yeshua existed. Born in Palestine and travelled to various countrys like Egypt and India/Tibet to learn at the feet of masters and then bring his teachings back to Palestine only to be later crucified.. which he managed to survive and when healed in secret returned to live out his life in India. Yogananda speaks of this as does the documentary "Jesus in India"
    Unfortunately the Church's narrative has been invented to control their followers through fear for power and financial gain. Nothing to do with the original Yeshua.

  8. #8


  9. #9

    All I know for sure is that I know nothing at all.

  10. #10

    I wonder how many people realize the story about saving lives by accepting vaccination against covid is the same pattern shown in the video and people lazy to seek the true simply accepted the lie and they pay for it horribly. The faith is killing people, not saving them. Just lik the vaccine.

  11. #11

    The Christians, substituted a MAN , in the place of, the ADORATION, of the sUn.☀In order to, push slave morality, & H8.

  12. #12

    The babel is never truthful at least by modern standards. It was written by uneducated and superstitious men that had no knowledge for how reality actually works. The babel should be seen as an ancient comic book meant for light hearted entertainment. It in no way describes reality.

  13. #13

    Look up Christian Prince before u make a final decision

  14. #14

    So that they should be left without an excuse…

  15. #15

    If you honestly fact check this video, regardless of ur views on religion, ur gonna find that many of the claims it makes just aren't true. It seems this video is intent on establishing its own "mythology" of "secret knowledge". Either that, or it's just not well-researched.

  16. #16
  17. #17

    I broke free years alone, but alone , i do not have enough power to change anything

    Only enough to condemn them

  18. #18

    The idea of us needing a 'creator' or 'something bigger than us' is also erroneous and very unnecessary. I would say people are easily brainwashed which is the truth but throughout the ages of things being steadily forced down your throat… I kind of get it but people should have caught on by now that all of this (any and all religions that have ever existed) is an absolute lie. There's really no need for any of it but since humans have had this habit for so long I guess it's really hard for them to drop it 🤷

  19. #19

    lol Zeitgeist is utter bullshit

  20. #20

    lol the church teaches science is evil (astronomy) and astrology is evil, but it's all about astrology. and a rapist and child eating pantheon.

  21. #21

    I’m Christian

  22. #22

    I'm native American Indian and how dare the white Caucasian bring this bullshit bible to brain wash my tribe and people . Still gets me angry to this day . We're North American tribes .

  23. #23

    To this day I'm still at rate 💯 infuriated by bullshit men making this stupid book …I tested many churches and nothing made sense to me, I had to go deeper studies to find reality truth and I'm glad I did . I turned away from Christianity and they act like their shit don't stink !!!

  24. #24

    if you have a weak belief. this video will surely Leads you to HELL..it's convincing..

  25. #25


  26. #26

    This entire video is smothered in lies, deception and ignorance.

    The only truth is the pagan cross, which is ignorantly claimed as the Christian cross… Which is a lie as well. The pagan 'christian' cross is Catholic, which in itself is complete paganism anyway.

    I will have to adjust my full refutation and post it later due to the links.

  27. #27

    Atheist LIES, IF YOU actually study archaeology, it has none of this crap

  28. #28

    Letting life pass you by as you sit around trying to figure out hidden messages lol

  29. #29

    We are program to accept authority as true but actually it's completely diabolical bullshit, the absolutely Truth is authority

  30. #30

    The truth is…..the Bible tells us all we need to know about our future, the false religions took out Jehovah's name which is disgusting. If it was put in the Bible then what right does a pathetic human have for taking it out.

  31. #31

    Lol…..he said " natural" world. …not creation..

  32. #32

    And you hv an opinion

  33. #33

    Sorry, Krishna was not born in 900BCE and not to a virgin Devaki. Krishna was born in 3050BCE and he was the son of Vasudev and Devaki.
    And there is absolutely no story about his resurrection.

  34. #34

    I'm not a veteran on my part of your f**** veteran and f**** ran country would you f**** s*** on your veterans you do it every goddamn day I watch you f**** people s*** on veterans and make them f**** addicts

  35. #35

    Faith = being controlled by fantasy

  36. #36

    “When a well packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and Its speaker a raving lunatic.” – Dresden James

  37. #37

    This video is very false the deity Horus was born from sex with isis and Osiris, also Attis was born from his mother putting a fruit up her vagina, and theirs no evidence Kristina was born from a virgin as devanki and Vasudeva was already married and have born 7 children already. And Mirthra was born from a rock not a woman Lol.

  38. #38

    Three thing's ive learned over the years…

    1. All history was written by the winners. That means is a bunch of BS.

    2. Our realm is not at all what they tell us.

    3. They will work tirelessly to deceave you.

    Those that get attacked by the controllers are too close to the target.

  39. #39

    Hi I believe this is true but anyone can explain real cases of demon posession where biblical demons are manifested such as those Father Vincent Lambert talks about

  40. #40

    And what pry tell are any of you capable of knowing and understanding on your own?

  41. #41

    Jesus made Horus and the pyramids

  42. #42

    I do believe in a creator for this universe is too bizarre and complicated for there not to be I do not believe in these stories we have tried to understand the creator by looking at nature and the heavens above making up stories to try to understand religion really fucked with my head trying force myself to believe

  43. #43

    All religions should be banned immediately.

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