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Near Death Experiences Explained – Truth About NDEs

Jun 2023 04

Can near-death experiences be explained by science? What’s the ? Fear not: there’s no evidence of the supernatural. Modern brain science has yielded interesting new studies (such as the Aware Study by Dr. Sam Parnia, Olaf Blanke’s work with electrodes stimulating the brain, and ’s helmet) that all seem to indicate that near-death experiences are entirely a construct of the brain. It’s extremely unlikely that there’s as Dr. Jeffrey Long believes or “life after life” as Raymond Moody puts it, which means we don’t need to be afraid of hell, and we should seize the day and make the most of this life.

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--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/near-death-experiences-explained-truth-about-ndes/


  1. #1

    Sorry, it's a bit late. I don't like releasing anything like this that isn't thoroughly researched, fact-checked, and polished. Hopefully, it's worth your time. What would you like me to investigate next? Thank you for the view. 🙂

    Also, since I'm sure that people are going to ask why I didn't include something about DMT. I read just about every research article I could find from the last decade on NDEs, and I couldn't find any conclusive evidence that DMT has anything to do with NDEs. It's an interesting hypothesis, but until more research is done in this area, I feel it's misleading to include it. And yes, I'm also aware of the study that showed an electrical spike in rats' brains at the time of death. This may provide a clue into the nature of NDEs, if the same is true for humans, but more research is needed in this area. I may bring it up in future videos, this one was just getting very long/labor-intensive already, and I wanted to avoid speculation as much as I could.

  2. #2

    I literally flat lined as a kid but don't remember seeing heaven or a hell (I was still a believer at the time) and made me start questioning everything and after i turned eleven it clicked there is no god or afterlife

  3. #3

    Is it odd that i cant find any ndes that dont affirm Christianity. Where can i find some testimonies on ndes that affirm something else

  4. #4

    Died a couple of times and been revived and unfortunately theres no big light or anything just nothing nothing at all

  5. #5

    I have an anecdote for you of my own, one of my many stories of weird things. I flatlined in the hospital about 15 years ago after attempting suicide with a massive dose of morphine (before I left the Wiccan religion). I didn't float out of my body or see a tunnel and light. I sunk down and out. Everything went stark white the way things look during a blizzard. Then I was standing/ floating in this weird place surrounded by other dead people just milling around. When I woke up, I figured I'd just had an opiate induced hallucination, until my friend told me I'd flatlined for a few moments. I feel rather ripped off and alone, why didn't I get the light and the tunnel? Why didn't I get to float away? 🤔 I have never found another anecdote like my own. I have talked to others who said they've flatlined. Several experienced a black nothing, one floated into space and met aliens, another met Jesus and Yogananda. Maybe we experience weird hallucinations when we start to die and some experience nothing at all? If it is death, perhaps the experience is different for each of us. The only thing I came away with was that we might not just blink out completely after we die. I also realized that Wicca was toxic for me and it was time to leave. So I did. I don't get suicidal anymore. So that's positive, right?

  6. #6

    The truth of the matter is that none of us know for certain either way until we actually die. Sure, we can all speculate. But by it's very definition, none of us know for certain.

  7. #7

    Maybe this info should be shared with people in nursing homes. Or would it be evil to rip away their hope? Really starting to question the usefulness of atheist channels.

  8. #8

    The Buddhist TIBETAN BOOK OF THE DEAD explains that what one experiences after death is shaped by what one believed the afterlife was like when alive. It describes a "Clear Light Of Reality," a "White Light of the Void" that one will experience shortly after passing. The dead are instructed to recognize (by having the book read aloud at the funeral ) the White Light as being one and the same as their own self/consciousness. Those who do so become "Enlightened" and awaken , thereby attaining "Liberation' from the birth and death reincarnation cycle. They will no longer exist as an individual entity (ego death) but, will become THE PURE, ALL PERVADING CONSCIOUSNESS that exists prior to and gives rise to all worldly forms.
    Those who fail to attain Liberation will experience what is called the "Secondary Clear Light". This will take the form of various Gods and Goddesses and other karmic visions shaped by what one believed while alive. The Tibetan Book Of the Dead emphasizes that the after death realm is a world / state of karmic ILLUSIONS. It is like an intense hallucinatory / dream state.
    The book further states that those who fail to achieve liberation reincarnate into this world or some other heavenly or hellish realm after a period of 49 days.

  9. #9

    i beg to differ. i was 10 seconds away from death almost 10 years ago. i remember going to sleep that night thinking i was gonna wake up to another day. all of a sudden im outside of my body and see people putting someone down on a bed. then i fell into a blackness screaming at the top of my lungs. my mom was present in the hopsital when i finally woke up. i had no idea what had happened. this would make sense if i was expecting to die before i went to sleep but i wasn't. your videos just make my strength stronger Kool Aid but your work is interesting to say the least.

  10. #10

    02:03 I disagree with this part of the video. C3PO's right leg is silver-coloured, not gold. Learn your Star Wars dogma, you blasphemer!

  11. #11


  12. #12


  13. #13

    When someone is dead for a week and comes back with a story I may be inclined to listen lol. Otherwise nde is just a good story that the brain engineered

  14. #14

    Why is this even a question, do you remember what the billions of years before you were born were like? How would it be any different when you die?

  15. #15

    Mr Holy Koolade,
    I believe your a smart man and have good critical thinking skills but do you have anything tho say about this Brain surgeon’s experience. I trust that your not impulsive and would watch this shot video through and listen to everything he had to say about his experiences including some major details at the end.
    Sincerely Joram

  16. #16

    I will be willing to offer myself up under a controlled setting to see if there is an afterlife

  17. #17

    This past winter, I was jumping all over those Youtube videos about NDEs…my only question was (more or less) why would God have you "die," go to heaven (or sometimes hell), see things and then send you BACK to this life. Mostly I was told for a warning; others were shown how to really live. To the latter, I would say, then why do we need a Bible (with questionable things/inaccuracies) to know how to really live. Of course, THAT induced spluttering answers. Oh, and I had fun with those deluded people who see Mary, or some other religious figure. And claim they received "messages." Oy, gevalt!

  18. #18

    You might want to check out Ali H channel. He has been getting haunted by demons or ghosts or idk. But it certainly seems to me that since if that is the case, there might be the other side.

  19. #19

    NDE is not going to the "other side"
    I will believe this BS until hearing from Eistein or even better from George Carlin. Bring them back and we will know. Lol

  20. #20

    For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? For what can a man give in return for his soul?

    Mark 8:36‭-‬37

    Give your life to Jesus Christ and confess Him as your Lord and Savior and He will save your soul from damnation.

  21. #21

    The more atheistic my perspective gets, the more general rage i feel at how much of my one short life is being wasted making some rich jack ass even richer rather then doing stuff i would rather do.

  22. #22

    I was told that maybe might wanna say you believe in God….just in case!

  23. #23

    When you have an NDE your brain releases DMT which is an extremely intense psychedelic. Most definitely plays a part in some of these

  24. #24

    You are very close to Hindu thought – only problem is you are looking at it from Christian lens. I am in Austin if you want to talk

  25. #25

    Youre racist we’re x men 🙅🏼

  26. #26
  27. #27

    I used to believe in out of body and NDEs as supernatural due to one I had. Knowing now it was all in my head interests me to try that helmet. What an experience!

    I didn’t die, but was talking in bed with my friend when I noticed they were asleep. At that point I looked up at the ceiling and then felt like I was flying super fast upwards. If I was standing would I have gone forward? 🤔 Anyway, I felt the typical euphoria and peace and was surrounded by only white light (light my ceiling and light that was on at the time). My recently deceased dad appeared as a white silhouette of himself and sad a few things then I felt like I was falling really fast and saw my ceiling again.

    I’ve had issues with my temporal lobe and knowing it plays a role helped me understand it was natural. Sure, it would be cool if that was supernatural and my dad, but I’m happy knowing I have a chance to enjoy life more fully as it’s most likely the only one ❤️

  28. #28

    I'd love to see you do w video on lucid dreaming and astro projection

    I think the idea of playing with your sleep is interesting but from a science point of view

    I love this channel because you don't ooooo it up

  29. #29

    Don't Hindus believe in reincarnation?

  30. #30

    This is just depressing. I’m not even happy to learn this, it’s just taught me that ultimately I have nothing to hope for and that nothing I do in life really matters.

  31. #31

    BTW, the idea of using the God Helmet with VR is amazing!

  32. #32

    I cannot say for sure – reality may have some extra dimensions or whatever – but it seems to me that NDEs are subjective phenomena. Usually, we consider objective phenomena being as more important and substantial. If you dream that you broke your leg, you wake up and you're okay.

    However, the closer a person comes to death, the more this situation reverses.

    At the very end, with the heart stopped and three to six minutes of brain oxygen remaining, the out-side world has zero impact on the person. And the person can have zero impact on the outside world, beyond being a dead body that people need to deal with properly.

    So there will be a brief period where subjectivity is everything to a dying person that is not comatose. There is nothing else. As well, significant (subjective) time dilation has been reported in NDEs.

    Time dilation in dreams and NDEs is caused by information compression, where the least important details is discarded, as in in MP3s and MPEGs. That's why we don't tend to dream of long drives or of spending time on the toilet with a stubborn bowel movement. Instead, a dreamer simply "teleports" from significant meaning to significant meaning, with each meaning represented by people, places or events.

    It's odd to imagine that, in the first three to six minutes after death, while relatives are grieving and medical staff are furiously working, a recently-deceased person could be tripping out in a subjective eternal afterlife.

  33. #33

    Given that DMT occurs naturally in the brain, I wouldn't be surprised if NDEs are a result of a dump of this DMT. A DMT trip is known for vivid hallucinations, and perceived time dilation. It sounds like a pretty close match to most NDEs.

  34. #34

    Anyone want to defeat death using technology? If there really is no afterlife, than I sure do! I also want technology to end all extreme pain of both human and nonhuman animals, the meat industry, and the instinctive urge to have kids.

  35. #35

    This is where I disagree with you on this Thomas. You went at like you wanted to disprove NDE's with superficial, shallow research…then you will find the exact data to show in what you already believe or don't believe. Why those other 91% didn't have an NDE. Who knows or really cares. (There are many that will never share their NDE's, out of ridicule and shame.) The research is in those that did. Today, there are 100 of millions of NDE's world wide. (The few fake ones. Doesn't contaminate the real ones.) The is so much data and evidence of veridical NDE's, it's a crying shame many don't REALLY find out for themselves. I was one that NEVER believed in any of this stuff, EVER. (Why I'm an Ex-Christian.) I needed proof WAY beyond a coincident experience. A door opening by it self or a shadow is for scared children. I'm no longer am skeptical about the Paranormal. I'M OBSSESSED with the Paranormal, NDE's, Reincarnation. And having a rigid, closed down mind to EVERYTHING I/humanity doesn't understand yet, is just like the religious folks. That would be very embarrassing! Closed, rigid minds. Sound familiar? Even you Thomas was wrong about religion, right. Just saying, but keep a clear, open skeptical mind and YOU may be surprised at what you come across.

  36. #36

    I've never had a NDE but I've experienced Sleep Paralysis about 10 times and it was very strange feeling like another entity was there however I no way of knowing what the mind is capable of generating and it would be more logical to conclude that the mind is generating such things than malicious spirits are paying you a visit?

  37. #37

    Only 10-20% of people experience NDES.

  38. #38

    Ok, the kid who made up the NDE was named Malarkey… no one saw that as a red flag?

  39. #39

    2:18 That they are. There are some aspects that are universal such,but others are determined by your beliefs, culture, environment or emotions, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly practically with children.
    Even then some people see nothing but darkness.

  40. #40

    Because doctors have admitted miracles do happen
    Plus 90 minutes in heaven is based off of a true story
    Plus supernatural
    Well how about lol of lifting things of weight that normally you can't
    A supernatural strength
    Some people have actually died and came back
    Science has errors as well

  41. #41

    Near death is not death. So, any experience during this time is just another dream.

  42. #42

    Please could you investigate reincarnation and whether its scientifically logical. Its something that I've always been terrified of and would love to hear a rational argument against it. Thank you.

  43. #43

    2 years ago I died 3 times in a 3 week period. As it was before I was born so it was after I died. I feel completely at peace about death. !!

  44. #44

    Beautifully encapsulated! 👏👏👏😁

  45. #45

    Do atheist believe that a god doesn't exist.

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