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Jasmin’s Fashion Finds: African Flair in Killeen

Jan 2023 14

Located at 4201 West Stan Schlueter Loop sits a vibrant colorful clothing boutique called African Flair.

KILLEEN, Texas — 6 News is taking you on a fashion journey. Where the style and bold prints at a Killeen boutique will have you mesmerized. In this edition of Jasmin’s Fashion Finds, not only will you get to experience some unique clothing, but also a lesson in African customs and traditions.

Located at 4201 West Stan Schlueter Loop sits a vibrant colorful clothing boutique called African Flair.

“At African Flair what we do is we craft custom outfits to suit whoever wants to wear it. We do prom dresses, we do wedding gowns, and outfits of all occasions,” said Phyllis Williams, owner of African Flair.

Williams was born in Ghana and has been in business for four years.

“I didn’t go to school to make clothes, but it is a family talent,” said Williams. “My grandmother could sew, and nobody taught her. My mom also picked it up and when the need arose, I also started tapping into that skill with my mom’s help.”

 At African Flair you can find real authentic African clothing.

“African clothing most people think is just a costume, but it is daily wear. Quality is what we thrive on,” said Williams.

Each piece of clothing conveys a message.

“Waist beads are a spiritual thing in Africa. We wear them for weight loss and spiritual energy,” said Williams.

Other than from customized clothing, African Flair has handcrafted art and jewelry, like day name wooded bracelets.  

“In Ghana when a child is born the child doesn’t get a name until the 8th day. We believe that a child’s soul is transitioning from the ancestral world to the community. When you live eight days then you get a name,” said Williams.

When customers walk in, Williams wants them to have an African experience.

“When they come in, I can explain what the fabric is and what it’s communicating. So, you do get an insight into the African tradition,” said Williams.

African Flair is open Tuesday through Saturday from 12  p.m. until 7 p.m. You can visit their website at www.africanflair.com.

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