I Died And Traveled To Multiple Planets During My NDE | Near Death Experience
Dec 2022
Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and even more, claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBEs). These are their stories. If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.
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For more NDE narrations, please see below.
I Died And Saw Emerald And Purple Beings | Near-Death Experience | NDE
I Died And Saw My Previous Lives | Near-Death Experience | NDE
I Died And Met The Angel Lamdiel | Near-Death Experience | NDE
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मौत से कुछ समय पहले चेहरा बदल जाता है ! आत्मा इन Points से बाहर निकलती है । Dr. Manmit Kumarr
He Died And Saw Souls Leaving Earth | Near Death Experience | NDE
--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/i-died-and-traveled-to-multiple-planets-during-my-nde-near-death-experience/
Sandi Taranto
2 years agoHi Leigh. I remember when you asked me if you could do this. It was a podcast back then. Now you're on YouTube, nice! 🙂 I hope that you are thriving.
I read through some comments, but haven't gotten through them all. Thank you for those who were supportive and the compassionate comments. I really am grateful.
There have been a couple repeating questions I noticed, I thought I would clear them up.
I am 50, the 'last' (written first, but was the last in chronological order) happened in 1978 (when I was 6 I think; my b-day is in early Nov. and we were rescued in late Nov.). The doctor most likely did call the police, but we were already on the run across the country. The foster 'father' had a warrant out for arrest against him for extreme abuse of another foster child (who was 14, and yes it was the r-word). The doctor was not the point at which I was rescued from the home. However, I have little doubt that he did call the authorities–but they were always ready to run and we ran often. The story of the reason for the rescue is in the Newspaper clippings from the time. They were arrested for receiving stolen property (a car).
The foster monsters are both dead now. They were never prosecuted for anything else, although the 'father' did serve 3 of a 5 year sentence (out on good behavior) for the attack on my foster sister (no blood relation). If you google Marie Ann Watson (don't do it if you're sensitive) you can learn more about the foster situation and the entire horrible nightmare. That's my mother's name; they m&rdered her and I saw them disposing of her body. That was shortly before the great chase across the USA.
Douglas Jones
2 years agoI believe every word of her narrative without question.
And I thank both of you for sharing!
Douglas Jones
2 years agoThank you for this!
Evei cooks
2 years agoOh my. She answered the meaning to life. How important we are. How is here on earth is source experiencing itself through us. All our actions have reactions through the whole existence. Oh my what a beautiful existence we are so lucky.
steven rowe
2 years agoThis is a bit to much for me.
If we all decide to come to earth then why are some monsters are are given thebrain of an evil person?
Bridget Hirsch
2 years agoChildren who have been preyed upon by those who ‘know better’ are the SUPERHERO’s of this world. I must keep reminding myself that GOD SEE’s ALL !!! I become so upset when I feel people going thru abuse. I carry them in my heart. Prayer is good. I have been lucky to have worked as an RN and love people while helping , too. I long for real love and justice to prevail . You really are courageous. Thank you for letting us love you.♥️
2 years agoYou must be born again
Theodore D. Whitus
2 years agoI and my twin brother suffered horrible abuse of all kinds, mental, physical, sexual, neglect, from both our mentally disturbed "parents" and hateful sociopathic older brother. God, the Father of Jesus, came to us when we were 8 years old and placed His calling on my twin brother and I. He intervened so that my twin brother and I would have His presence comforting us. He gave us the strength to survive all of the abuse and neglect that continued for years until we left home as older teenagers. It taught us how to be strong against all forms of evil and have compassion for others going through abuse and neglect. God says we are to hate evil and sin not. When you know evil, it is easy to hate it and have compassion for others who are experiencing it. I am now 74 years old and have a close personal relationship with my God that has spanned all those years. It is all to His glory. My so-called "parents" and hateful older brother will have to face their fate and answer for their own lives. Dad is gone now. Mom is nearing 98 years old. Older brother is 75. I pray that their thoughts have turned to God, His Grace and Mercy by now. I have no connection with older brother, and only occasional limited connection with mom. I do not allow them to abuse me any longer. When they do, the phone calls end for awhile. My twin brother died 13 years ago and went home to God early. I know how abuse and neglect can affect someone. It can scar them for life and ruin their relationship with other people. As near death experiences go, they show people they have work to do while alive as a benefactor of other people. It is to love other people as yourself. We must first learn to love ourselves, even if no one else loves us. God can, and often shows us how He values us. He validates us with Himself, so that we can value other people and show them the real love they need. Loving other people, and our earthly environment is what life is all about.
2 years agoWhat happened to the abusive foster parents?
2 years agoA sad, humiliating experience for her that God knew that she needed a temporary escape from, and a comfort that would go with her forever.
Gerard Ramirez
2 years agoGod Bless and Help all the children being abused.
2 years agoMy description of this self religion is Ominism like! I respect most other religions! Difference is I don't support Satanism for obvious reasons! I also don't support Catholicism and Presbyterianism for more personal reasons! I respect them but I don't support them! My religion is also my belief that science and religion is one! Meanin I believe God created Aliens and other scientific things as well as the science also has a religious perpose as well! My religion is called Dayto-nism!
2 years agoSee this is another thing! I believe in god like Christian's but I'm more of the science and religious merger! Ik that didn't make any sense but basically I don't see myself as Christian nor any religion besides a religion I made for myself!
2 years agoThe experience is a child of the puzzle peice! That's what I call Autistics such as myself!
2 years agoWOW you beautiful brave soul 🙏💖❤️🤗
Shawn Hayes
2 years agoI knew that this world was not the end. I just knew and felt that their was something more out there. This confirmed my beliefs. May God bless you immensely for sharing this all with us. It was so enlightening to us all.
Chas106 G.
2 years agoSounds like the dude that does What Lurks Beneath.
Mario Meza
2 years agoIf your thoughtless for about 6 hours a day for about 15 years, you can break your reincarnation cycle and live in the spirit world for eternity. When you think about it it’s actually incredibly easy, pay such a small amount for such an unfathomably massive reward. Incredible world we live in.
Level Earth Hanifa
2 years agoEarth is flat and level. There is no space and planets. So this experience is strange.
2 years agoI know for sure I visited planets, stars, and other time zones that I never asked to see. Very thankful for seeing it but I would never see how I got there, just appeared in a dream in another realm! The main planet I visited the most a vividly was Jupiter! I knew it was jupiter in those dreams because not only of the spirit basically letting me know its jupiter but those big beautiful clouds. They looked very different from what we can see on Earth. They looked like cotton! Literal thick cotton with streams of lightning flowing through it like electrical currents. Kind of like how a scientific project would send volts of energy through currents…. I was like whoaa.. Never have I ever seen clouds like these. I also seen LIFE on that planet. People of all colors. Black and White people. They even had civilization and automobiles! What spooked me is that every time I visit Jupiter in a dream, its as if I have a home there currently and they know me. Same for Saturn. I noticed Saturn is more hazy like than Jupiter. Jupiter is very clear and beautiful, almost like a huge animated planet. I even met deceased celebrities and loved ones there and other places. I DID NOT DO ANY RITUALS OR CONSULT DEMONS FOR THESE DREAMS. I was simply sleeping and appeared at these places. God is very real and his angels are very powerful.
Tom C
2 years agoWow that’s some explanation! So sad about that suffering!
Francis Fischer
2 years agoOh my!! This is amazing!! So remarkable! More deeply profound than anything I have ever encountered. Thank you with all my heart!!
Emi Ishino
2 years agoI wish we knew where Sandy T is today and if she is well and happy. I wish the best for her.
Carl Deithorn
2 years agoThe abuse that she suffered, horrifies me.
No living thing, let alone a young child, should ever have to endure such hateful cruelty.
I find the accounts of her NDEs, to be wondrous, and thought provoking. Much of what she says makes a strange, yet beautiful, kind of sense which I find to be genuinely compelling.
I have no reason to disbelieve what she says. I have no way of knowing whether or not her recollections are accurate, or deceptive, but I remind myself that what we don't know (or have forgotten) could fill all of the universe.
I will take her at her word, and I will contemplate those words with great interest. Thank you so much for sharing these experiences with us.
Peace! 🌎❤✌
Sandra Pena
2 years agoSandi, thank you for sharing your life story with the world, regardless of all the skeptics and close mindedness in this world. I admire you. Sending you soo much love.
Ali Gonzales
2 years agoeverytime ypu breath it sounds metalic,static do you use a robot or is it your own voice lol
Patti Brown
2 years agoThis NDE explained things of which I've often wondered, so thank you. It would have been better if there was not the constant over voice of another language interfering with the English version. I had to turn the sound off and read the screen only.
eric whittington
2 years agoOf course they were real experiences. Only by the experience of god can one understand that us here gives birth to all other times and places.
Terry Lee Cone
2 years agoI'd be yelling at God for allowing me as a child to go through such things
lotus marilyn
2 years agoYes i believed her ….🦋🦋🦋🦋extremely gifted souls are willing to be sacrificed like this , they come as "autistics" , "handicapped" etc they are highly evolved minds to guide us….🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
Bunny Official
2 years agoWow….I hope that evil monster who did those things to that poor girl goes to prison.
Messengers 6th Dimension
2 years agoThank You! Beautiful! 💙💜
Howitzer Battery
2 years agothe answer to all about your curiosity is answered in the quran, study it my friend, you will be surprised
Arlene Allam-Assi
2 years agoI believe her and the message she brought back to humanity.Thank you!
2 years ago"You have to go back, you have much work to do."
What work? Suffer? Fuck that.
NDE after NDE we see that this place is not a learning experience but a prison.
A soul trap reincarnation matrix controlled by these "guides".
Danny Chen
2 years agoEveryone's NDE's are unique to their own. Some individuals personal experiences may conform to their religious beliefs or interpretation to their religious beliefs (i.e, The Christian Jesus).
Others on the other hand, experiences a different perspective from their higher spirit guides (ie. Many past lives, reincarnation, the infinitesimal multiverses).
Alexandra Klein
2 years agoHow do I share my story with you?
Daniel Doyle
2 years agoWow.
Mifta Ahmed
2 years agoBeing from a Muslim faith it’s pretty accurate what she went through although the story is horrific it’s also beautiful at the same time. I believe all children who leave this earth early go straight into love and safety.
Pauline Quick
2 years agoTo the young person who died & came back from NDEs, these foster parents are atrocious & I think the NDE were done by people who she was supposed to be loved by them & wasn't but yet again had a NDE at the hands of your foster parent. It's awful to go through death & yet have a wonderful experience after death. Your experience was so brilliant & beautiful, I love your desctiption of what you went through.