Home > Lost Souls > Forensic Pathologist's Profound NDE (Mind-Blowing Truth Revealed!) 2024

Forensic Pathologist's Profound NDE (Mind-Blowing Truth Revealed!) 2024

Dec 2024 29

Hardcore Atheist Forensic Pathologist’s Profound Awakening (Mind-Blowing Truth Revealed!)

πŸ’₯ Watch Next:
πŸ’₯ Binge Watch: Near-Death Experience Playlist –

πŸ“š Jeffrey Long Book: Evidence of the : The Science of Near-Death Experiences –
πŸ“š Dr Raymond Moody’s – Life After Life –

πŸ’₯ Link to Yoliane Stout’s Papers –
Witness the incredible journey of Dr. , a hardcore atheist forensic and neuropathologist who experienced a profound near-death experience () that changed his life forever. During a water rafting vacation, he drowned, with no registered heart rate shown on his Apple Watch for 8 minutes. This pivotal moment transformed his perspective after conducting thousands of brain cuts, autopsies, and investigations into death.

Following his , Dr. Cummings discovered Dr. Jeffrey Long’s book, which provided further insights and validation of his experience. Prepare to discover Dr. Cummings’ mind-blowing awakening and newfound insights into life, death, and beyond. Don’t miss this compelling story of scientific exploration and spiritual revelation!

Discover how various podcasts and productions, like the and , explore similar themes of near-death experiences and the . Anthony Chene Productions, , Life After Life NDE, Coming Home NDE Channel and Shaman Oaks also delve into these fascinating subjects, offering additional perspectives and insights into the .

#nde #ScientificRevelation #lifeafterdeath

”We’ve Got It All Wrong”
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⏰ Timestamps:
00:00 – Introduction
00:36 – Dr. Cummings’ Career
01:54 – Water Rafting Trip
02:48 – Dr. Cummings’ Near-Death Experience
04:27 – Encounter with The Light
06:10 – Return to His Body
09:41 – Seeing the Gigantic Butterfly
10:40 – Life After the NDE
14:16 – The Transformation
14:54 – A Profound Message for All

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  1. #1

    πŸ“š Jeffrey Long Book: Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences – https://amzn.to/4f3a9H2
    πŸ’₯ Watch Next: Earth is a School – https://youtu.be/H2tpa4DowZg
    ⏰ Timestamps:
    00:00 – Introduction
    00:36 – Dr. Cummings' Career
    01:54 – Water Rafting Trip
    02:48 – Dr. Cummings’ Near-Death Experience
    04:27 – Encounter with The Light
    06:10 – Return to His Body
    09:41 – Seeing the Gigantic Butterfly
    10:40 – Life After the NDE
    14:16 – The Transformation
    14:54 – A Profound Message for All

    πŸ“š Jeffrey Long Book: The Science of Near-Death Experiences – https://amzn.to/4f3a9H2

  2. #2

    If everyone could just remember the birth experience there would be no athiests….πŸ˜‚β€

  3. #3

    Are these videos legitimate? Seriously! It could be the biggest hoax and , the people who are making them up with actors and scripts etc are laughing their heads off !!!

  4. #4

    Thank you for sharing this πŸ’™πŸ’›β€πŸ’šπŸ’œ

  5. #5

    If the good and the wicked were not separated, the next life would be the same "malignant environment," if not far worse.

  6. #6

    Ok. Another tale

  7. #7

    I’m so happy you have awakened…to life! God loves you so much. Trust God and His promises. ❀

  8. #8

    Cut up brains you can. Some of its functions, you know. How it came about, you do not know. Signaling molecules… you know little. Whole heap of stuff in this protected structure you know nothing. God has to wake you up. Bring you to death's door and open your little brain to see the other side of what he has created. The invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen……without excuse we are. Atheist has whole heap of faith in nothing. Better have a near death experience than experience after death.

  9. #9

    Wonderful to hear this and no mention of all the usual conditioning stuff, God , angels heaven, hell etc πŸ‘πŸ»

  10. #10

    Religion and even the Bible sometimes fills me with fear. We are warned about being deceived etc. But repeatedly I hear NDE people reaffirm that the whole of it is love. This was shown me in meditation….everything sprang from love. My Mom died 3 days ago after a long time with dementia. I was making the best decisions I could for her (we stopped treating her recurrent UTI) and I only hope she is enveloped in that love you describe. ❀

  11. #11

    I feel like I would like to go sooner than later. There I go waiting for the future and bemoaning the past, not being present for the present. Oh, well. Okay, here I am. What now? God, absorb me back.

  12. #12

    This guy doesn't look old enough to have done thousands of autopsies or thousands of anything. Just sayin

  13. #13
  14. #14

    Sir, you should write down your story, tell your story to those, who want to hear it. Your words are like poetry and I would absolutely read it because I frew up so spiritual and lost my belief when first my beloved mother and later my beloved dog died.. Please write your book, tell your story. I would love to hear it again and even more detailed description of your state and how this experience was not just fabricated in your brain. I am so confused about all this. I would love to hear more from a neuro pro and a NED pro in one. Your words are filled with heartfelt wisdom. Looking forward to it ❀

  15. #15

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience.

  16. #16

    Did you see anyone on the other side.?

  17. #17

    I used to fear water to the point I would not walk in a dry wash on a clear day ..untill..I almost lost my family n myself in a flash flood ..my fear is gone now .

  18. #18

    What youve said is beautiful toward the end. At first I was offended as where do doctors get off thinking their word or opinion is more valid then anybody else's? When by defualt they are indoctrinated / prostituted to the drug companies / big oil by default and most reject the holistic truth – which is flat earth metnality by default. The being isolated is awesome. Ive spoken with / Seen God and Jesus face to face thus have nothing in common with people but am instead like the tip of the spare – from democracy {corporate prostitution Con – con man prostitution CONstitution}. Dead for 8 minutes I can see why they sent you back. In these cases you need to pray and ask to remember. And even then you cant track back memories by how you felt / recated when told something. But your case is likely they wanted you to go back for your own kind. Most people are sheep on the bandwagon and a few who do pull their heads out of the sand and question vadility of what their taught will be kicked out / isolated. While most people for the sake of their carriers keep their heads downand prostitute their souls. Though many will see the bigger picture and work within for a tangible good. The changes in you is good. But you lack light or the spirit in your eyes. You look like the son of the coroner in the series on youtube – simiilar face / similar facial contortions when speaking.

  19. #19

    interesting how god is real in the past and in the future

    In the past god came to earth, he spoke in bushes. He commanded battles. He told men what to do.

    In the future he will save us all and you’ll definitely be in heaven with him!

    But, in the present day? Nothing. No miracles today. No talking to us now. Nothing.

    If something only exists in the past or future but not now… it’s a scam.

  20. #20

    I can never understand how a real, comprehensive NDE could ever be considered a chemical anomalous event as many include learning and discovering truths and facts not previously known. I've had experiences of visits with my passed father where he continued to teach me and give me help with the tough things I would be facing. Death on the table and watching the work being done on me from above and then giving an accurate visual report afterwards… etc.

  21. #21

    I suffered a brain anurisium four years ago, God in His love saw me thru. He ☝ is nothing but LOVE. I'll see you in Heaven.

  22. #22

    You can hear the emotion in his voice. Wow, God bless him.

  23. #23

    A person who cuts up the hardware (bodies in autopsy) had a hard time, when he found out that there is powerful software called Universal Energy controlling everything. Science ignores about 98% of what's in the cells of the bodies and calls it "empty space" because they can't detect what's there. It's energy, essence, frequency, vibration , of which we are a part. We're like drops in the ocean of life but each one unique like shown when a droplet vecomes a snowflake. When he came back he was very ungrounded as not fully back in his body, the vehicle or hardware we use to express ourselves in this lifetime.

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