Home > spiritual, Spiritual Herbs, Video > Chew Alligator Pepper Before You Sleep And See What Happens Next

Chew Alligator Pepper Before You Sleep And See What Happens Next

Aug 2024 05

Chew Before You Sleep And See What Happens Next
#alligatorpepper #spiritualtips #usa
0:00 Intro ()
01:27 Spiritual Benefits
01:47 Alligator Pepper Is A Spirit
01:58 Don’t Use Alligator Pepper For Evil Purpose
02:17 Buy Alligator Pepper From Spiritual Shops
02:54 Alligator Pepper Charging
04:04 Alligator Pepper Spiritual Uses
04:38 (Method)
05:43 Alligator Pepper Precautions
06:17 Alligator Pepper Prayer

#alligatorpepper #spiritualtips #preciousspiritualtv

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Make Him or Her Spoil you with Money without asking for it

Keep this in your pocket any time to make big money flow to you

put garlic under pillow for 3 days and see wonders happen next

I Got Huge Cash Within 72 hrs With Just $10 & Cinnamon in my pocket

lick this in the morning and watch your money problems disappear

For women your Periods can turn lives around if only you know

If your ex left you do this he/she will come back to beg you after this

If you always lack money for rent fees car gas dress Place this urgently

Mix Into Your Cream Rub On Go Out Watch Things Happening

Thank you for watching ❤️


--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/chew-alligator-pepper-before-you-sleep-and-see-what-happens-next/


  1. #1

    Chew Alligator Pepper Before You Sleep And See What Happens Next

  2. #2

    Pls l will be writing my NMC exam coming next two weeks ,how will l use alligator pepper to pass my exams and how many seed will l take please help me out

  3. #3

    Mister i went to the spiritual store and asked for it i got one someone said it is the same as Guinea pepper is that so

  4. #4
  5. #5

    God bless you. This is straight to the point.

  6. #6

    Can I use alligator pepper to get some persons owing me my money to get them to pay me back what they are owing me?
    Waiting for your kind response please

  7. #7

    Tks so much sir, and pls pray for me to pay my children school fees and more wisdom in Jesus name

  8. #8

    Thank you very for this teaching very helpful ❤

  9. #9

    Where do u get alligator pepper

  10. #10

    Can i use powdered alligator pepper

  11. #11

    Can I use this for cooking and if I use it as a spice should I also open it from the back

  12. #12

    Thanks very much for sharing 🙏🙏🙏

  13. #13

    Can i use it for my sister

  14. #14

    Hello.. if an alligator pepper pod is buried and it rains.. is the pod now powerless?

  15. #15

    Amen & Amen thank you so much ❤

  16. #16

    How many days do you have to do it.

  17. #17

    Thank you for sharing ❤

  18. #18
  19. #19

    I never see that thing?

  20. #20

    I want my man to come here and to love me more has he can

  21. #21
  22. #22

    Thank you for sharing I love your content 😘

  23. #23

    Thanks precious for ur teachings 👏👏please i beg u to do 4me a video of how to deal with a man who doesn't want to take care of his kids and he just wants to leave all the responsibilities on u alone,,, thanks

  24. #24

    After 24 hours,I remove allegator pepper from the hole and allow the money or remove with the money

  25. #25

    Please my brother could you make a video of how to put fire off , I'm a fireman with serious challenges of

  26. #26

    Is it good for a woman who is in her menstrual period do this?

  27. #27

    Please my brother what should i do with the ant hill you talk about to remove myself from spritual marriage i have one infront of my house but i don't know what to do with it this Sprite is disturbing me so much please help me my brother

  28. #28
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