Home > spiritual, Spiritual Herbs, Video > African Spirituality (Reptilian Agenda) Life Story of Credo Mutwa pt 1/1 of 4

African Spirituality (Reptilian Agenda) Life Story of Credo Mutwa pt 1/1 of 4

Sep 2024 22


--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/african-spirituality-reptilian-agenda-life-story-of-credo-mutwa-pt-1-1-of-4/


  1. #1

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  2. #2

    These type of Africans are black reptilian Chitauri moors, and the wights not white but what's they are Reptilians spliced with alien genes, soon will be remove.

  3. #3

    He is said to have been succeeded by Enos Zulu

  4. #4

    The video game mortal kombat seems to throw some truths in about these beings hearing him talk about their appearances instantly reminds me of the characters throughout the games 🪷👁️🧚🏿

  5. #5
  6. #6

    Humans could care less to know about this important information . They care more about voting 🗳️, going to work , to church school to go worship these blood thirsty entities.

  7. #7

    When was this recorded please? Do you know?

  8. #8

    Wow!!! This was very enlightening. Thank you for uploading.

  9. #9

    They made him a gay man that dosent sound correct when one of the females made love to him . Yes there hybrids I mean what did they do get his seed and not want him to produce his own children. Listen folks JESUS CHRIST is the way of life like he said God defeated them. Us Christians should not think if or what about them trust and believe in JESUS CHRIST

  10. #10

    Wow never knew icke made this.. thanks for sharing. One of his earliest 🥰

  11. #11

    The fallen angels and their nephilims.

  12. #12

    Great knowledge but really they made him eat the flesh of a corpse to show his worth, as this is was Satanist do and the Catholic church, eat the flesh of Christ and drink the blood… a lot of symbolism… but yes this knowledge is accurate but there is just a touch that either he don't know or is not allowed to share…
    always use discernment.

    flesh is wat keeps one bound to this dimension, all meat and flesh…

  13. #13

    David Icke knew about these Alien overlords and their evil Rule years and years ago! WOW. I wish we had listened. I think Alex Jones knows too. And now, even Tucker Carlson knows. It's time to this truth to come out and us to throw off these evil Alien overlords and their Minions that control our Countries, before they cause another Extinction Event and take us back to the Stone Age again. They've done it before!

  14. #14

    Who could have even imagine that one day all of these knowledge would be accessible to everyone. Thank you for sharing ❤

  15. #15

    this guy had sex with an alien. that's sick!

  16. #16

    “Unique knowledge”!?? So you mean fairytales.. ok gotcha.

  17. #17

    Bs.. Reptians are a hoax. Flat earth. Close circuit. D icke is controlled oppostion. Ftm.. Female to male .. Deceiver. Never talks about fake nasa

  18. #18

    Notice how most of the nasa mission patches have some kind of reptile on them

  19. #19

    Incredible. Anyone know when this fantastic interview was recorded?

    My jaw keeps dropping further and further with every story this man shares.

  20. #20

    Also In jeepers creepers about the eyes ..

  21. #21

    oh the knowledge humanity lost when credo passed..😔 these videos should b studied for the important knowledge he passed down with David icke…

  22. #22
  23. #23

    Stop praising David icke he is a part of the 1 percent
    Why do u think he's alive and still speaking on "truth"?
    Bc he has an agenda to adhere to.
    I wouldn't doubt if he is the reason why baba mutwa had the tree of life necklace stolen and was beaten nearly to death over it.
    The royals and the Vatican, France and germany have so many of OUR artifacts and items that would explain our history.
    They know more about us than we do.

  24. #24

    Original people with the original knowledge-

  25. #25

    Watched this 5x this is a gold mine for ancient knowledge and an insight into why the govs of the world are genociding the population

  26. #26
  27. #27

    Where can I find part 2

  28. #28

    Powerful knowledge may keep this message for generations to come

  29. #29

    Uno the story credo told about mbaaba getting his dick cut off then replacing it with gold? This mirrors the exact same story of Osiris btw the green man…green because he was a reptilian?

  30. #30

    Where in the heck is part II OMG THIS IS EFFING INCREDIBLE.

  31. #31
  32. #32

    Love you David, Love you Credo.

  33. #33

    Guys his videos are becoming less and less 😔😔

  34. #34

    And wat credo says is not garbage??

  35. #35

    667 ahhhhh screw you Icky

  36. #36

    Eating brains is the walnut sauce, spoken of in the podesta emails to Hilary Clinton,along with spirit cooking, I guess most people need a brick to hit them in the face before they will believe anything that doesn't fit into a nice neat little box,ie THE little blue box They added explaining how reptilians are fictional,tell me do They do that with everything that is fictional or just reptilians,911 being an inside job and elections fraud 😒

  37. #37

    Oprah would’ve kept interrupting Credo. This video would’ve been 30 mins with 25 mins of her interjecting

  38. #38

    Interesting most probably complete bollocks interesting none the less.

  39. #39

    I wonder how much money they paid him to lie

  40. #40

    And Hollywood took credit for inventing the "fictional" shitaori people in the avengers movies 🙄.

  41. #41

    If i went through the same experience as he did i would have a grudge and anger and revenge especially getting violated like that i feel for him

  42. #42

    many of you feel the same way I do about what Credo has to say, as random commenters on you tube we may never meet face to face, but maybe we can all agree to keep fighting in our own way until all of humanity is free from bondage and fully aware of what is really going down on this planet

  43. #43
  44. #44

    The truth always brings strength of mind. My frequency is higher thanks to the knowledge, this I must pass on to my kids. Thank you!!!!

  45. #45

    Thanks for the video

  46. #46

    I am amazed by this wonderful being knowledge. Everything he is revealing are expressed in movies and cartoons, the Avatar movie, the lord of the rings, jumpers, and cartoons such as Naruro, anime’s etc!…

  47. #47

    It’s clear why so many ambitious leaders want to control Africa. I guess it’s easy to guess why Bill gates is gluing himself to Africa pretending to be humanitarian.

  48. #48


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