Home > Lost Souls > Woman Dies; Shown The Magnitude And Impact Of Thoughts and Behavior (NDE)

Woman Dies; Shown The Magnitude And Impact Of Thoughts and Behavior (NDE)

Mar 2024 13

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Woman sees her family in heaven in this experience () visit to the afterlife!

In today’s video, Karen Thomas discusses her experience where she visits the afterlife. This is her amazing story about our purpose here on Earth. Anyone who wishes to email Karen, please include mention of her story in the subject line of the email, and email here: blanceth@live.com.





Apple Music:

#nde #neardeathexperience #neardeathexperiences

🎵BACKGROUND MUSIC licensed through AudioJungle & Epidemic Sound

🎥FOOTAGE licensed through VideoBlocks and Filmpac, except parts about the topic that have been used under fair use.

Disclaimer: This video is taken from an interview by us and our channel, not taken from another channel, and it is all original content.


--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/woman-dies-shown-the-magnitude-and-impact-of-thoughts-and-behavior-nde/


  1. #1

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  2. #2

    ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ I’m sending love to you & all who listen and watch this video of you sharing NDE ❤!! 😊😊thanks for this . Let’s have a good 2024 & beyond infinity ☀️🔥💕🌻🌸🌺💐😊❤️

  3. #3

    Are the people in these videos the same as the one shown in the thumbnail??

  4. #4
  5. #5

    So somehow, in heaven they still slaughter cows and wear leather. Allrighty then

  6. #6

    lot of stories are similar to scene from Ghost movie

  7. #7

    I’m curious to hear NDEs from people of different religions.
    Are they the same?

  8. #8

    Wonderful thank you 🙏 ❤ for sharing your profound experience.

  9. #9

    Woman Dies; Shown The Magnitude And Impact Of Illiteracy and Gullibility (NDE)

  10. #10

    If I had an NDE and saw the wonders of heaven I would be trying to learn how my loved ones could go there. The gospel is this. Romans 10:9
    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

  11. #11

    What a beautiful experience. It’s nice to hear a lot of people with their experience and to be reminded how good things and bad impacts everyone. I was moved by when you said when someone prays for you you saw it like a note. Thank you for sharing this story

  12. #12

    Y'all know, don't you, that your Near Death Experiences can be exactly replicated by inserting a thin electrode into one of several subcortical nuclei deep in the brain, and applying a weak electric current? Everything you claim to have seen including, but not limited to bright light, an intense feeling of calm acceptance and universal love, seeing your life unscroll before your eyes, seeing Grandma and your old dog Toby, a deep feeling of finally understanding the mysteries of life, and being in the all-enveloping loving presence of God. And it feels incredibly real, because it IS real. Deep in your brain.

    Stimulation of a locus about 2 mm away reproduces the experience of being abducted, usually by space aliens, taken to their ship and examined, studied and probed in the most humiliating, forbidden and titillating ways. This usually involves the insertion of either instruments or alien digits into one's private orifices. Curiously, the humiliation and perceived shame of this latter experience correlates with the zip code of the abductee, occurring almost exclusively in the Bible Belt of the southern U.S. It is directly proportional to the degree to which the abductee's church is doctrinally fundamental. The more primitive and animist the Christianity, the more humiliating the treatment at the hands of the aliens. Perhaps the explanation lies with the aliens' preference for a good old-timey four square Bible-believin' woman, but more likely it is the product of a subconscious programmed and warped by a restrictive patriarchal upbringing in a theocratic culture.

    A small voice in the back of my head tells me I should apologize for my sarcastic, dismissive tone. But god damn it, people, there's no other way to get your attention. Fox has you sealed off from the majority culture, and feeds you fantasies of cultural humiliation and moral decay caused by Joe Biden running a Satanist coven in the back of a pizza parlor (no, that was Mrs. Clinton. Do you know that some white trash nitwit loaded up his Rig with guns and went to the restaurant and scared the SHIT out of the staff and patrons demanding to see the back room? I doubt you knew that; Fox wouldn't have covered it).

    The point is that there are consequences to your moronic fantasies. Maybe not from your silly "Near Death" experiences, but at the very least they minimize the likelihood that you'll ever understand the REAL origin of these very real experiences — the human mind at the extremity of stress, knowing that it is on the point off being extinguished forever, frantically casting about for an explanation which is more comforting. We have evolved such that the script of the death experience is nearly the same for all of us.

    What does this say about us as a species, about our relation to others who are virtually identical to us? Religion is not about you-all hating the same people based on who Bronze Age theocrats hated. It's not about saying the correct code words once a week. The objective is not to go to a place called heaven where everyone looks the same and agrees with us, and we all get to be children again at the feet of our loving parents. Remember, they, too are children at the feet of your loving grandparents, who are children at the feet of your great grandparents… It's all a little silly, yes?

    Jesus, and all the masters of all the world's other equally valid religions, was giving us a roadmap for achieving a state of Grace Here, Now. Stupid people in the decades after his death tried to remember what he had said, and twisted it to their own selfish needs. And subsequent generations have corrupted it further, piling more crap on crap, until now we have… what? Mega churches with a "Pastor" who drives a Lamborghini, flies his own corporate jet, and (betcha didn't know this) keeps a couple of gay lovers hidden away.

    Ambrose Bierce, in his Devil's Dictionary wrote:

    CLERGYMAN, n. A man who undertakes the management of our spiritual affairs as a method of bettering his temporal ones.

    PALACE, n. A fine and costly residence, particularly that of a great official. The residence of a high dignitary of the Christian Church is called a palace; that of the Founder of his religion was known as a field, or wayside. There is progress.

    The thousands of church members come every week so they can feel like part of something, a tribe that hates the same people I hate, and they can disappear into anonymity, give $5.00 so they don't have to do anything meaningful for anyone during the week. And they can leave the theatrics to a handful of extroverted clowns who do not feel embarrassed running up and down the aisles jabbering In Tongues.

    THINK. Is your god this stupid?

  13. #13
  14. #14

    This woman's story sounds so much more authentic. Simply told, explaining the facts as they unfolded, and displaying perception with no extrapolating. Beautiful story.

  15. #15

    Thank you for sharing, I am fascinated by these hallucinations that happens when people die, hopefully one day science understands what causes them. Let’s be clear, these are hallucinations. If you watch all the videos, all these so called spirits say different things about the meaning of life

  16. #16

    My mom also had this experience during the delivery of one of my older sisters.. Exact same description about the floating and going through walls etc 😮

  17. #17

    Something similar happened to me – my biggest AHA moment was after I was out of my body- I realized I was still me – wow🎉I was only thought💎

  18. #18

    Such a lovely lady sharing her NDE with us.
    Thank you🙏❤

  19. #19

    You are not clear when you’re excessively praising and/or criticizing me or anyone.

    You’re actually just talking to mom and dad and you’ve put my (or their) face on it.

    I am going to command that people to stop praising and/or criticizing me,

    when I see it from now on.

    It’s not real,

    and I can see your hurt and anger right under it…

  20. #20

    I had experience that i was just another brick in the wall and earthlife is just a short game/hoax/simulation were humans are traumatised for extraktion of energy to dark 4d beings
    When i said i dont want to go back they shamed and blamed me for silly fault i done in my life screaming dum words as they feelt they loosed the grip of my thoughts
    They truly wanted me back to this simulation somehow i came back with the knowing its a fake wortless world that not worth be saved
    Only who need to be saved is our self to make humans to wake up to go back were we belong beyond their incarnation wheel to our true home
    Free will is our highest power and strong words to makes us come home

  21. #21

    What an annoying guide, showing her all those great places and people and not allowing her to stay 😂

  22. #22

    i remember another NDE years ago where a woman said she was shown her life and saw the joys and hurts, when her words or actions caused others pain or sadness. In some ways it was like a purgatory. When she returned she was going to try to do much more good, much more acts of kindness. She saw even a kind word made someone's day and how one word made someone want to cry. It felt very real especially since she had forgotten many of them.

  23. #23

    Thank you for not mentioning any book’s you’ve written towards the end, that would ruin the entire experience for us.

  24. #24

    Start with commercials? No way

  25. #25

    This was amazing thanks for your testimony God bless you love 😊

  26. #26

    NDE testimonies are credible and can be used for both good and evil. The good in NDE testimonies are those that point to Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for us. The evil in NDE testimonies are those that deny Jesus Christ and His truth that is recorded in the Holy Bible. Your sins need to be forgiven by the finished works of Jesus Christ otherwise your ultimate destiny in the afterlife is eternal damnation. Don't be fooled. Evil demonic forces are able to disguise themselves as forces of good.

    John 14:6

    Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

  27. #27

    This bliss may be the initial moments. Nobody knows what follows after

  28. #28

    Thank you so much for your videos.

  29. #29

    Wowwwwww amazing

  30. #30

    Great story, but I find it pretty funny that every time a lady shares their NDE, they spend half the time telling every single little detail that serve no purpose to the story. I always skip to the middle of the video on every female NDE and know that I didn’t miss anything important. Like lady, why do we need to know about the errands you had to run that day or what you majored in college…hahaha. Not talking trash, it’s just funny.

  31. #31

    I saved my own life in hospital. I remember someone calling my name but felt like I couldn't be bothered to turn. I just need to rest. Then nurse panicked and start calling doctor as I was not waking up. I was ok all the time thinking that I was just lazy to open my eyes. Even though my eyes were closed I was able to see room. Suddenly I heard my own voice yelling "sugar". That wasn't in my thoughts at all and who spoke through my mouth is still misery to me. Nurse came back with infusion and gave me sugar through IV. I sat on the bed and I was suddenly awake.
    I guess my sugar went dangerously down as I didn't eat for 3 days, just IV.
    If you have any explanation please let me know

  32. #32

    All these experiences tells us that there is more than our short life.
    I don't care about the babble about Jesus. We don't even know when he was born, what year and the writings in the Bible were written long after he died.
    I like to know, why we are here, on the Earth, planet of death and suffering.

  33. #33

    Why are the thumbnails pictures of other people?

  34. #34

    Waoo so beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  35. #35

    My first thought: How did she see her hair in the operation? They cover the hair with a cap.

  36. #36

    🙏🏽 beautiful story makes me feel better about death😊

  37. #37

    This story is so beautiful and amazing ❤

  38. #38


  39. #39

    Thumbnail photo shows a woman 20 years younger.Spiritual people are not obsessed with youth.

  40. #40

    I had open heart surgery in 2021. In the icu I had a out of body experience. I try to communicate it to people but I'm brushed off. Out of surgery I feel I was out of my body. I could see the full room. Hear and see the nurses telling my wife . We will take out the breathing tube when his oxygen level is good. I could clearly see the room. See my wife sitting. In the back The nurse on the computer in back of the room. I would go back in my body and take my tongue and push the breathing tube up to roof of my mouth, and hear a hiss. No pain. I'm going in and out and saying i hope i dont wake up and feel them taking out this tube .It was clear as day. I woke up in icu. How do you explain this to people who don't comprehend it. Good to see these stories. Validates my experience.

  41. #41

    Why do you see others with a body and clothing but not yourself?

  42. #42

    I don't think we need to have an NDE to understand the ripple effect lol. How do we spot the nutjobs here anyway? They all keep selling books and stuff…sus.

  43. #43

    If we aren't religious, how can we make amends or repent for bad decisions and mistakes that we made long ago, that haunt us?

  44. #44

    I weep.

    I die.

    I die inside.

    I'm desperate to die.

    The pain is unbearable.

    44 years of suffering

    with intermittent fleeting windows of relief.

    I'm in hell.

    Hell with no escape.

    Desperate to die.

    Desperate to escape.

    I am debilitated from the trauma.

    Paralyzed frozen. Living in constant terror and panic.




    He betrayed and abandoned me,

    discarded me like garbage!!!


    Replaced me for another.

    How could he do this to me?


    This was a karmic friendship,

    meant to be there for a limited time (17-months-ish)

    to teach you, about yourself!

    About boundaries, about self-love,

    about self-respect, about self-worth, etc…

    About a whole plethora of magical, juicy, alchemical things!

    The universe, God, your guides, your ancestors, are pushing you, lovingly,

    in the right direction: into your own magnificent powerful magical freedom!

    When you let go. The universe will catch you. It’s talking to you.

    Let go of everything and trust the universe. It’s within you. ✨💫

    Jesus said to her… “Mary.”

    She turned toward him

    and cried out, in Aramaic, “Rabboni!”

    (which means Teacher) – John 20:16💖


    Dearest twin flame, I’m working on myself,

    I am being 100% healed, on every level, in every way.

    This is my purification process. I am doing this for me, for you, for us.

    I’m proud of myself, and I’m getting ready for you.

    I love you.



    1. He is quick to eliminate danger and fight any threat when it comes to her.

    She is everything to him, they are one. He’ll sacrifice himself for her.

    2. Sets up a meeting for her to meet his mom or grandma or guardian.

    A serious man won’t keep bringing different women to meet his guardian,

    it’s serious if he brings her to his guardian.

    3. He’s going to talk about her with his closest, most respected group of friends, repeatedly. He wants them to know all about her, who she is, her soul and her personality.

    4. He will start to make her a priority in his life, hang out during his busiest times,

    buying you things, making plans. More investment.

    5. He begins to be more involved with her family even without her necessarily knowing.

    Gets something for her mom or helps her dad cut the grass, etc.

    Investing in people who are important to her.

    It’s not forced, she doesn’t ask, he just does it.

    6. What he does for her. If she has dreams or goals, he’s going to help her acquire it.

    No jealousy or ill feelings. He wants to help and be a part of what she’s a part of.

    Putting total effort in showing her she’s not alone.

    7. Being more free in sharing his struggles, inner demons, he’s trusting her,

    doesn’t want to hold back. Will share what he’s working on, the dark,

    the not good looking things, so she can see him wholly. He trusts her and her feedback.

    8. He stops using I and me, and starts saying us and we.

    “You know what we should do” “I think we would like this,”

    include her in his thinking, sees her in the long haul…

  45. #45

    Thank you so much for sharing 🙂

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