Home > Lost Souls > Ultimate Near Miss Video Compilation 2023 – NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES CAUGHT ON CAMERA

Ultimate Near Miss Video Compilation 2023 – NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES CAUGHT ON CAMERA

Mar 2024 23

Failzone is a channel that show all:
Total IDIOTS Vs TRAIN | Close Calls , Scary Train Crashes with Cars and Semi Trucks
Extremely Dangerous Heavy Equipment Fails | Huge Cranes Collapse & Demolition Excavators Gone Wrong
Crazy Bus VS Dangerous Roads | Bus Nearly Falls off Cliff, Crossing Extremely Muddy & Steep Hill
Crazy Excavators Vs Building | Demolition Gone Wrong , Building Collapses on Diggers
BIG SHIP COLLISIONS AT SEA | Ship Sinking & Stupid Captains Mistakes

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--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/ultimate-near-miss-video-compilation-2023-near-death-experiences-caught-on-camera/


  1. #1
  2. #2

    Failzone lies yet again

  3. #3

    6:37 Oof…I know that hurt

  4. #4

    La mayoría de los accidentes producidos por exceso de velocidad o conductas de riesgo

  5. #5

    10:42 NO , NO, NO, NO

  6. #6

    6:05 what are you doing?🤦‍♂

  7. #7
  8. #8

    The first one makes me think of all the road signs we have around here that says "Watch for falling rocks" like, okay, I'll try my best but i don't know how much it'll help.

  9. #9

    Pas de blessé 😅

  10. #10

    Some of these should be labelled "ambiguous deaths".

  11. #11

    11:42 that was one big sneeze

  12. #12

    Monke was just hungy lmao

  13. #13

    9:47 is that a scream or an industrial drill

  14. #14

    8:22 bro went watch this

  15. #15

    8:10 plane was nowhere near Ava and ava knew

  16. #16
  17. #17
  18. #18
  19. #19


  20. #20

    Babacas de moto paraquedas asas deltas e que estao de cavalo judiando dos bixos tem mais é que se foderem

  21. #21


  22. #22

    I dont understand what's wrong with 13:02?

  23. #23

    2:12 I felt that from here.

  24. #24
  25. #25

    Camera man never dies.

  26. #26

    На 9:18 – был микроавтобус – теперь кабриолет !

  27. #27

    На 8:57 – Емеля на печке проехал !

  28. #28

    На 7:35 – зачем так кричать ? Из-за тебя обвал …..

  29. #29

    На 2:45 – нифига себя – перднул !

  30. #30

    Видео есть – где медведь за велосипедистом гонится ?

  31. #31

    9:26 tow people filming from below and none of them have enough brain to do the right thing 😑

  32. #32

    Bull sharks are heavy

  33. #33

    When you just want to play with the monkey but the monkey just wants to play with the human.

  34. #34

    Береженного бог бережёт помните Безмозглые… 😅

  35. #35

    Es wird Zeit, dass die Menschheit ausstirbt! 😉

  36. #36

    People like that guy at 10:44 totally disgust me!

  37. #37

    Жесткая, но интереснпя подборка

  38. #38

    Clueless Fukerz,, a near miss is a collision

  39. #39

    I have to rethink what I mean by near miss

  40. #40

    Some people wants drive a vehicles fast too much…

  41. #41

    На 0:45 мужик установил мировой рекорд по плаванию.

  42. #42
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