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I Asked Jesus about Aliens | Near Death Experience

May 2024 27

People who have had near-death experiences often report having had transformative and mystical encounters with angels, God, or Jesus, leading to a greater understanding of their own spirituality and the nature of the afterlife. These otherworldly experiences can be both surreal and illuminating, and may provide glimpses into the realms of Heaven or Hell, or even involve out-of-body experiences.

Such encounters are often described as being deeply religious and can have a lasting impact on a person’s beliefs and worldview.

Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and even more, claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBEs).

These are their stories. If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.

Near-death experiences, or NDEs, are often described as profound and life-changing events. They can happen to anyone, and they often involve a sense of peace, love and a sense of connection with something greater than oneself. This is what happened to a heart attack survivor who shared his incredible journey to the other side on the “700 club”, a Christian television program. His testimony of visiting heaven and being sent back to earth with a new perspective on life, has been featured on the Jeff Mara podcast, a show that explores topics such as NDEs and afterlife experiences.

Many people have shared their own NDEs on the “700 club” testimonies, and their stories often involve similar themes of love, peace and a sense of connection with the divine. Some have even described visiting the afterlife realms, like heaven and hell. The term “OBE” or “out-of-body experience” is often used to describe the feeling of floating above one’s own body and observing events from a detached perspective.

The story of this heart attack survivor, has been shared on the Jeffmara podcast, where the host interview people who have had NDE’s and other extraordinary experiences. The story of this survivor, is not an exception and it’s a proof of how NDEs can be powerful and transformative experiences that can change one’s life forever. Some people like Dorothy Shelton, believe that NDEs can be a way of communicating with God, Jesus and the divine, and that they can provide us with valuable insights into the nature of life, death and the afterlife.

Explore the fascinating world of near-death experiences (NDEs) with our curated collection of videos and stories. From heartwarming tales of heavenly encounters to mind-bending scientific studies, our channel covers all aspects of NDEs. Discover firsthand accounts from individuals who have undergone NDEs, as well as expert insights from researchers, doctors, and spiritual leaders. Join us on a journey to uncover the mysteries of the afterlife and gain a deeper understanding of the profound impact that NDEs can have on our lives. Subscribe now to stay up-to-date with the latest NDE videos, documentaries, and research.

There are many resources available for those interested in studying near-death experiences (NDEs). One popular platform for learning about NDEs is YouTube, where there are numerous videos of people sharing their stories of experiencing the afterlife. These stories can provide insight into what people commonly report seeing or feeling during an NDE. Additionally, there are documentaries and TED Talks that explore the phenomenon of NDEs in more detail. The Near Death Experience Research Association conducts studies on the subject, and there is ongoing research into the science behind NDEs. While there is no definitive proof of an afterlife, many people find comfort in the stories of those who have had NDEs and the possibility that there is something beyond this life. Some notable examples include Anita Moorjani’s bestselling book “Dying to be Me” and her subsequent TED Talk, as well as the 700 Club’s coverage of NDEs. For more information, one can also consult resources like Wikipedia’s page on NDEs or search for relevant keywords such as “near death signs” or “afterlife definition” on YouTube.

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--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/i-asked-jesus-about-aliens-near-death-experience/


  1. #1

    There was nothing about aliens here.

  2. #2

    Aliens are real but they are demons

  3. #3

    NDE testimonies are credible and can be used for both good and evil. The good in NDE testimonies are those that point to Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for us. The evil in NDE testimonies are those that deny Jesus Christ and His truth that is recorded in the Holy Bible. Your sins need to be forgiven by the finished work of Jesus Christ. Otherwise, your ultimate destiny for your soul is Hell and eternal separation from God . Don't be fooled. Evil demonic forces are able to disguise themselves as forces of good such as angelic beings.

    John 14:6

    Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

    Pray the following with conviction to ensure your eternal salvation and entry into heaven.

    Sinner's Prayer: "Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness.

    I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.

    You said in the bible that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.

    Right now I confess Jesus as my Lord. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Amen."

  4. #4

    magnesium oxide…..

  5. #5

    Big Bang?.. Not Creation?…

  6. #6

    This sounds like some bizarre AI generated composite of out of body,near death and alien abduction experiences currently doing the rounds.

  7. #7

    What did Christ tell her about the aliens

  8. #8

    Smooth mumbo jumbo.

  9. #9

    While I do believe in the vast majority of NDE. A lot of these NDE’s stories are clout chasing

  10. #10

    This is not valid, folks. Beware. This is AI deception.

  11. #11

    "Comprised" of light, not "compromised" of it.

  12. #12

    The question about aliens comes at @6:52
    However there's no direct answer but a talk about humans seeing things in anthropomorphic terms.

  13. #13

    More AI crap. Smash that DISLIKE button.

  14. #14

    There wasn’t a Big Bang, was it?

  15. #15

    5:23 The person wasn't even sure that the "entity" that appeared in his/her vision was Christ… When you encounter Christ you are definitely aware it's Him. Therefore, I believe this is a made up story.

  16. #16
  17. #17

    There are many creatures in other dimensions but we’re all bound by the supreme authority. This universe is an atom to the SA. We’re all connected

  18. #18

    The guardian of the Galaxy, star wars, encounters of the 4th kind, Fire in the sky, Dream Catcher, is more believable.

  19. #19

    Good video prayers for you and yours

  20. #20

    Jesus Christ is the only way humbly ask God to reveal himself to you and he can and will no other gods can eternity is a long time to be in the Lake of fire in eternal damnation when all you have to do is humbly ask

  21. #21

    Funny they say they saw jesus, what did he look like? Did he wear modern day siut? Or did he wear the same old sheet? Is jesus actually a white guy or is he black like so many say he is? Did he have scares on his wrists and feet from the nailing to the cross if thats even true? Did he tell you to go back to earth because earth is a soul trap? If that really was jesus or yashuwa, and he really does love you, why didnt he just let you stay there? Did you ask him about those Anunakis that came here and created us as slaves for their behalf only? Did you ask yashuwa if the vatican and the roman catholic church is the true real deal or is it just a big made up lie to control the masses? This is what id be asking, not some lame question like is my puppy ok? 😇😇😇🤔🤔🤔🤨😤😤😤

  22. #22
  23. #23

    Regardless of ones beliefs we r all from the one and only true creator.lts got to be in a universal thing that everyone is on there own path and Christians aren't open minded enough to think that the Bible has a lot of things that don't make sense.Religions in my opinion have divided people.love is the most important and we r all connected.

  24. #24

    What I found out is that the entities that meet us on the other side are in fact alien. They appear as light, they appear as love, they can and do appear as Jesus because that is what someone who believes in religion is comfortable with. They then get you to return to earth and reincarnate and stuck in the lower frequency cycle.

  25. #25

    God is NOT an alien, as God exists outside of this 3-dimensional physical universe, which is where our soul originates. God is the essence of being itself. Scientists theorized the physical universe to be about 14-15 billion years old…just last year they now think it's possibly double that…nobody knows for sure the age…that being said, the universe was created for us (God's children) …there are many life forms within the universe at various levels of spiritual and cerebral development…the higher your spiritual vibrancy, the closer to God you become…the goal is get back home with God in the absolute reality (Heaven)

  26. #26

    AI generated stories and voices are rather tedious.

  27. #27

    Another boring Ai story!!!

  28. #28

    I don't listen to Ai generated voice on this type of content

  29. #29

    ok brain…lets start

    whatr a load of crap

  30. #30

    So what was the answer? Never got an answer about the Aliens

  31. #31


  32. #32

    ???aliens??? never mentioned !!!!

  33. #33

    AI. This isn’t true , get your robot under control- it’s sucked

  34. #34
  35. #35


  36. #36

    The being of light was her spirit guide. We all have one and they have been with us since oír souls were created thousands of years ago. They welcome us back home in the spirit world after every encarnation

  37. #37

    There is no such thing as aliens. There is only fallen angels

  38. #38

    You lost me at big bang🤨

  39. #39
  40. #40

    I don’t think God would tell us about aliens. Not until we get to heaven and all is revealed will we know. The bible is only a need to know basis. It tells us who created everything, a few important stories thatteach us lessons, and how to get to heaven. There’s no reason why we need to even know about aliens. If God felt it was important then he would’ve told us so.

  41. #41

    So… What about those aliens?

  42. #42

    Isn't it funny that this fake Jesus can't appear to living persons…religious clap trap

  43. #43

    3:26 if you look close you can see the mountains are faces of giants

  44. #44

    Kind of wish people would stop using AI or computer generated voice… it sounds cheesy and cheap and jumbles the story to a point where you don’t grasp what is being said…All the vocal inflections sound wrong and jumbled up I’m literally not gonna watch your channel again because of it… have you or shouldn’t struggle to understand what your message is

  45. #45

    Jude1:6 And the angels(REBEL ALIENs) who kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation(SPACE), He hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness(Shadow People, USOs at Ocean Trenches, Underground Bases, Hollow Earth) unto the judgment of the great Day.7 EVEN AS Sodom and Gomorrah,…, having in like manner with these given themselves over to fornication and GONE AFTER STRANGE FLESH(FALLEN INTERBREDING WITH WOMANS), are set forth as an example, suffering the punishment of eternal fire. – Jer10:11 Thus shall ye say unto them, The gods(REBEL ALIENS) that have NOT MADE the heavens and the earth, these shall perish FROM THE EARTH, and from under the heavens. 2Pet2:4 For if GOD spared not angels when they sinned, but CAST THEM DOWN TO HELL(HOLLOW EARTH?), and committed them to pits of darkness(USOs at ABYSSAL TRENCHES, UNDERGROUND BASES, SHADOW PEOPLE), to be reserved unto judgment. – Eph6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood(HUMANS), but against principalities(FALLEN ANGELS), against powers(Demons), against the rulers of the darkness of this world(Secret societies?, Underground bases? , Usos in abyssal trenches?) against spiritual wickedness IN HIGH PLACES(Possessed authorities?). – Mat17:21 But THIS KIND goes not out save by prayer and fasting(INTERRUPTION OF ENERGY TO CHACKRA). – Matt6:22 If then the light(AURA) within you is darkness(ABSENCE OF GOD'S SPIRIT=negative thoughts), how great(WILL ATTRACT DEMONS TOWARD YOU) is that darkness! – Psalm 34:7 The angel of Jehovah encampeth round about them that fear him, And delivereth them. – Rev20:7 And when the thousand years are expired (IT ALREADY PASSED, THAT IS WHY WE HAVE SEEN SO MANY “SIGNS” OR UFOS IN THE SKY AND ABDUCTIONS, ALSO INCREASE IN TECHNOLOGY AND WORLD WARS), Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: – 2Cor11:14 Satan fashions himself into an angel (ALIEN) of light (KNOWLEDGE). 1Tim4:1 …in later times. They WILL OBEY LYING SPIRITS (orders from possessed or authorities) and follow the TEACHING(ALIEN TECH) OF DEMONS (Nephilim spirits). Rev 9:20 the rest of mankind, repented not of the works of their hands(WEAPONS?CERN?), that they should NOT WORSHIP DEMONS, REV16:14 They are demonic spirits (Nephilim spirits) that perform signs (UFOs at low altitude AND UNDERWATER), and they go out to(CONTROL) the kings(AUTHORITIES) of the whole world, to gather (UNIFYING) them for the battle(BUILD ARMY)on the great day of God Almighty. – – REV13:2 The dragon (REBEL ALIENs) gave the beast (NAZIs&US MILITARY INDUSTRY) his power (ALIEN INSIGHT) and his throne (MILITARY SUPREMACY) and great authority (MASS CONTROL INTEL).4 They (GOV AUTHORITIES) fell down (SUBMIT) and paid homage (ENTERED INTO AGREEMENT) to the dragon (REBEL ALIEN COMMANDER), because he had bestowed (TRANSFERRED) on the beast all his dominion (ALIEN TECH) and authority (CONTROL OVER PEOPLE THROUGH THE MEDIA AND AT MAIN POSITIONS IN GOV AND SOCIETY); they also praised and worshiped the beast (ARMY), exclaiming, Who is a match for the beast? – Dan2:42 so the kingdom(HUMANITY) shall be partly strong and partly brittle and broken.43 And as you saw the iron(ALIENs) mixed(DNA COMBINATION)with miry and earthen clay(HUMANS), so they shall mingle themselves(CREATE HYBRIDS) in the seed of men(HUMAN DNA); but they will not hold together (CANN´T HOLD PREGNANCY O-?), even as iron does not mingle itself with clay. Matt15:13 But he(JESUS) answered and said, Every plant(HUMANOID BEING) which my heavenly Father planted not(REBEL ALIENS´ MODIFIED HUMAN VERSION, TRANSHUMANS AND HYBRID ALIEN-HUMANS), shall be rooted up(EXTERMINATED).

  46. #46

    "It's similar to a chair mistaking a table for a bizarre chair with no back when it looks at a table." Oddly, this is a pretty good explanation of anthropomorphism.

  47. #47

    Jesus is Dead, and has been for over 2000 years….How would HE know anything?

  48. #48

    Please, can you tell me where this natural spring is @ 2:39. I live in Florida and have been to almost every natural spring here and 3 other states over the past 50 years (my entire life!). But I've never seen this one! I would LOVE to visit it!❤ Thank you so much for any help you can give me.🙏💕

  49. #49

    An alien saved my life a few years ago. He was tall and had an elongated head and shiny. He looked like a spirit but also looked humanoid at the same time. This is a true story whether people believe it or not. Aliens and angels are the same thing. There are good and evil ones.

  50. #50

    I don’t believe this story, resonating as false. Completely fabricated

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