Dr. Eben Alexander's Near Death Experience & What It Reveals About Our Shared Consciousness
What can near death experiences teach us about our consciousness and universal connectedness? Dr. Eben Alexander, academic neurosurgeon and NYT bestselling author was given a 2% chance of survival during his 7 day coma from bacterial meningitis – but he fought for his life and miraculously came back to tell what happened when he was in that other realm. He shares what he learned in his NDE about our shared sense of oneness, how we can live beyond the 3D while we’re in this physical world, what happens when we pass into the afterlife, and how we can separate from the ego voice in our head and tap into our ability to heal, our wholeness, and our higher soul.
– Get Dr. Eben Alexander’s books (Proof of Heaven, The Map of Heaven, Living in a Mindful Universe) at
– Follow Dr. Eben on Instagram @ebenalex3md and Twitter @LifeBeyondD
– Read the 29 essays about the survival of human consciousness at
– Listen to The Cathy Heller Show on Apple Podcasts or Spotify
– Follow Cathy on Instagram
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--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/dr-eben-alexanders-near-death-experience-what-it-reveals-about-our-shared-consciousness/
Terry Curtin
2 years agoI jusy can't go with being on a butterfly etc. That to me is like a DMT experience. He's changed as many have. I will find out soon enough.
peej m
2 years agoDid anyone catch the reference to how his friend was the "head of one of the top neurosurgical programs on 'earth' " @55:51? Pretty powerful statement. It came off sounding like an insecurity to me.
Joenell 9thking
2 years agoConsciousness cannot be explained with words, it is that it is! That's just my opinion ! Dr. A being that you may see or meet for the very first time, obviously has a different what you might call consciousness! "Feed back please"!
David Kamnitzer
2 years agoWith all love and respect, if you're waiting for ego to change before you take a stand for who you are, don't hold your breath. It's learning how to be with ego that is the key. Namaste.
Karen Strang
2 years agoThanks so much Cathy for this excellent interview with Dr. Eben Alexander. Your personal journey and academic investigation aligns so well with Eben's story. Your authenticity showed through 💖
I had the privilege of meeting Eben and Karen Newell in Ottawa, Ontario Canada in October 2017, at the launch of his book "Living in a Mindful Universe". Eben speaks with such clarity and ease, I could listen to him hours and hours. And in fact I have … listening to various recordings of interviews and recently in November 2022 at the online "Beyond the Veil" summit.
Since meeting and following Dr. Alexander I've opened myself up to learning about and welcoming another realm beyond this physical space we are in, called earth. I've been able to overcome my fear of death, and embrace communications with friends and loved ones who have passed.
And I always pass it forward by sharing his recordings, books and interviews, like yours, with friends and family. I value Dr. Eben Alexander as the most important influencer/guide/mentor of our times, and I hope and pray that his words will be heard by the masses to, in his words, "heal this world".
allen heart
2 years agoDr. Eben Alexander's experience showed human consciousness "collapses the wave function" to create "hard reality." Our consciousness is a work of cocreation, a concept that continually popped up in my poetry, seemingly out of thin air. Our bodies are mortal, but our spirit is Immortal–Then I discovered my poetry was Gnostic, but I had not known what Gnosticism was about. Then I began to understand the “dazzling darkness” I had witnessed in meditation, and the weird poetry many found so evocative. More details in my second book, Surviving the Micronova: This Train is on the Tracks"
George lee Clark
2 years agoThe most important fact of Dr. Alexander's attestment of the Afterlife is why the same attestment can be found in my literary work of 2005, "Heaven's Pen"? From the entanglement of roots and tree limbs of capture within a murky mud setting to an ending Epilogue of a displayed rainbow and ALL inbetween perfectly juxtaposed in definition of plagiarism. Dr. Alexander avoids an explanation and the public needs to ask him why he ignores this fact. He has also displayed wanton of intellectual property rights and academia fraud promulgation which are criminal Federal offenses. He has dodged my attorney Mark C Johnson the same without explanation. Since Feb. 14, 2016, Dr. Alexander hasn't once spoken to me iof what would be phenomena if not an intentional plagiarist. Our shared phenomenon would actually be empirical evidence added to theory beyond Dr. Alexander's allusive proof of his defiance of reductive materialism. No proof is actually incorporated within his purported allegation of Heavenly visatation translated into 43 languages or skepticism following couldnt have emerged. Alexander states he knows the difference between fantasy, hallucination, and reality within "his" NY Times bestseller which is interesting to me knowing he matches every aspect, concept, theme, and plot precisely. He states his NDE as a "special kind " because of his identity and memory erased which is unprecedented within NDE research. He saw it as a duty to report to Science in efforts to merge Spirituality. I agree he has a special kind of NDE which indeed needs reported to Science as Academia research fraud promulgation. People, Dr. Alexander is a fraud and I'm his victim. I have the proof which needs to unfurl for the sake of education and ethics. Please stop the support of a fraud in desparation to repair his past failed career as a nuerosurgeon falsifying medical reports which cost him the cessation of his medical license. He us still practicing fraud and not a baseless claim with a copyright proving POH was already written before its mandate to time.
christopher basil pizzinga
2 years agoCath, can you ask Eben , in that time that Eben had that 2% chance of survival, when he was in coma, was he fed any food? just asking, thanks .
2 years agoPlease consider Forever Conscious Research's findings into Near Death Experiences https://www.youtube.com/c/ForeverConsciousResearchChannel/videos
george lee clark
2 years agoProof of Heaven is fraud and an order May 15, 2022 has been sent to Alexander to stop distribution of POH and sequils. POH is plagiarism fraud
Esther Lewis
2 years agoI'm just curious, Dr. Eben Alexander's meditation that he talks about, is it Yoga? Also, Dr Alexander never goes over his life prior to his NDE–What exactly was he going through prior to his NDE, What did he believe in prior to his NDE, etc., etc.???
James Brown
2 years agoHey!, keep at the work. From what you said, I think you will be interested this channel 👉 #drjohnaking. I find him instructional and practical.
Hair Chair Talk
2 years agoSuch a beautiful story and interview… thanks for the introduction and reminder that living is in the here and now… we are ALL one! I once had this song come to me… just those words “we ALL are one” I kept singing it… So many amazing things started happening including winning a national game show with my family 🙂 just gave me chills
Rebecca Eagle
2 years agoI began listening to this today and had to SEE it. Thank you for having this option to watch this! I'm very much a visual processor and finding this today means so much to me! Thank you for perfectly blending what we need for heart, mind, and soul in your offerings. We need to tend to all three to be successful and at peace in business and in life. Thank you, Cathy! <3 Thank you, Dr. Alexander! <3
Maria McKeon
2 years agoThis just gave me so much confirmation and confidence! I spoke to every guest in my non profit to believe in this message! ❤I am being the change and knew this in my soul…