11 Minutes in Heaven: Woman Dies and Comes Back to Tell Her Story
Miracle woman, Charlotte Holmes, was clinically dead for 11 minutes. She recalls seeing her lifeless body and then going to heaven. Hear her amazing story and the message she has to share with us.
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The 700 Club
1 year agoFor more inspirational stories and helpful links, see below:
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The Truth Doctor
1 year agoI’m a born again Christian living for God but based on this video it makes me angry, frustrated, and dismayed, for what kind of a God just sits there allowing those souls to be tortured in hell?!?
Peter Bellingham
1 year ago❤❤❤❤
Gary Richards
1 year agoHow do you know it was 11 minutes ???
titan speaker man
1 year agoThanks now I m not scared when I die
Caper Boy
1 year agoThe bible clearly says that we won’t go to heaven until the second coming of Christ where he will judge the living and the dead
Jill A
1 year agoYeah she saw the nurses and doctors doing CPR. I believe there is a afterlife. She’s very lucky cause usually after 10 minutes of no heartbeat and lack of oxygen, there’s the high risk of brain damage or brain dead.
Harvey Linney
1 year ago😂 lol. Yeahhhhhh okay.
Master lee
1 year agoThe trees roots do not lie in this universe, it growth began in the first universe until its growth start to push against other types of space causing what some could call big bangs. 9 times did this happen. The place near where creation began lies near mimir's well a place of vast stores of wisdom and information more then the human mind can hold . That tree grows and expands. I have been to this place when my body died before returning to my flesh. The connection between well and soul remains after returning on a smaller scale. Not a real tree but a representation of a tree. Not real water, more like a endless ocean of information, Data, wisdom, knowledge.
Real Talk
1 year agoWhy would God let me suffer?
All I do is suffer.
I am tortured
and tormented
and haunted
and debilitated
and terrorized
and traumatized.
There's no escape from this hell I'm in.
I desperately plead to die.
God has forsaken me.
All I do is suffer.
44 years of suicidal depression
with no escape.
I beg and plead to die.
Rage and grief:
rape and torture me.
I'm in hell.
He betrayed and abandoned me,
discarded me like garbage.
Replaced me for another.
This was a karmic friendship,
meant to be there for a limited time (17-months-ish)
to teach you, about yourself!
About boundaries, self-love, self-respect, self-worth, etc…
About a whole plethora of magical, juicy, alchemical things!
The universe, God, your guides, your ancestors, have pushed you, lovingly,
in the perfect direction: into your own magnificent magical miraculous freedom!
Harry F
1 year agoDid she go to heaven or to paradise. Yeshua said to the thief on the cross, tonight you will be with me in paradise. Now ai am sure that paradise and heaven is not the same place. Everyone that has been to heaven tells a different story. If they all went to heaven shouldn't their stories be consistent?
Steven Burton
1 year agoVery cool…thanks for posting
1 year agoNot in Heaven but in the world of spirits.
Dar Z3
1 year agoTen months ago I had a cardiac arrest. The EMTs told my wife it didn't look good. After 4 ambulance rides and a helicopter transport the doctors brought me back which took about two months. Another three months of relearning to walk, talk, how to remember thing and not fall over.
I do not remember anything during the event – no sounds, stimuli, no heaven, no grandma or pet dog. Complete darkness. Just blackness. Non existence. So I'm sorry if all you want a guarantee of more. For me I ceased to exist.
1 year agoPaul said he was taken into Heaven and "how he was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter." (2nd Corinthians 12:4) … so whenever I see these stories of someone claiming to have seen Heaven and blatantly describing what they saw, I just shake my head and move on. What they're doing is CONTRARY to God's Word, and thus cannot be believed.
nathon hamilton
1 year agoWAS it heaven or was it all in the ladies head????….who knows?
Chazaq YAHawadah
1 year agoNOT BIBLICAL!
Neil Morris
1 year agoWhen god is with you who can be against you
1 year agoI hate to bring it to you but the experience she described isn’t real.
1 year ago00:12 Beautiful #flower
Take care of #heart. Follow #joy
Meditate near #rose plant
Cameron Beisel.
1 year agoWhen you're about to die, your brain is deprived of oxygen and you start tripping. The oxygen deprivation, combined with our brain resisting the idea of oblivion, manifests in visions of the religion you ascribe too.
Hindus see Vishnu, which proves Svarga is real.
Christians see God or Jesus, which prove heaven is real.
This lady has been waiting her whole life to see the child she lost, so her near death experience had her imagining meeting her child in a field of flowers.
Usually we see these hallucinations and then die with them, but some people are resuscitated and live to tell the tale.
Leanne Parker
1 year agoI lost my grandad when I was a baby…..he never got to see me grow up 😭
Leanne Parker
1 year agoHeaven is real ❤️💕❤️💕