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Local business owner makes remarkable recovery from near-death experience on Mt. Spokane

Apr 2023 27
Local business owner makes remarkable recovery from near-death experience on Mt. SpokaneYou may know Mark Starr from his nearly 30 years of making pizzas at David's Pizza, and his involvement in so many community events. But an event in December up at Mount Spokane changed his life forever, and in fact, it could have ended it. "I was up there on a day I wasn't even scheduled," Starr said. Mark started a side gig up on the mountain for something fun to do outside of David's, working with the crew and grooming the runs before skiing himself. After sundown the evening of December 17, Mark was grooming a run he hadn't......

Jeremy Renner’s Miraculous Recovery: From Near-Death to Six Flags in Just Months, Entertainment News

Apr 2023 24
Jeremy Renner’s Miraculous Recovery: From Near-Death to Six Flags in Just Months, Entertainment News#jeremy #jeremyrenner #news #entertainmentnews #shorts #viral #trending Description: In this inspiring video, we take a closer look at Jeremy Renner's miraculous recovery after being run over by a snowplow on New Year's Day. From massive injuries to near-death experience, Jeremy's journey to healing is nothing short of inspiring. Join us as we delve into the details of his story, including the bone-chilling animation of the accident, his road to recovery, and his recent fun day out at Six Flags with his family. You don't want to miss this tale of strength, resilience, and triumph over adversity. So, grab a seat......