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How A Spirit Chooses Next Parents & Soulmate After Death (Simply Explained)

Jan 2025 26
How A Spirit Chooses Next Parents & Soulmate After Death (Simply Explained)What Happens After Death And Where Our Souls Go When We Die. The Tibetan Book of the Dead (Bardo Thodol) is an ancient Tibetan Buddhist text, traditionally attributed to Padmasambhava, guiding the deceased through the Bardo—the intermediate states between death and rebirth. It offers instructions for the dying process, the dissolution of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space), and navigating the Bardo stages: the Painful Bardo of Dying, the Luminous Bardo of Dharmata (clear light), and the Karmic Bardo of Becoming (rebirth). The text teaches the soul to recognize the clear light of ultimate reality, achieve liberation,......

An Encounter with God: How a Near Death Experience Transformed Her Desire to Return

Sep 2023 09
An Encounter with God: How a Near Death Experience Transformed Her Desire to ReturnIn this video, Tricia Barker tells the story of how a near death experience changed her desire to return to Earth.After a car accident left her with serious injuries, Tricia had a NDE and a powerful encounter with light beings, and God. Tricia's death experience changed her entire perspective on life, and now, despite what she thought she wanted in life, she ended up becoming a teacher, and loves it. @triciabarker_nde Professor, Author, Near-Death Experiencer, Intuitive, Medium, @ThetaHealer Book: Angels In The OR EARTH TO THE OTHER SIDE SOCIALS: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: @earthtotheotherside Email: ettos1111@gmail.com #afterlife , #neardeathexperiences, #lifeafterdeath source