What resemblance do today’s ethnonationalistic ideologies bear to those which surged during the rise of the Nazis in the Weimar-era? Quite a lot, this documentary shows. Germany’s far-right neo-nazi scene is now bigger than at any time since National Socialism. History may not repeat itself, but one can still learn from it. The years of the Weimar Republic were scarred by post-war trauma, political extremism, street fighting, hyper-inflation and widespread poverty. But they also saw economic boom, the establishment of a liberal democratic order and a parliamentary party system. Nobody could really imagine that the Nazis would brush aside the......
Social media are influencing the way women feel about their own bodies. Young women in particular are constantly being confronted with pictures of beautiful female bodies online - images which have almost always been digitally enhanced. This documentary take a long and alarming look at young women whose everyday lives are dictated by the search for bodily perfection. The more users click their way through Instagram, Facebook and so on, the greater their dissatisfaction with their own appearance becomes. Hardly anyone can escape the pull of this illusory world, where beauty, fitness and lifestyle count for everything. The consequences an......
Is paradise waiting for us in the afterlife? Some people who have had near-death experiences say they have glimpsed the afterlife. Medical experts doubt this, however, in the absence of any scientific explanations. Are near-death experiences authentic reports from the afterlife? Or a figment of the imagination? A bright light at the end of a tunnel, a short film of one's own life and indescribable feelings of happiness - this is how brain researcher Gerhard Roth describes his near-death experience. He is not alone: thousands of people have such experiences every year. What‘s behind these reports? Scientists are working intensively......