Ultimate Near Miss Video Compilation 2023 – Insane Truck & Car Crash Compilation 2023
Mar 2024
Special thanks to the owners:
Crazy Bus VS Dangerous Roads | Bus Nearly Falls off Cliff
Extremely Dangerous Heavy Equipment Fails |Huge Cranes Collapse & Demolition Excavators Gone Wrong
Amateur Huge Tree Felling Fails | Big Tree Falls into Trucks & Houses
Crazy Bus VS Dangerous Road | Bus Crossing River Fails, Dangerous Bus Driving Skills
Extreme Dangerous Dump Truck Fails |Truck climbing Steep Hills, Falls to Water & Crossing Muddy Road
If you have any question, please COMMENT BELOW or CONTACT US through : emilyprawde@gmail.com
Thank you!
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--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/ultimate-near-miss-video-compilation-2023-insane-truck-car-crash-compilation-2023/
11 months ago14:20 лопату нннада? вообще не жалко долбойобов что вдвоем полезли по газовой трубе…
11 months ago10:45 слабоумие и отвага
11 months ago4:35 always look both sides before going 👍
11 months ago17:33
11 months ago1:32
Dudeeee, look at that spine got crushed by engine block by dirt bike. Maannn, this is awful to see.. 😢
11 months agoZero sympathy for the guys riding the crotch rockets
11 months ago11:37 low iq . why he didn't run to the right "save zone"
11 months ago7:42 is that man still alive ??
11 months ago4:36 they steal the dog im sure
11 months ago15:20 What kind of miserable person do you have to be to laugh your head off here?
11 months ago4:34 o muleque loiro atravessa sem olhar para os lados, depois de quase ser atropelhado o que ele faz quando vai atravessar a outra rua ? EXATAMENTE !
11 months ago17:46 And simply physics my friend 🗿
11 months ago1:31 that…
Was a vertical takedown
11 months agothe dude who jumped across the chasm,and the rocks slid off after he jumped….i'd be like "well, i guess i'll see you in the next world!"
11 months agoPhew just that these are just injuries and not deaths.
11 months agoYaşar abi ne alaka olm
11 months agoDaming Tanga sa mundo
11 months ago16:01 台灣人站出來啊 幹!
11 months ago3:50 Just because Napoleon Dynamite does it doesn’t mean you should.
11 months ago3:23 You fucking Cockpit
11 months ago4:34 kid almost dies then runs across the other road without looking. wtf.
11 months agoA Bear ? That's not a vehicle… Dislike for wrong TITLE..
11 months ago15:19
Their friend is being carried away in an avalanche and these dimwits think it’s funny.
This is why skiers didn’t relate well to snowboarders back in the 80s.
And apparently such still applies.
11 months ago2:41
Dead man walking.
I’ll bet he didn’t learn.
Inferior equipment, judgement and attitude.
11 months ago16:58 волгоград?
11 months agoThe in 6:57 is VietNam❤
11 months agoWhy you steal videos?
11 months agoat 4:30 who notest the car getting bird pooped on it
11 months agoI wonder if that skier who went off piste is piste off
11 months agoสุดใจขาดดิ้น
11 months ago😢😢😢😢😢😢
11 months agoDOMENICA 31 DECEMBER 😢
11 months ago2:39 bro
11 months agoНет нет стоп Я слышал тут российская несколько раз Я просто слышал английские это и Россия есть ЖК
11 months ago@4:27 I live like 8 blocks away from there. I've been to that 7Eleven multiple times
11 months agoI like how often spectators will stand there and look at people while they are dying or nearly dying and make no attempt to help. Just continue recording.
11 months ago17:21 ?
11 months agoTeam 🚙🚘🚗
11 months ago3:06 I have driven both cars and motorbikes and sorry but I have absolutely 0% sympathy for people who ride like this, if anything I think it’s deserved because if you think that, just cause you ride a motorbike you can lane split therefor going twice if not 3x the other cars general speed is alright then your just waiting for this to happen and it hopefully will have taught him a lesson about driving like an idiot. What if he had died and then his death is then on that person who was switching lanes for the rest of their lives.
11 months ago10:53–10:59 Lady in the Judy Garland dress…what is she doing??😂😭
11 months agoSiempre hay un Chileno 😂
11 months ago4:24 I've been looking for this video! What is it called?
11 months agoThis is not GTA…
11 months agoare motor cyclists really dumb? you are not allowed to lane split at those speeds
11 months agoMan the start was just someone who ate Taco Bell and almost took some people with em
11 months agoYou see Bulls only attack things that move.
11 months agoNear misses? I'm pretty sure I watched at least 3 or 4 people die…
11 months agoI thought this was instagram's job
11 months ago16:12 gonna have to rewind that audio book!