The Near Death Experience in Plato's Republic (NDE of Er and why Plato included it);
Recommended Books (Amazon Affiliate/paid Links) As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
I. Philosophy for beginners
I recommend starting (or continuing) your study of philosophy with the following three clear, entertaining, accurate, and insightful books.
1) Looking at Philosophy by Donald Palmer:
2) The Philosophy Gym by Stephen Law:
3) The Worlds Religion by Huston Smith
II. Good Introductions to Ethics
1) Ethics for Beginners by Peter Kreeft:
2) Elements of Moral Philosophy:
(buy an earlier and chapter edition)
III. Some Great Books
1. G.K. Chesterton’s Orthodoxy (you can also find it free online)
2. Anthony De Mello’s Way to Love (a short pocket book full of wisdom):
3. Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning:
4. Stephen Mitchell’s version of the Tao Te Ching (short pocket book with commentary at end):
5. Ann Faraday’s Dream Game (a practical & lucid introduction to dream interpretation that any kid can do… Freud, Jung, dreams):
6. Dostoevsky’s Grand Inquisitor:
IV. Logic
1. Hurley’s Introduction to Aristotelian and formal/symbolic Logic is probably the most used text in colleges (buy an older & cheaper edition):
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