🙏 Join our YouTube membership and help us get stories from around the globe 👉 ⭐ Check Out More Of Reed's NDE Near Death Experience 👉 DEATH: A Compilation of Transformative Near-Death Experiences Today's NDE afterlife experience is from Reed Moores. After a typical day Reed went to sleep and found himself in a tunnel with many others that understood they all had died. He was shown many things that changed his perspective and understanding of life and death. Reedmoores.com(upcoming website) #neardeathexperience #neardeathexperiences #nde 🔴 LISTEN TO THE SHOW (PODCAST) iTunes: Spotify: 🎧 LISTEN TO OUR INTERVIEWER'S PODCAST ETHEREALITY BY......
“There have been a lot of errors in the pandemic and it’s cost human lives.” As the coronavirus pandemic spread throughout the population, hospitals became overrun with patients. The lack of personal protective equipment meant that doctors, nurses and other staff risked their lives in order to save others. A doctor, who was pregnant during the pandemic, explains the chaos within the NHS, why she was forced to quit and how it was covered up. Informer is a series where we hear the anonymised confessions and insights of people on the inside of different industries, institutions and events. Click here......
⭐ If you think you might benefit from therapy, consider our sponsor BetterHelp 👉 and get a 10% discount on your first month of therapy. 🙏 Join our YouTube membership and help us get stories from around the globe 👉 ⭐ Today's NDE afterlife experience is from Peter Anthony. He died on the operating table in the hospital and found himself comfortably observing his body while he was in spirit form. He then proceeded to go on a journey on the other side full of downloads, being reunited with family and friends, an astonishing life-review, an many insights about the......
⭐ Thank you to Factor for sponsoring this video! Head to and use code 'otherside50' to get 50% off! 🙏 Join our YouTube membership and help us get stories from around the globe 👉 Check Out More Of Ray's NDE Near Death Experience 👉 ⭐ Today's NDE afterlife experience is from Ray Catania. As a very young and troubled man Ray witnessed the other side but tried for many years to deny the existence of an afterlife. He didn't want any after effects. He didn't even know what that meant but after returning to his body, regardless, things changed for......
⭐If you think you might benefit from therapy, consider our sponsor BetterHelp 👉 and get a 10% discount on your first month of therapy. 🙏 Join our YouTube membership and help us get stories from around the globe 👉 ⭐ Today's NDE afterlife experience is from Holland Church. Warned by an angel that something significant would happen, at 5 years old Holland experienced something that colored his perspective growing up in a way that is different than most. Hit by a car he said there was no pain getting hit or leaving his body. It was coming back that hurt......
⭐If you think you might benefit from therapy, consider our sponsor BetterHelp 👉 and get a 10% discount on your first month of therapy. 🙏 Join our YouTube membership and help us get stories from around the globe 👉 ⭐ Today's NDE afterlife experience is from Susanne Seymoure. What started as a normal day at the mountain with family very quickly became their worst nightmare. As horrifying as the accident was, Susanne was blessed with a medical miracle.They say it was impossible for her to have survived this experience, yet she did. Check Out More Of Susanne’s NDE Near Death......
🙏 Join our YouTube membership and help us get stories from around the globe 👉 ⭐Today's NDE afterlife experience is from Ray Feurstein. Ray was told to convey a message to a family member about things he couldn't possibly know and that family member validated everything he said. It was all just a matter of fact yet still the magic of the universe never fails to amaze. After two near death experiences Ray lives a life liberated from the fear of death and hopes to encourage others that there is a beautiful life after life. Contact Ray 👉 #neardeathexperience #neardeathexperiences......
Death - Start learning about everything STEM with Brilliant!: Merch: We all experience it. We all have dealt with it. We all become it. Here's to death. Stay connected with Aperture: Website: Instagram: Twitter: Tip My Bitcoin Address: 3PiJLqUaXT6T7FsuRY5Jdv72ZUYxgRVPrf source
MÍOPE, ELE VIA PERFEITAMENTE NA EQM. MYOPIC, HE SAW PERFECTLY IN NDE. Assistam agora a segunda parte da entrevista do Sérgio Bastos, em que ele dá detalhes de sua EQM, sobre como ele enxergava perfeitamente mesmo sendo míope e enxergava através das coisas. Se você não assistiu ainda a primeira parte, corre lá e assiste, e depois volte aqui. O link da primeira parte é Bom proveito a todos. E se você teve uma Experiência de Quase-Morte, ou EQM, e gostaria de compartilhar a sua história conosco, por favor escreva para o email afinaloquesomosnos@gmail.com . Essa é uma nova fronteira......
A Yara, jornalista, aos 34 anos, durante um procedimento cirurgico, foi anestesiada e teve uma Experiência de Quase-Morte ou EQM. Ela se viu em um túnel branco, com muitas pessoas, maravilhoso. Mas ela ficou desesperada, pois por mais que ele chamasse, ninguém olhava para ela. Vamos ouvir a história dela? | Yara, a journalist, when she was 34 years old, during a surgical procedure, was anesthetized and went through a Near-Death Experience, or NDE. She found herself in a white and wonderful tunnel, in which there were many people. And she got desperate, because no matter how much he called,......