✨ Next Level Soul TV: A Spiritual "Netflix" - A Conscious Revolution in Streaming! ✨ 👉 Enjoy uninterrupted access to conscious and enlightening movies, shows, live events and NLS Podcast—Ad Free. Stream Now! All links to today's guest's books and official site - click below: 👉 Book: Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences 👉 --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------- On today's episode, we welcome Dr. Jeffrey Long, a leading researcher on near-death experiences (NDEs) who has devoted more than 25 years to studying these profound encounters. He shares some of his most compelling discoveries and how......
22:22 माँ काली 🕉 उसे कहीं मुँह दिखाने लायक नहीं छोड़ूंगी 🕉 #shivshakti 22:22 माँ काली 🕉 उसने ऐसा क्या देख लिया जो उसकी रूह कांप गई है 🕉 #shivshakti मां काली को प्रसन्न करने वाला मंत्र... तांत्रिक ग्रंथों में मां भगवती काली को प्रसन्न करने के लिए एक बहुत ही गुप्त मंत्र बताया गया है। इस मंत्र के संबंध में कहा जाता है कि यह मंत्र हर किसी को नहीं दिया जाता, यानि इसे गुरु द्वारा केवल योग्य तथा समर्थ शिष्यों को ही प्रदान किया जाता है। बताया जाता है कि इस मंत्र के प्रयोग में मां काली का......
Have you've ever wonder what it means when the flame of your candle moves, fast, dances, has a high flame, low flame ecc when doing spells and magick? In this video I will explain to you what your flame means. I hope you enjoy the video and learn something new. Blessed be source
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On today's video we talk about crystals and sage smudges, I'm showing you my collection of crystals 😊❤️ enjoy the video Nehtsha Website - RING Light - @lu_imprint I tried Turmeric mask - I shaved my 5 year old Natural 4c Hair - Gentle magic skin care products - #crystals #spirituality #roadto1Ksubs source
Randy Schiefer shares the story of his Near-Death Experience, occurring after contracting Covid-19 in 2020 and being put on a ventilator for 31 days. He survived and shares his incredible experience of the Other Side. His life was changed forever and his story is a gift to all of us about waking up to what this life is truly about. "I have such peace and calmness now in my life and it has totally changed me as a person" - Randy Schiefer *Watch All our Near-Death Experience Stories* ⇨ *Subscribe to our Newsletter* ⇨ Where we explore the meaning and......
Want to Watch Dr. Scott Taylor's FREE Video Event on How to Meet Your Deceased Loved Ones & NDEs? 👉 All links to today's guest's books and official site - click below: 👉 --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------- Dr. Scott Taylor is the President of the Expanded Awareness Institute. EAI helps people interested in near-death and shared-death experiences explore what that experience means to them and our culture. Scott’s gift is the ability to make the exploration of the nonphysical universe accessible to the curious. His first-hand encounter with a shared NDE occurred in 1981, and he has been......
Where each of us go after we die is one of life's biggest questions. Many of us have religions and beliefs that helps give us hope for the afterlife and others have a rare gift of experiencing what they call a Near Death Experience. For all of your news, weather and sports needs: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on twitter: @upnorthlive.com Download our app, available for iPhone and Android! source
Watch FREE Video Event on How to Meet & Speak to Your Deceased Loved Ones & NDEs 👉 Watch this FREE Course: The Sacred Journey of Dying 👉 All links to today's guest's books and official site - click below: 👉 --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------- Christopher Kerr, MD, PhD, is the Chief Medical Officer and Chief Executive Officer for Hospice & Palliative Care Buffalo. Alongside direct patient care, Dr. Kerr’s focus is in the areas of leadership and patient advocacy. He has overseen the integration and expansion of palliative care into hospitals and developed a large home-based program......