Hello friends, An 87-year-old Canadian patient was suffering from a seizure. During his brain scan, he, unfortunately, died because of a heart attack. But, doctors ended up accidentally capturing brain scans. And his scans reveal that people might indeed have their whole life flashed in front of their eyes when they die. In fact, there are some cases in which people come back into life after death, and share their near-death experiences. But how? Is this even possible? Does life flash before we die?? Let's find out!! Instagram (Personal account) → source
Does our life really flash before our eyes when we die? Neuroscience may finally have clues to an answer. Near-death experiences are a curious phenomenon shared by millions of people throughout history who nearly died but ultimately survived. Though the specifics differ, most of these folks recall experiencing a sense of serenity sweep over them when death was near. Frequently, they describe floating free of their bodies, or seeing their entire lives flash before their eyes, before returning to life. Imagine suddenly being outside your body, watching memorable events from your whole life flash by in a matter of seconds!......