Ra is erroneously known as a sun god. In reality, the ancient Africans were expressing and concept that any Christian would be familiar with today. Understanding the concept of Ra has practical application for those familiar with the law of attraction. Connect the origin of bible scripture and get a deeper understanding beyond a literal interpretation of the bible. Click the link below to find out more about my upcoming online class on Kemetic Science 2.0 Books on Channel is amazon affiliate link, please support the channel covers may differ because of editions Blacked Out Through White Wash The Pagan......
Gogo Zanemvula is joined by Thau-Thau Haramanuba to educate on our African spiritual history and interrogate the various branches of modern African spirituality, their authenticity and sustainability. Join this channel to get access to perks: source
Unlock the Secrets of Ancient African Spirituality: Empower Yourself & Your Community 🌍 Ever wondered who ancient Africans prayed to before colonization? This captivating video delves into the heart of this burning question, breaking free from the religious paradigm that has shaped our understanding for generations. Journey with us as we explore the rich spiritual beliefs and practices of ancient Africans before slavery, and uncover the profound wisdom they held. More importantly, you'll learn how embracing these ancient beliefs can ignite your self-confidence, empower your personal growth, and inspire you to build a thriving community. Join our family of subscribers......
Kemetic symbolism is often misunderstood because the framework of the symbolism is not known. Understanding functional equivalents will help you tap into your inner knowledge and wisdom when viewing the symbolism. This is simple teaching but advanced beyond most understanding of the symbolism. The class is open for signups. Click the link below to get information and to register. Books on Channel is amazon affiliate link, please support the channel covers may differ because of editions Blacked Out Through White Wash The Pagan Christ Ancient Egypt light of the world Beyond Belief Who is this king of glory Sacred Science......