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An Encounter with God: How a Near Death Experience Transformed Her Desire to Return

Sep 2023 09
An Encounter with God: How a Near Death Experience Transformed Her Desire to ReturnIn this video, Tricia Barker tells the story of how a near death experience changed her desire to return to Earth.After a car accident left her with serious injuries, Tricia had a NDE and a powerful encounter with light beings, and God. Tricia's death experience changed her entire perspective on life, and now, despite what she thought she wanted in life, she ended up becoming a teacher, and loves it. @triciabarker_nde Professor, Author, Near-Death Experiencer, Intuitive, Medium, @ThetaHealer Book: Angels In The OR EARTH TO THE OTHER SIDE SOCIALS: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: @earthtotheotherside Email: ettos1111@gmail.com #afterlife , #neardeathexperiences, #lifeafterdeath source